四年级新概念期中考试 - 范文中心






( )1. A.rice B. bread C. nice

( )2.A.find B. finish C.spare

( )3.A.canteen B.can ’t C.haven ’t

( )4.A.week B.today C.reallly

( )5.A.on the table B.in the fridge C.in the window


Let ’s (完全形式)______________ peach(复数)________________ full (反义词)_______________ buy(第三人称单数)____________ fifteen minutes(同义词)_____________can not (缩写)______________ two thirty (同义词组)______________ knife(复数)________________ there ’s (完全形式)_______________ some(否定形式)_____________


a quarter to eleven ____________ why not __________________ Help yourself ________________ hurry up _________________ 六点半 _____________________ 什么课程 ________________ in the canteen ________________ lots of _____________________ 去操场 _____________________ 今天下午 ________________ 打乒乓球 ___________________ 一场足球比赛 ____________ 起床 _______________________ 吃晚饭 __________________ 我们今天早上上什么课? __________________________________


1. Mike usually ________ (play) football after school.

2. We all like _________ (eat) cake very much.

3. He can ______ (see) a big tree.

4. These ______ (be) my new pencils.

5. I ________ (not like) sweets.

6. Let ’s _____ (go) to the park.

7. How many ______________( subject ) do you have this term?

8. This is ______________( we ) timetable.

9. It’s late. She must ___________( go) now.

10. Bobby, please help ____________( you).

五、 单项选择。(15分)

( )1.A: _____ time is it? B: It’s five o’clock.

A. How B. What C. Which

( )2. A: _____ coffee do you want? B: Just a small cup, please.

A. How many B. How much C. What

( )3. A: _____ we got any fruit? B: Yes, we have.

A. Has B. Do C. Have

( )4. A: _____ you want any beer? B: No, thank you.

A. Have B. Are C. Do

( )5. A: Have you got lots of _____ time? B: Yes, I have.

A. empty B. spare C. enough

( )6. I ______ like Music.

A. aren’t B. don’t C. doesn’t

( )7. A: What _____ do you like? B: Music.

A. colour B. subject C. animal

( )8. A: ______ pen is this? B: It’s Yang Ling’s.

A. What B. Who’s C. Whose

( )9. It’s time _____ Maths.

A. on B. for C. to

( )10. I have a _________ lesson today.

A. swiming B. swim C. swimming

( )11. It’s 7:30 in the morning. Let’s ________.

A. go to school B. have lunch C. go home

( )12. A: It’s 9:00. You are late. B: ________.

A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. OK

( )13. A: Let’s play basketball now. B: ________.

A. Yes, it is B. Thank you C. Good idea!

( )14. _____ is a tree and _______ are flowers.

A. This; These B. This; This C. These; This

( )15. It’s ______. But I can have a try.

A. nice B. difficult C. Easy


1. I can swim.( 改为一般疑问句)

___________ ___________swim?

2. 对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________you_________?

3. There are some apples on the table. (改为否定句)

There __________ __________apples on the table.

4. What time is it? ( 同义句转换)

___________ __________ time?

5. any, I, have, don’t, Saturday, lessons, on (.) ( 连词成句)



( )1. What time is it? A. OK.

( )2. What’s this? B. I watch TV at seven o’clock.

( )3. Get up, Mike. C. It’s ten fifteen.

( )4. What can you see over there? D. I can see a cat.

( )5. When do you watch TV? E. It’s a sticker.

八、阅读短文,判断句子的对(T )、错(F )(10分)

Hello, everyone!

This is our first school day. We have Chinese, English, Maths, Music, Sports this semester(学期). Chinese lesson is at 8:30 in the morning every day from Monday to Friday. English lesson is at 9:30 in the morning on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Maths lesson is at 10:20 in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday. Music lesson is at 2:00 in the afternoon on Thursday. Sports lesson is at 3:00 in the afternoon on Friday. That ’s all. Thank you.

( )1. Chinese lesson is in the morning.

( )2. We have English every day.

( )3. Maths lesson is in the morning on Monday.

( )4. Music lesson is in the afternoon.

( )5. Sports lesson is on the same day with Music class.


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