第五单元英语单项训练(只写答案) - 范文中心




Class:__________ Name:____________ No._________   Marks:__________

1.(  )My father ______ TV inthe living room when I _______ home yesterday.

A.watched;got               B.was watching; got

C.watched; wasgetting        D.was watching; wasgetting

2. (   ) My father was preparing for his speech_______ my mother was doing some washing last night.

A.until         B.before    C.while   D. when

3. (   )Sally took a photo of her friends whilethey _______ in the lake.

A.boated         B.are boating    C.was boating   D.were boating

4. (   )______ I got back, Ifound my mother cooking for me.

A. When   B. Before  C. Since   D. Although

5.(   ) There aren’t many ticketsleft for the concert, you’d better _______ that you got one today.

A. make sure of   B. make a decision   C. make sure    D. make plans

6. (   )We will________ theCity Park next Sunday morning.

A. clean up   B. look up  C. give up      D. set up

7. (   )--Linda, I called youthis morning, but nobody answered the phone.

--- I am sorry. I ________ football with myfriends then.

A. play      B.played      C. am playing     D.was playing

8.(   ) ---I didn’t see you at themeeting yesterday. Why?

--- I _________ for animportant telephone call at that moment.

A. wait   B. waited  C. am waiting   D. was waiting

9. (   )I first met Lisa threeyears ago. She ___ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked                      B. was working

C. had been working                 D. had worked

10.(   ) My mother was readingwhile I ___ the music.

A. listened    B. listened to   C. is listening to    D. was  listening to

11. (   )I ___ mybreakfast when the morning post came.

A. had                    B.had been having

C. have been having         D.was having

12.(   ) When I arrived at hisoffice, he ___ on the phone.

A. was speaking             B. spoke

C. had been speaking         D.had spoken

13. (   )Ithink a watch is not ______ to get for my best friend.

A. enough special              B. specialenough

C. more enough special         D. specialenough more

14.(   ) It’sMary’s birthday next week, we are ______ her a scarf.

A. putting       B. getting      C. giving        D. making

15.(   )Ifound a letter ____ on the floor when I came into the classroom.

A. lying      B. lay    C. lies         D. lie

16.(   )–Look! Some people are running the redlights. – We should wait ___ others are breaking the rule.

A. if         B. although       C. unless        D. because

17.(   )– Anice day, isn’t it? –Yes, _____ go for a picnic and relax ourselves?

A. would you like     B. whynot    C. what about     D . why don’t

18.(   )Whydon’t you____ an English club to practice_____ English?

A. to join; to speak          B.join ; to speak

C. join; speaking            D. to join; speaking

19.(   )“The fire is ____.Please get more wood,”  Pierre shouted.

A.dying down              B.turning down

C.looking down             D.takingdown

20.(   )—Could you tell me what he said justnow?

—Sorry,I ____ what washappening outside.

A. have thought               B.was thinking

C.thought                    D.think


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