中考英语选词填空题目汇编9 - 范文中心



来源:E度英语网整理 2010-08-17 14:10:37



is    fly    help  whose    house

Li Hai: It's windy, Dad. It's a good day to fly kites.

Father: Yes, it is. Oh, look!   76  is that yellow kite?

Li Hai: It's Pingping's.

Father: Pingping's kite is   77   very high.

Li Hai: Oh, no, no! Her kite is falling down. It's on the   78   now.

Father: Have we got a ladder(梯子)?

Li Hai: Yes, there   79   one over there.

Father: Good. Let's go and   80   her get the kite down.

答案:76. Whose   77. flying   78. house  79. is  80. help


hungry    hospital     lunch    thirsty     miss      sad      asleep  come     see         quiet     think      leave     eye

It was a hot day during the holiday . My mother and I got on the bus which would take us to my grandma's village . It was so hot that I felf very  73  . Then I began to think of the sweet watermelons and other fruits in Grandma's house . I could hardly wait to arrive there and  74  my grandma earlier.

It look us one more hour to get there . When we walked into the house , Grandma was busy preparing  75  in the kitchen . I knew from her smile face that she was very glad to see us . She brought out a big watermelon and cut it . It was so nice to eat the watermelon on such a hot day .

After lunch my mother felt and went to bed to have a rest . I asked my grandma to tell me a fair tale . We sat on the bed and she began to tell it . I listened to her  76  . It was not long before I fell      77  . I was dreaming when a terrible sound woke me up . I saw Grandma was lying on the ground . I couldn't believe my  78  . How fearful a sight was ! I hurried to wake my mother up . We took Grandma to the  79  in a hurry . But it was too late . My grandma's heart stopped beating(跳动) when we got there . You'll never imagine how  80  we felt then.

Grandma was very well all the time . I had never imagine she would  81  us so soon . That evening I lay in bed alone . Tears ran down my face . I prayed(祈祷) and prayed , wishing my grandma would be able to  82  back.

Now several have passed , My dear grandma , where are you? I  83  you so much.

答案:73.thirsty   74.see   75.lunch   76.quietly   77.asleep   78.eyes   79.hospital      80. sad   81. leave   82. come    83.miss


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