焊条的选用原则 - 范文中心




Principle of the selection of electrode


(1) considering the mechanical properties of weld metal and chemical into for ordinary structural steel, usually requires the strength of weld metal and base, should choose deposited metal tensile strength equal to or slightly higher than that of parent metal electrode. Sometimes require for alloy structural steel alloy composition is the same as the parent metal or close to. In welding structure rigidity, high joint stress, weld crack generating adverse circumstances, should consider to choose lower than the strength of parent metal electrode. When the base of carbon, sulfur and phosphorus content on the high side when yuan, such as weld easy to produce cracks, should choose good low hydrogen type electrode crack resistance.


(2) : consider using performance of welded components and working conditions under dynamic load and impact load of weldment, in addition to meet the strength requirement, the main should guarantee the weld metal has higher plasticity and toughness, can choose plastic, high toughness index of the low hydrogen type electrode. Weldment of contact corrosion medium, should according to the nature of the medium and the corrosive characteristics of stainless steel electrode or other corrosion resistant electrode. In the high temperature, low temperature, abrasion, or other work under the special conditions of

weldment, should choose the corresponding heat resistant steel, low temperature steel welding rod, welding or other special purposes.


(3) : welding structure characteristics and stress conditions on the structure of complex shape, large rigidity large and thick welding parts, in the process of welding, fast cooling and contraction stress is big, easy to produce cracks, should choose good crack resistance and good toughness, high plasticity, low hydrogen cracking tendency of the electrode. Such as the low hydrogen type electrode, low hydrogen type electrode and high toughness electrode, etc.


: welding conditions (4) considering when cannot reverse welding welding parts, should be chosen for all position welding electrode. To force is not big, the welding parts difficult to clean up the weldment, should choose is not sensitive to rust, scale, oil acid electrode. There is no dc welder, must choose ac, dc amphibious electrode. In small or poor ventilation condition, under the condition of meet the performance requirements, should choose acid electrode or low dust electrode.


(5) considering the production efficiency and economical: electrode in acid and alkaline welding rod can meet the requirements, should try to choose acid electrode. The structure of welding workload big, conditional should try choosing electrode with high efficiency, such as iron powder electrode, gravity electrode and bottom electrode, vertical

down welding and high-performance stainless steel electrode, etc. This is not only beneficial to the improvement of productivity, but also conducive to the stability of welding quality and improve.


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