食物中毒的常见原因 - 范文中心



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E. coli and salmonella are two of the most widely discussed causes of food poisoning, but other similar organisms (parasites, viruses and bacteria) also cause food poisoning, too.大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌食物中毒的最广泛讨论的原因,但其他类似生物体(寄生虫,病毒和细菌)引起食物中毒,太。 But it isn't just the organism that is the culprit, as the toxin from the organism also can be harmful.但它不只是生物体是罪魁祸首,从有机体的毒素也可能是有害的。 And even though the organism or toxin can be harmful, it must first contaminate a food that has been ingested before you can experience food poisoning.即使生物体或毒素可能是有害的的,它必须先污染了已摄入的食物,然后才可以体验食物中毒。

Common Cause共同的事业

Food contamination is the most common cause of food poisoning.食品污染是食物中毒的最常见的原因。 We ingest anywhere from one to three meals a day, as well as snacks, so contaminated foods are our greatest risk -- and the most common cause of food poisoning.我们摄取的任何地方从一个一日三餐,以及小吃,使受污染的食品是我们最大的风险 - 以及食物中毒的最常见的原因。


There are a number of ways foods can be contaminated.有一些食物可以被污染的方法。 Many people think that contamination occurs during food preparation; however, it can also happen during the growing process.很多人认为,在食品制备过程中的污染发生,但是,它也可以发生在生长过程。 In fact, contamination can happen during the harvesting of the food, the processing or storing of it, as well as the shipping of it.事实上,污染可能发生在食品,加工或储存它,以及它的航运的收获。


The news has carried stories in the past about migrant lettuce workers who relieved themselves in the very fields they were working to harvest due to a lack of proper facilities.这一消息进行在有关过去的移民生菜工人,缓解自??己在他们的工作收获,由于缺乏适当的设施十分领域的故事。 Food contaminated in this way produces the E. coli organism that is very hard to kill since lettuce isn't a cooked food, which would aid in destroying the dangerous organism.以这种方式被污染的食物产生的大肠杆菌的有机体,是很难杀死,因为生菜是不是一个熟食,这将有助于在破坏危险的有机体。

Other Contaminants其他污染物

In addition to the more well-known contaminants (E. coli and salmonella), there are other contaminants that can cause food poisoning, too: hepatitis A, vibrio vulnificus, shigella, rotavirus, listeria and clostridium, as well as campylobacter, giardia lamblia, noroviruses and staphylococcus aureus.另外的较为知名的污染物(大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌),还有其他的污染物,会引起食物中毒,太:A型肝炎,创伤弧菌,痢疾杆菌,轮状病毒,李斯特菌和梭状芽孢杆菌,以及弯曲杆菌,梨形鞭毛虫诺如病毒和金黄色葡萄球菌。

Factors in Other Food Contaminations在其他食品污染的因素

Most people realize that raw foods that will not undergo the cooking process before being eaten (lettuce and raw oysters are two examples) are foods that are more easily contaminated.大多数人意识到,更容易被污染的食品原料的食品不会发生在烹调过程中被吃掉之前(生菜和生蚝是两个例子)。 And some realize that meat, poultry, eggs and even milk could become contaminated if handled incorrectly (not cooked at hot enough temperatures to kill bacteria or not kept chilled).一些实现可能成为污染,如果处理不当(未煮熟的足够热的温度来杀死细菌或没有跟上冷冻肉,禽,蛋,甚至牛奶)。

Other factors that can play a role in foods being contaminated include: the food is placed on contaminated surfaces or manipulated with contaminated utensils; a food handler with an infection handles the food or sneezes on it; or the food is contaminated due to being in contaminated seawater or soil during its growing process.其他因素被污染,食品中可以发挥的作用包括:食物污染的表面上放置,或与被污染的用具操纵;与感染的食物处理,处理食物或打喷嚏,或食物被污染,由于在污染在其成长过程中的海水或土壤。

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References 参考文献

MayoClinic.com: Food Poisoning Causes MayoClinic.com:食品中毒的原因


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