高考作文分类讲解--议论文的三种模式 - 范文中心




1. 一分为二

The first paragraph

Nowadays more and more people…/…plays an important part in…

Like everything else, …has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects(both advantages and disadvantages)

Generally, the favorable aspects(advantages) can be listed as follows.

The second paragraph:

First, …Second, …In addition,…(What’s more)…

To start/begin with,…Secondly,...Moreover …The last point…

The third paragraph:

Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent(obvious). To begin with, … To make matters worse,…Worst of all,…

The fourth paragraph:

Through above analysis/All things considered, we can see that the positive aspects(advantages) outweigh the negative ones(disadvantages). Therefore, I…



Nowadays the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Like everything else, private cars have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows.

First, private cars can bring convenience and mobility to owners. A car allows a person to move comfortably and safely as well as quickly and freely. Because my family owns a car, we are able to make extensive journeys every year. Therefore, I believe the tourist industry in China will develop more quickly with the increase in the number of private cars.

Second, if more people buy cars, the automobile industry will develop dramatically. What ’s more, the growth of the automobile industry can trigger the boom of other important and related industries such as iron and steel production, energy and technological application.

Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, too many cars will give rise a series of problems, such as serious environmental pollution and more traffic accidents.

In addition, the driver may have to drive around and around looking for available parking spaces.

Through above analysis, we can see that private cars should be restricted rather than encouraged.

2. 两者选一

第一段:Which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between (A) and (B)? Before you make the decision, you had better make a close comparison.

第二段:It is true that (选择A 的优势之一)

It is also true that(选择A 的优势之二) ,But(选择A 的劣势)

第三段:Though(选择B 的劣势) ,(选择B 的优势之一)。Furthermore(选择B 的优势之二)

第四段: Therefore, if you…, you should choose A, but if you…, you should choose B.


Which is Better, Listening to the Radio or Reading the Newspaper?

Which should you prefer if you are faced with the choice between listening to the radio and reading the newspaper? Before you make the decision, you had better make a close comparison.

It is true that listening to the radio is quick and convenient. It is also true that we can listen to the radio while we are doing something else. So we can save a lot of time. But radio programs have its own time schedule. You cannot get the information you need every time you turn on the radio.

Though newspaper is not as quick as radio, reading from the newspaper can certainly bring us news more clearly and more exactly. Furthermore, while reading we have time to think about what we are reading, to judge it, to analyze it, and then we will be more aware of its cause and effect.

We are living in an information age. We have to make full use of the information we can get if we are to achieve our goal.

Therefore, if we want to get the latest news, we can listen to the radio, but if we want to get the exact words, we’d better read the newspaper.

3. 我的观点

模式(A ):

第一段:People ’s views/ideas/opinions on…vary from person to person.

Some people think that …is necessary. They hold this opinion because(简述正方的理由) 。However, others hold that…is unnecessary. (简述反方的理由)

第二段:As to me, I am in favor of…. The following are the reasons of my viewpoint.

第三段:First …Second …In addition

第四段:Therefore, (In a word,)…


My View on educational Reform

People ’s views on educational reform vary from person to person. Some people think the educational reform is very important and necessary. They hold this view because they think we must change the test-oriented education into ability-oriented education. But others hold that the reform is unnecessary. In their opinion, the test score is the only ruler to measure the degree of students ’ mastery of knowledge.

As to me, I am in favor of the reform. The following are the reasons of my viewpoint.

First, the world keeps changing. If we know only book knowledge, we will find it difficult to keep up with the rapid development of science and technology. Besides, high scores don ’t mean high intelligence. We must pay attention to the student ’s ability rather than the score. Only in this way can the students adapt themselves to the situation when they graduate. It should be noted that our society needs people with different kinds of abilities, not people with only high scores.

In a word, schools should cultivate students ’ different abilities according to their different interest.

模式(B )

第一段: 开门见山引出谚语,并对谚语进行解释。

A famous saying goes,…It means…/…is a proverb which means…

第二段: 举例一

For example,…/It goes without saying that…/It is known to all that…

第三段: 举例二

Another example is that…/…is certainly true of…It is true, too, of…(例一和例二也可以用正反两方面的例子)



以“No Sweet Without Sweat”为题写一篇短文,说明该提的意思;不经过艰苦的努力,我们就不能获得幸福和欢乐,并举例说明。最后联系自己学习上的情况,进一步说明这个道理。

No Sweet without Sweat

“No Sweet Without Sweat” is a proverb that means we cannot gain happiness without work. It is known to all that if a sportsman wants to win the first place, he will have to train himself hard. Why does the Chinese women Table Tennis Team do so well? It is because they all train hard. This also explains why Wilma Rudolph, who hadn’t been able to walk for one third of her life, because the first American woman to win three gold medals in track.

“No sweet without sweat” is certainly true of study. We all know time lost will never return. If we want to study well, we should, first of all, devote our time and energy to our studies.

A year ago, I was not good at English. Encouraged by our teacher, I started working hard at it. When I have difficulties, I always ask for help. I practice reading every morning and never leave today’s work for tomorrow. I have made rapid progress and my English is quite all right now.

No sweet is without sweat!

模式(C )

第一段:What do you like?

第二段:What don’t you like?

第三段:Make some suggestions



June 10, 2004 Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of all the students of our grade, I am very happy to report to you that we are quite satisfied with the service of our canteen, including environment and the taste of the food and dishes. Most of us feel at home. The waiters and the waitresses are very warm and helpful and the large dinner hall is clean and tidy.

The price of dishes, however, is a bit too much to a lot of students. Honestly speaking, to the money-makers, the prices are quite reasonable, but to us students, especially those students from average families, they are not acceptable. So I ’d like to suggest that more low-priced dishes be available, and I hope school authorities could take this suggestion into consideration.

Yours respectfully, Li Ming

模式(D ): 怎样(How to…)模式


第二段:Many ways can be used to solve (contribute to solving) the serious problem, but the following ones may be effective

第三段:First of all…, Besides,…/Another way to solve the problem of …is … Finally,…


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