关于胡歌英文演讲 - 范文中心



Different people have different idol, I’m no different.

Hu Ge, an actor known for a TV series adapted by a computer game, is my favourite star.

Hu was once a shy boy, and rarely spoke. To help him became more sociable, his parents sent him to an art troupe. At that time, it never occurred to him that he would have a career on stage or in front of

the media.

Unfortunately, a traffic accident occurred when he was on the peak of his career. Hearing the news that he could be disfigured, “Maybe I have to turn to behind-the-scenes if I am disfigured.”(如果我毁容了,那我可以转向幕后了) he said with a smile. In his mind, the accident is a chance to learn more about himself as well as the world from the beginning.(幸好我在获得重生的时候还能够看清世界,看清自己)


As the fans of Hu Ge, we called ourselves “Pepper”. To most of us pepper, the charm he owned is far more than the attractiveness of those roles he played. From my point of view, my idol is pretty gifted. Taking photos is one of his hobbies. Wherever he goes, He always takes his camera along with him and enjoys the exciting feeling of waiting for a wonderful picture. His micro blog has

witnessed his talent in writing. Through all the words illustrated by appropriate pictures in his micro blog, he conveys his inner feelings and thoughts, leaving readers deeply impressed by the man’s self-deprecating 自贬的 humour. In the micro blog We pepper always urge him to get married as soon as possible, which made him so proud and consider himself an unique star in China’ s entertainment circle.He thinks his pepper is a group different from other fans. Not to mention the Philanthropy. He donates a hope primary school in a remote area in Yunnan province on behalf of one of his friend. He is a person full of gratititude.

Taking care of his fans’ feeling, making his efforts to meet his pepper’s

demands as much as he can. He once said “you’re the strength that makes me more powerful.” Those are very little parts of the man that you can find on the




“Strength does not lie in what you have. It lies in what you can give” I really enjoy the spirit that the sentence holds. To both of us pepper and Hu Ge, it is Hu who has a great influence on us to be a better person and fan. A star can provide his fans with positive spirit and have a lasting impact on those people who love him gently. Many of us, like him, learn to be optimistic and calm down when faced with misunderstanding and question. We endeavor to be more hard-working, practical and easygoing because he is a man like that. That’s not blind admiration and imitation but learn from him and makes progress myself. He is a model to learn, a direction to strive for and a true friend to talk to.

You may still have prejudice on him, yeah, I see, he is a man not money which everyone adores. Now, he is occupied with a drama and this year he may not be on the screen but we pepper will stand by him forever.

I have finished my talk, thank you.


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