高中英语必修三第五单元课文检测 - 范文中心



课文单元检测I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。

1. Black _____ (加拿大的) jazz pianist Oscar Peterson is one of the greatest pianists in jazz history.

2. The British Foreign Secretary is the m_____ who looks after foreign affairs.

3. Many Europeans explored the _____ (大陆) of Africa in the 19th century.

4. Could you give me a hand to carry my ______ (行李) to the bedroom?

5. The _____ (风景) of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description.

6. Two sailors did not see land until they had sailed _____ (向西) for nearly two days.

7. The plane is leaving in half an hour, so we’d better go a_____ now.

8. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table w_____ reach of little children.

9. The m_____ leaf has become the most important symbol of Canada since the national flag was introduced in 1965.

10. When I woke up this morning the ground was covered with _____ (霜).

11. Six people have _____ (证实) that they will attend the lecture but ten haven’t replied yet.

12. The hotel, which is situated three miles north of d_____, is clean and cheap.

13. As soon as the sun comes out, the _____ (薄雾) will fade away.

14. The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the _____ (黎明) of a new era in European history.

15. The farmer was so careless that he _____ (混合) up the two kinds of vegetable seeds.

16. A(n) _____ (自助餐) will be served in three styles. You may choose western food, Chinese food or Muslim food as you like. 2. 课文缩写

Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were ____ ____ _____with their baggage to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. ______ ______ take the aeroplane all the way, they took the train from west to east across Canada. The _____ that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.

Canada is _____ ____ ____ country in the world. People say Vancouver(温哥华)is Canada’s ______ ______city surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

_____ over 90 metres.

That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins ____ down in their seats. They managed to ____ ______ _____ some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear(灰熊) (牧童) Stampede(大西部赛马会). Many cowboys ____ ___ ____ ____ ____wild horses. They also learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border and the population is only _____over thirty million.

3 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. A second grade wind makes the tips of the branches tremble _____ (slight).

2. My brother spends hours on the phone _____ (chat) to his friends.

3. A great number of _____ (eagle) winged their way across the valley.

4. At present the local government is taking _____ (measure) to reduce the pollution.

5. The pianist _____ (surround) by a crowd of fans will hold a concert in the Worker’s Stadium.

6. If you add too much liquid, the _____ (mix) will not be thick enough.

7. It became fashionable for _____ (wealth) families to send their teenage children to foreign countries.

8. A straight line is the shortest _____ (distant) between two points.

9. It is an old _____ (traditional) for Chinese people to get together and eat dumplings on the eve of the Spring Festival.

10. Mr. Smith was _____ (please) that his father was being taken care of in the Home of the Aged.

11. What _____ (impress) me most after visiting the school was that the students were polite and intelligent.

4. 选用方框内合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。

rather than, catch sight of, settle down, have a gift for, all the way, take a trip

1. I would like to _____ to Tibet by the end of this year.

2. The train is so crowded that I am keeping standing _____.

3. These are political _____ social matters.

4. After John came back from abroad, he decided to _____ in his hometown.

5. My little brother _____ singing songs. He has a golden voice.

6. The best time to _____ those birds is the early morning.


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