反应釜译文 - 范文中心





1、 目的

为正确使用、维护、清洁搪玻璃反应釜,使各项操作标准化、规范化,延长设备使用寿命,保障安全生产,稳定产品质量,特制订本规程。 2 范围

本规程适用于公司所有搪玻璃反应釜使用、维护、清洁过程的管理。 3 职责

3.1 工程技术部负责本规程的编制、修订和实施过程的监督,生产部搪玻璃反应釜使用、维护、清洁人员负责实施。

3.2 本规程及其修订版本经总工程师批准后颁布实施。工程技术部负责将本规程及其修订版本报送行政部备案。

3.3 工程技术部负责配合生产部组织本规程相关人员的培训考核。 4 使用操作规程

4.1 使用准备


4.1.2 电气检查内容:目视检查并确认搅拌电机外观完整、接地线接


4.1.3 润滑系统检查内容:目视检查填料密封处填料压盖是否已到底、单端面机密封的油杯内是否有油、双端面机械密封的润滑系统中油量是否充足、减速机内油量是否到达油视窗1/3处、各润滑系统有无漏油处。

4.1.4 管线系统检查内容:检查各联接管线上的阀门、管线、管件和保温层是否完好、有无泄漏处,手动阀门的操作手柄或手轮是否完好,阀门是否处于关闭状态、阀门的开启和闭合是否顺利,安全阀是否处于关闭状态,所需用的公用工程是否已准备好。

4.1.5 仪表系统检查内容:检查并确认温度、液位、压力及其他仪表的显示处于正常状态,相关指示正确。

4.2 试启动:点动搅拌器开关,检查并确认搅拌器运转方向正确。(如采用外循环强制润滑系统进行减速机或密封的润滑,应在启动搅拌器前启动外循环装置。)

4.3 按工艺要求将物料投入釜内(一般釜内物料不宜超过全釜容积的2/3,对于K型搪玻璃反应釜,物料在搅拌状态下的液面不宜高于反应釜体与釜盖的法兰面),启动搅拌电机,按工艺要求通入加热或冷却介质,控制温度、压力和反应时间,同时进行其他相关操作。反应完毕后,按工艺要求向夹套内进冷却水或冷冻冰盐水,将物料的温

















1、听减速机和电机声音是否正常,摸减速机、电机、机座轴承等各部位的开车温度情况:一般温度 ≤ 40℃、 最高温度 ≤60℃(手背在上可停留8秒以上为正常)。










4.4 操作注意事项

4.4.1 搪玻璃反应釜使用过程中严禁温度骤冷、骤热,以免损坏搪玻璃表面。搪玻璃反应釜耐温急变(即反应釜温与加热或冷却介质温度之间差)为:热冲击≤100℃,冷冲击≤90℃。在通入蒸汽加热时,夹套内的水要先放净。开启蒸汽或冷却水进口阀时,不可一次性全开,要预先通入至夹套压力在0.1MPa左右,保持数分钟后,再分次缓慢开启进口阀,以防止冷热冲击损坏设备。升温(或降温)速度应保持在3℃/分钟左右,最大不宜超过5℃/分钟。

4.4.2 严禁敲击搪玻璃面或其外壳,操作时应防止硬物掉入釜内损坏搪玻璃面。

4.4.3 操作中尽量避免釜体外壳与酸、碱等腐蚀性液体接触,一旦有物料接触应及时用抹布擦洗干净。

4.4.4 禁止用水冲洗设备,避免保温层损坏。

4.4.5 在开启人孔或手孔时,人孔或手孔盖的搪玻璃面应面向下放在由软木做成的支架上,不可使搪玻璃面直接放在硬地面或钢平台上,或是将搪玻璃面向上放置。拆下的卡子应就近整齐放好,不可妨碍操作或行走。

4.4.6 操作过程中应经常观察温度计套管是否与物料接触。由于搪玻璃管的热阻较大,一般罐内的温度显示与实际温度有一定程度的滞后,升温、降温操作时应考虑到热惯性和显示滞后因素的影响。

4.4.6 最低气温≤0℃时,应在使用完毕后放尽夹套内的存水,避免设备因冰冻而损坏。

4.4.7 对于装配有机械密封的反应釜,密封部位应保持清洁。

4.4.8 出料时如遇釜底堵塞,不应用金属器具打,可用竹竿或塑料棒、木棒轻轻捅开。出料时如发现有搪玻璃碎屑,应立即开罐检查,修补后再用。

4.4.9 搪玻璃设备不适用于下列介质或物料的反应、聚合、贮存、换热等化工过程:





5 维护操作

5.1 检查维护内容

5.1.1 检查接管、法兰、阀门,更换泄漏处的垫圈、阀门、填料,并紧固松动的螺栓。

5.1.2 检查传动系统各部件有无松动,搅拌器手动盘车是否轻松,搅拌桨摆动量是否过大。

5.1.3 检查在运行中有无异常声响。

5.1.4 检查润滑部位并按时依照标准加注合格的润滑油(脂),润滑油量应保持在油视窗1/3处。

5.1.5 检查填料和密封状况,检查外露的机械密封弹簧是否受腐蚀,调整机械密封动环压紧量。

5.1.6 检查各仪表工作是否正常并定期校验。

5.1.7 检查夹套有无泄漏、穿孔,修补保温层并补好油漆。

5.1.8 检查搪玻璃表面有无明显破损,设备的外表面有无腐蚀处。

5.1.9 定期检查电机接线是否完好,电机、电线绝缘是否完好,接地电阻值是否符合规定。


5.2 常见故障处理

故障现象 产生原因 处理方法

超温、超压 1.仪表失灵,控制不严格 1.检查、修复控制系统,严格执行仪表校验管理规定

2.原料配比不当造成剧烈反应 2. 立即停止加热操作,注意保持反应釜放空阀通畅,必要时通过降温减缓或终止反应,按工艺要求处理物料。

密封不严、漏水、漏气、漏料 1.填料磨损或质量差 1.更换填料

2.阀门、法兰等密封面不严 2.更换阀门、法兰、垫片

3.机械密封泄漏或密封液向釜内泄漏 3.检查机械


4.设备本体发生腐蚀。 4.修理或更换

5.设备联接附件或管件阀门泄漏 5.检查并处理。


足 6.紧固或补足卡子或螺栓


异常声响 1.搅拌器摩擦罐内附件、搅拌轴弯曲变形、搅拌器松动

1. 停车检查、校正、修理并紧固螺栓

2.轴承损坏 2.修理或更换轴承

3.釜内有异物 3.停车,清理釜内异物

3.罐体或衬里鼓包 3.停止使用,由专业维修人员处理

联轴节响声大或振动 1.螺栓松动 1.紧固联轴节螺栓

2.间隙过大 2.调整联轴节间隙或更换联轴节 6 清洁操作

6.1 每批生产结束后,用抺布将设备外壁擦洗干净,禁止用大量的水连续冲洗设备外部,避免保温层损坏。

6.2 按工艺要求,生产一定时间后,应对反应釜内进行清洗。较长时间(≥72小时)停产后,开班前设备应重新清洗。

6.3 清洁标准:单个品种使用(专用)的设备清洗至不能发现可视


6.4 清洗操作人应及时填写清洗记录,经验收人(当班班长、后续操作人员或设备/工艺管理人员)验收并签字确认。


8.1 培训对象:搪玻璃反应釜操作人员

8.2 培训时间:四小时

Honing Glass The Reaction Kettle Use, Maintenance And


1 purpose

For the correct use, maintenance and clean glass honing the reaction kettle, make the operation of standardization of the equipment, prolong service life, guarantee the safety of

production, stable product quality, these rules are formulated for the.

2 scope

This procedure is applicable to all company honing glass the reaction kettle use, maintenance and cleaning process


3 duty

3.1 engineering department is responsible for this procedure, revision, and implementation of the process of supervision, production honing glass the reaction kettle use, maintenance and cleaning personnel responsible for implementation.

These rules and its revised version 3.2 after approval by the

chief engineer promulgated. These rules will be responsible for the engineering department and its revised version submitted to the administrative department for the record.

3.3 with engineering department is responsible for organizing the production department rules relevant personnel of training examination.

4 use operation procedures

4.1 to use

4.4.1 equipment examination content: visual check and make sure the equipment and accessories appearance no

abnormalities, each joint bands enough, links, tighten, bolt

connection without obvious, become loose, as a mirror clean, each interface requirements in accordance with sealed, without leakage, impeller lock nut no loose. The first test run, should first shaft motor, drive the mixer at least one circle turn above,

observe and confirm blender turns no abnormal sound, and not in a kettle and together.

4.1.2 electrical examination content: visual check and make sure the mixing motor complete, grounding connected look good, and the power cord complete, blender switch intact, kettle cover and kettle between body and deceleration machine, mixing the

electrostatic connection between motor intact, test and confirm depending on the hole in good light. Use of inflammable and explosive materials, you should confirm mixing motor for

explosion-proof electric motor, and has set up a file in

explosion-proof requirements for wiring and configuration

explosion-proof switch, otherwise it is strictly prohibited to use.

4.1.3 lubrication system examination content: visual inspection of the packing seal packing gland is already exactly, single seal face confidential sealing oil cup of oil, whether in a double seals lubrication system zhongyou a quantity to whether enough, deceleration machine oil arrived in whether oil Windows 1/3 place, all lubricating system for oil leakage place.

4.1.4 pipeline system examination content: check the connection line valve, pipeline, pipe fittings and thermal insulation layer is in good condition, leaks place, the operation of manual valves

handle or the handwheel is in good condition, whether the valve

is in the closed position, valves open and closed whether

smooth, whether the relief valve is in the closed position, have need of utilities ready or not.

4.1.5 instrument system examination content: check and monitor temperature, level, pressure and other instrument display in normal, and related instructions correct.

4.2 try start: the point start blender switch, check and make sure the blender operation in the correct direction. (such as the

external loop forced lubrication system or sealing machine of decelerate of lubrication, should be in start before the cycle device start mixer.)

According to the requirement of process will be 4.3 inputs in the kettle (general kettle is unfavorable exceed the kettle material within the volume of the two-thirds, for K type honing the

reaction kettle, materials in a glass mixing state of the liquid level should not be higher than the reaction kettle body and

kettle cover flange surface), start mixing motor, according to the requirement of process ventilation with heating or cooling

medium, control temperature, pressure and reaction time, and other related operation. After the completion of the reaction, according to the requirement of process to clip set inside into cooling water or frozen ice brine, the temperature of the material to process requirement, then open the discharge valve, and released or remove material

A, reactor operation:

1, drive the preparation before:

A, prepare the necessary drive tools, such as wrench, a pipe wrench, etc.;

B, ensure deceleration machine, engine bearings,

cauldron-using machine oil sealing box is not short of oil; C, confirm the transmission part in good condition, the point start motor, check whether stirring shaft clockwise rotation, forbidden to reverse;

D, with nitrogen (compressed air) try leak, check on whether the valve import and export pot leakage, related dynamic and static sealing points are have leakage point, which direct vent valve and pressure relief, see pressure can soon after discharge; 2, when driving requirements:

A, according to the process operation procedures feeding, start mixing operation;

B, the reaction kettle must be strictly implemented in the

operation process operation procedures, prohibit overheating temperature, pressure, overload running; All over temperature, pressure appear abnormal, overload, according to regulations to take immediate process related measures. Banned in the pot exceed the prescribed level response;

C, strictly according to the provisions of the ratio of the material and technology (bid) material, and balance control charging and the speed of temperature rise, due to the wrong or add ratio (bid) material too fast, cause jitters in the kettle, appear the

temperature, pressure, overload the abnormal situation, etc, and cause equipment safety accidents.

D, heating or cooling equipment, operation must move smoothly, to avoid stress and pressure temperature stress suddenly stack, make the equipment deformation or damage;

E, strict execution is presented in the management system, the equipment operation and in good condition into relief, and put an end to shift for not clear and abnormality and equipment


3, when parking requirements:

According to the process operation procedures deal with the reaction kettle material stop after mixing, and inspection, clean or purging related pipeline and equipment, and process

operation procedures according to confirm qualified for the next cycle after the operation.

Second, daily inspection maintenance:

1, listen to the speed reducer and motor voice is normal, touch deceleration machine, motor, base bearing of each place driving temperature condition: general than 40 ℃, the temperature of 60 ℃ than the highest temperature (the back can stay in more than 8 seconds for normal).

2, often check reducer for oil leakage, shaft seal is in good condition, see whether oil pump, check the oil level and slow change oily, cauldron-using machine oil sealing box is short of oil, add or update when necessary corresponding oil;

3, check the safety valve, explosion-proof film, pressure gauge, thermometer and other security device is correct or not sensitive to use, the relief valve, pressure gauge is validated, and seal in good condition, the red line pressure gauge whether correct stroke, explosion-proof membrane is leakage;

4, often listen to the reaction kettle inside the vibration and noise without exception;

5, keep stirring shaft clean see light, the axis of circular nut connected, stirring shaft rotation direction check whether it clockwise, forbidden to reverse;

6, regular into the pot to check the stirring, snake tube

attachment in the pot, and loose fastening bolts and, when necessary, replace the components.

7, check the reaction kettle all import and export valve is in good condition can be used, if there is a problem must be handled in time;

8, check the reaction kettle flange and base for such as bolt looseness, safety shield are in good condition and reliable;

9, check the reaction kettle ontology crack, deformation, or beat, perforation, corrosion, leakage phenomenon, heat preservation, paint is complete, have without falls off, burning situation;

10 for the equipment, health, ensure no pollution, equipment see true colors;

1, purpose

For the correct use, maintenance and clean glass honing the reaction kettle, make the operation of standardization of the equipment, prolong service life, guarantee the safety of

production, stable product quality, these rules are formulated for the.

2 scope

This procedure is applicable to all company honing glass the reaction kettle use, maintenance and cleaning process


3 duty

3.1 engineering department is responsible for this procedure, revision, and implementation of the process of supervision, production honing glass the reaction kettle use, maintenance and cleaning personnel responsible for implementation.

These rules and its revised version 3.2 after approval by the

chief engineer promulgated. These rules will be responsible for the engineering department and its revised version submitted to the administrative department for the record.

3.3 with engineering department is responsible for organizing the production department rules relevant personnel of training examination.

4 use operation procedures

4.1 to use

4.4.1 equipment examination content: visual check and make sure the equipment and accessories appearance no

abnormalities, each joint bands enough, links, tighten, bolt

connection without obvious, become loose, as a mirror clean, each interface requirements in accordance with sealed, without leakage, impeller lock nut no loose. The first test run, should first shaft motor, drive the mixer at least one circle turn above,

observe and confirm blender turns no abnormal sound, and not in a kettle and together.

4.1.2 electrical examination content: visual check and make sure the mixing motor complete, grounding connected look good, and the power cord complete, blender switch intact, kettle cover and kettle between body and deceleration machine, mixing the

electrostatic connection between motor intact, test and confirm depending on the hole in good light. Use of inflammable and explosive materials, you should confirm mixing motor for

explosion-proof electric motor, and has set up a file in

explosion-proof requirements for wiring and configuration

explosion-proof switch, otherwise it is strictly prohibited to use.

4.1.3 lubrication system examination content: visual inspection of the packing seal packing gland is already exactly, single seal face confidential sealing oil cup of oil, whether in a double seals lubrication system zhongyou a quantity to whether enough, deceleration machine oil arrived in whether oil Windows 1/3 place, all lubricating system for oil leakage place.

4.1.4 pipeline system examination content: check the connection line valve, pipeline, pipe fittings and thermal insulation layer is in good condition, leaks place, the operation of manual valves

handle or the handwheel is in good condition, whether the valve is in the closed position, valves open and closed whether

smooth, whether the relief valve is in the closed position, have need of utilities ready or not.

4.1.5 instrument system examination content: check and monitor temperature, level, pressure and other instrument display in normal, and related instructions correct.

4.2 try start: the point start blender switch, check and make sure the blender operation in the correct direction. (such as the

external loop forced lubrication system or sealing machine of decelerate of lubrication, should be in start before the cycle device start mixer.)

According to the requirement of process will be 4.3 inputs in the kettle (general kettle is unfavorable exceed the kettle material within the volume of the two-thirds, for K type honing the

reaction kettle, materials in a glass mixing state of the liquid level should not be higher than the reaction kettle body and

kettle cover flange surface), start mixing motor, according to the requirement of process ventilation with heating or cooling

medium, control temperature, pressure and reaction time, and other related operation. After the completion of the reaction, according to the requirement of process to clip set inside into cooling water or frozen ice brine, the temperature of the material to process requirement, then open the discharge valve, and released or remove material.

A, reactor operation:

1, drive the preparation before:

A, prepare the necessary drive tools, such as wrench, a pipe wrench, etc.;

B, ensure deceleration machine, engine bearings,

cauldron-using machine oil sealing box is not short of oil; C, confirm the transmission part in good condition, the point start motor, check whether stirring shaft clockwise rotation, forbidden to reverse;

D, with nitrogen (compressed air) try leak, check on whether the valve import and export pot leakage, related dynamic and static sealing points are have leakage point, which direct vent valve and pressure relief, see pressure can soon after discharge; 2, when driving requirements:

A, according to the process operation procedures feeding, start mixing operation;

B, the reaction kettle must be strictly implemented in the

operation process operation procedures, prohibit overheating temperature, pressure, overload running; All over temperature, pressure appear abnormal, overload, according to regulations to take immediate process related measures. Banned in the pot exceed the prescribed level response;

C, strictly according to the provisions of the ratio of the material and technology (bid) material, and balance control charging and the speed of temperature rise, due to the wrong or add ratio (bid) material too fast, cause jitters in the kettle, appear the

temperature, pressure, overload the abnormal situation, etc, and cause equipment safety accidents.

D, heating or cooling equipment, operation must move smoothly, to avoid stress and pressure temperature stress suddenly stack, make the equipment deformation or damage;

E, strict execution is presented in the management system, the equipment operation and in good condition into relief, and put an end to shift for not clear and abnormality and equipment


3, when parking requirements:

According to the process operation procedures deal with the reaction kettle material stop after mixing, and inspection, clean or purging related pipeline and equipment, and process

operation procedures according to confirm qualified for the next cycle after the operation.

Second, daily inspection maintenance:

1, listen to the speed reducer and motor voice is normal, touch deceleration machine, motor, base bearing of each place driving temperature condition: general than 40 ℃, the temperature of 60 ℃ than the highest temperature (the back can stay in more than 8 seconds for normal).

2, often check reducer for oil leakage, shaft seal is in good condition, see whether oil pump, check the oil level and slow change oily, cauldron-using machine oil sealing box is short of oil, add or update when necessary corresponding oil;

3, check the safety valve, explosion-proof film, pressure gauge, thermometer and other security device is correct or not sensitive to use, the relief valve, pressure gauge is validated, and seal in good condition, the red line pressure gauge whether correct stroke, explosion-proof membrane is leakage;

4, often listen to the reaction kettle inside the vibration and noise without exception;

5, keep stirring shaft clean see light, the axis of circular nut connected, stirring shaft rotation direction check whether it clockwise, forbidden to reverse;

6, regular into the pot to check the stirring, snake tube

attachment in the pot, and loose fastening bolts and, when necessary, replace the components.

7, check the reaction kettle all import and export valve is in good condition can be used, if there is a problem must be handled in time;

8, check the reaction kettle flange and base for such as bolt looseness, safety shield are in good condition and reliable;

9, check the reaction kettle ontology crack, deformation, or beat, perforation, corrosion, leakage phenomenon, heat preservation, paint is complete, have without falls off, burning situation;

10 for the equipment, health, ensure no pollution, equipment see true colors;

4.4 operation caution

4.4.1 honing reaction kettle glass process in the use of it is strictly prohibited to temperature cold snap, flash hot, lest

damage bathtub glass surface. Honing heat-resistant glass the reaction kettle JiBian (namely the reaction kettle temperature

and heating or cooling medium temperature difference between) : more than 100 ℃ thermal shock, the cold shock than 90 ℃. In ventilation with steam heating, clip set inside of water to put

clean. Open the steam and cooling water imported valves, not a full open, to advance to the pressure in the clip set about 0.1 MPa, keep several minutes, then slowly open the inlet valve

times, in order to prevent cold and hot shock damage equipment. Warming (or temperature) speed should be held in 3 ℃ /

minutes or so, the biggest should not be more than 5 ℃ /


4.4.2 knock it is strictly prohibited to evade glass surface or its shell, the operation should prevent the tough stuff fall into the kettle damage in the bathtub glass surface.

4.4.3 operations to avoid axe body shell and acid, alkali and caustic liquids, once a material contact immediately with

dishcloth scrub clean.

4.4.4 banned wash with water equipment, avoid thermal

insulation layer damage.

4.4.5 in open manhole or hand hole, manhole cover or hand hole of honing glass face should face down on the cork make it on the support, do not let it be honing glass surface directly onto the hard ground or steel platform, or will be placed on glass face immediately. Remove the clip next should nearby tidy away, do not interfere with operation or walk.

4.4.6 operation process often should observe the thermometer casing whether with material contact. Because honing the glass tube thermal resistance is bigger, general tank temperature

display and the actual temperature with a certain degree of lag, heating, cooling operation should be considered hot inertia and the influence of the factors that lag.

4.4.6 than 0 ℃ minimum temperature, should put in place after using all clip set inside standing, avoid equipment for freezing and damage.

4.4.7 for assembly have mechanical seal of the reaction kettle, sealing parts should be kept clean.

4.4.8 when the material such as the case of the kettle jams, are not used metal utensils play, can use bamboo or plastic rod, lags gently provokes. When the material such as found a bathtub glass debris, shall be immediately open cans of inspection, repair again after use.

4.4.9 honing glass equipment does not apply to the following medium or material reaction, polymerization, storage, heat

exchange, and other chemical process:

A, any concentration and temperature hydrofluoric acid and contain fluorin ion medium or material;

B, concentration of more than 30%, more than 180 ℃

temperature of phosphoric acid medium or material;

C, PH value more than 12 and temperature higher than 80 ℃ of alkaline medium or material;

D, acid and alkali materials of alternating reaction process. The maintenance operation

5.1 check maintenance content

5.1.1 check to take over, flange, valve, replace the leakage of gasket, valves, in packing, and tighten loose bolts.

5.1.2 check the drive system or components, become loose,

blender manual dish the car's relaxed, impeller put momentum is too big.

5.1.3 in operation of whether check abnormal sound.

5.1.4 ensuring that check and in accordance with the standards on lubrication part filling qualified lubricating oil (fat), lubricating oil amount should be held in oil Windows 1/3 place.

5.1.5 check the stuffing and seal condition, check the exposed the mechanical seal whether spring from corrosion, adjust the mechanical seal acting-ring pressure volume.

5.1.6 check each instrument is functioning properly and


5.1.7 check clip set of leaks, perforated, repair the thermal

insulation layer and repair paint.

5.1.8 examination are there any obvious glass surface damage bathtub, equipment or in the outer surface of the corrosion.

5.1.9 regularly check motor connection is in good condition, motor, electric wire insulation is in good condition, grounding resistance is in accordance with the regulations.

Note: it is strictly prohibited to bring pressure tighten all

pressure parts.

5.2 common fault handling

Fault phenomenon causes the treatment method

The temperature, pressure 1. The instrument malfunction,

control not strictly 1. Inspection, repair control system,

implement instrument calibration management regulations

2. The ratio of raw materials caused severe reaction 2. Stop immediately heating operation, keep the reaction kettle vent valve unobstructed and, when necessary, through the cooling slow or stop response, according to the requirement of process processing materials.

Seal is lax, water, leak, leaks material 1. Packing wear or poor quality 1. Replace the packing

2. Valves, flange etc seal face lax 2. Replacement valves, flange, gasket

3. Mechanical seal leakage or seal fluid leakage in the kettle 3. Check the sealing surface of mechanical seal and static seals, adjust move ring pressure volume

4. Equipment ontology happen corrosion. 4. Repair or


5. Equipment accessories or connection pipe valve leakage 5. Check and processing.

6. Tank bands loose and shortage, interface of bolt looseness or insufficient number 6. Tighten bolts or bands or complement to Occurs in the kettle

Abnormal sound 1. The blender friction tank accessories,

stirring shaft bending, mixer is loose

1. Stop for inspection, calibration, repair and tighten bolts

2. Bearing damage 2. Repair or replace bearing

3. There were foreign kettle 3. Parking, cleaning the kettle foreign body in

3. Tanks or lining bulge 3. Stop using by professional

maintenance personnel handling

Coupling vibration noise or 1. The bolt looseness 1. Tighten coupling bolts

2. Big between 2. Adjust the coupling gap or replace couplings 6 clean operation

6.1 each batch production ended, use cloth to the outer wall of lightening equipment swabbed clean, banned with plenty of

water for washing equipment outside, avoid thermal insulation layer damage.

6.2 according to requirement of process, production time, deal with the reaction kettle within the cleaning. A long time quartile (72 hours) production, equipment should be cleaned before a class again.

6.3 cleaning standards: a single species use (special) of

equipment cleaning to can not find visual sundry; Varieties

(utility) use the same equipment in the replacement according to requirement of process execution when the species.

6.4 cleaning operations shall complete clean record, experience income (the shift supervisor, follow-up operation personnel or equipment/process management personnel) acceptance and signed.

8. Training

8.1 the training object: honing glass reactor operation personnel

8.2 training time: four hours


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