Lesson69多媒体教学设计方案 - 范文中心




Lesson 69多媒体教学设计方案

执教人:占圩中学 李金荣 执教时间: 年 月 日 Teaching objectives

1. Revise prepositions and learn how to describe the objects’ location.

2. Learn how to give instructions: Come out please. Put them away, please. Main points

Using the prepositions to describe the location and giving instructions. Difficult points

Put it/them away, please.

Teaching procedure

Step 1 Revision

1.(录像演示)Revise the names of classroom objects.

2.(录像演示)Revise prepositions.

Step 2 Presentation

1.(图片教学)复习衣服的名称sweater, trousers 教新单词 sock, other.

2.(录像演示)Look and answer 演示物品的位置,学生回答问题:

What can you see in the picture?

Where’s Jim’s bike?

Where’ re his books?

Step 3 Practice

(学生活动) 让学生就图片一问一答,尽量将所有的物品都替换一遍。

A: Where is/are his …?

B: Its/ they’re …

(录像演示)演示Lily’s bedroom的情况,让学生模仿描述自己的bedroom

Step 4 Presentation

1.通过图片教学新词汇和短语:Put it/them away,come out

Is this your pen? Put it away, please.

Are these your pens? Put them away, please.

A: Lucy, come out please! Is this your book?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Put it away. You must look after your things.

Step 5 Read and act

1.(录像演示)Part 2 Read and act,and answer the questions:

Where is Jim?

What’s in Mother’s hand? Whose is it?

Where is the other one?

What does Mother say to Jim?

2.(动画演示)Listen and repeat,然后让学生进行听力练习。

(录像演示)What does Jim do?看看Jim做得怎么样。

Step 6 Exercises


Mother: Jack. Is this shirt _________?

Jack: Oh, yes.

Mother: ________ it away. You must ________ _________ your things.

Jack: But it’s dirty. Could you help me wash it?

Mother: No, _________ it by yourself.

Jack: OK. I’ll do it _________school.

Keys: yours, Put, look after, wash, after

Step 7 Homework

1.将练习2写到作业 本上。


3. Finish off the workbook.

Lesson 69教学设计方案1

Teaching objectives

1. Revise prepositions and learn how to describe the objects’ location.

2. Learn how to give instructions: Come out please. Put them away, please. Main points

Using the prepositions to describe the location and giving instructions. Difficult points

Put it/them away, please.

Teaching aids

A tape recorder, some pictures

Teaching procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the names of classroom objects.

2. Revise prepositions.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Teach English words by using pictures.

2. Look at the picture of Jim’s bedroom. Ask the questions like where is/are Jim’s bed/ shoes...? Get the students to answer.

Step 3 Practice

Get them to work in pairs:

A: Where is/are his …?

B: Its/ they’re …

Step 4 Presentation

1. Teach Come out/ Put it away.

Pick up a student's book and stand outside the door. Present the dialogue. T: Lucy, come out please! Is this your book?

S1: Yes, it is.

T: Put it away. You must look after your things.

Then get them to start practicing the dialogue.

Step 5 Read and act

1. Get the students to listen to the tape and answer the questions:

Where is Jim?

What’s in Mother’s hand?

2. Listen and repeat.

3. Practise reading in pairs and then ask some pairs to act out.

Step 6 Workbook

Do Ex3 in WB


Finish off the workbook.


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