奥巴马特朗普演讲讲解 - 范文中心





2016年他在白宫召开了最后一次记者招待会晚宴,他称之为correspondents’ dinner,但我们知道正确的表达应该是news conference。之后他也有提到一个词叫press core也就是记者团。其实我们可以看出奥巴马本人也有一些感慨,他说明年这个时候站在这里讲话的就是别人了。”Next year at this time,someone else will be standing here in this very spot,and it’s anyone’s guess who she will be.” Anyone的用法其实很多变,它很容易和everyone混淆。

◎ 我们可以看到松江区一模的72题。任何为实现梦想而付诸行动的人都应受到尊敬。任何人很容易翻成everyone,但其实它在肯定句中指的是所有人,而任何人是whoever或anyone。

▍“Eight years ago,I said it was time to change the tone of our politics.” The tone of our politics也就是我们政界的风气。The tone of sth. 是一个非常地道的表达,也就是…的风气。奥巴马在提到加拿大总理的时候,他说”In fact, sb. recently said to me, Mr. President, you’re so yesterday, Justin Trudeau has completely replaced you. He’s so handsome, he’s so charming, he’s the future. And I said, Justin, just give it a rest. You’re so yesterday 也就是你太过气了。Yesterday在这里是副词作形容词。Give it a rest也就是你够了。之后,奥巴马在展现家庭温馨时也用了词性转换。”Meanwhile,Michelle has not aged a day. The only way you can date her in photos is by looking at me. Age和date都是名词作动词。

◎ 关于age的用法,我们可以看到青浦区的翻译第1题,如今生态旅游已受到不同年龄旅游者的青睐。这里的难点主要在于不同年龄和生态旅游。不同年龄可以译为of all/different ages。Of+n.的结构可以看做形容词用来修饰前面的travellers。很多人会把生态旅游去和biology和biography联系起来,但其实他们是非常比一样的,生态旅游应该是ecotourism。

▍作为记者招待会,当然有几个部分是必不可少的,包括对过去一年的展望。与其说展望,不如说是奥巴马通过幽默感表现出的委婉的控。他说”In a short six months,I’ll be officially a lame duck,which means congress now will flat-out reject my authority. And this is going to take some getting used to. It’s really going to——It’s a curve ball. I don’t know what to do with it.Take some getting used to 是一个习语,原句应该是take some time to get used to。Flat是平坦的,flat-out 也就是直接地。如果我们把当中的—去掉,它就解释为全力地。

◎ 同样的,这样的复合形容词有很多,我们可以看到黄浦的30题。The matter,then,is far from clear-cut,though experience are available evidence indicate early care is reasonable for infants.它的空是划在了indicate,分析句子结构我们可以发现它that,这句话主要是一个让步的关系。Clear-cut这里的意思很好猜,也就是清晰地,明确地,那上半句就解释为原因不明细。

▍除了来自国内的压力,奥巴马也表现了对国外的态度的不满。”Even some foreign leaders,they’ve been looking ahead,anticipating my departure. Last week,Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe. That was a slap in the face. “A slap in the face指的是打脸般的羞辱。Anticipating是一个分词作状语的结构,它和动名词,动词不定式都是非常重要的考点。之后他说在英国参加了一系列白人的活动,”just in case anybody is still debating whether I’m black enough. I think that settles the debate. In case和in case of我们都知道是以防。

◎ 那么在徐汇卷的73题就出现了这个词:每月她都会留出一部分钱以备不时之需。我们可以把它翻成she sets aside some money monthly in case of need.我们也可以用in case+句子的用法,比如in case there’s a rainy day.

▍settles the debate 我们知道是解决争议,之后奥巴马也有提到一个词叫settle down,这里的settle有安定的意思,也就是冷静。

◎ 在黄浦区的26题它写道:But tests that/which have been used measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue.这里的settle the issue就是解决问题,解决争端。

▍记者招待会自然少不了政治类话题,他说:”Also,I would be remiss,let’s give it up to our host——Larry Willmore.”这句话其实非常难懂,为什么呢?一个是would be remiss。他的原话应该是”I thought I would be remiss if I forget him. “

◎ 这是一个虚拟语气,我们可以看到徐汇卷的72题:我以为你会和我一起乘地铁去北京。这句话看上去简单,但很容易翻成I think…you will的结构。但其实他以为是已经是过去了,所以应该是一个虚拟语态。I thought you would go to Beijing with me by high-speed rail.才是正确的。那么回到原话,它应该怎么翻呢?那就是不能忘了他,让我们为我们的主持人鼓掌喝彩。

▍奥共和党主席Reince Priebus 也来到了现场:”GOP chairman Reince Priebus is here as well,glad to see that you feel that you've earned a night off.“ earn a night off按照字面意思是挣了一个晚上的休息时间。奥巴马还提到了共和党的另外一个竞选人叫Ted.他说:”He called a basketball hoop a basketball ring. What else is in his lexicon? Baseball sticks? Football hats?”当然对于我们来说,这个翻译可能很通顺,棒球棍、橄榄球帽似乎并没有什么不对。但是棒球棍地道的表达应该是baseball bat,橄榄球帽就不用说了,应该是helmet,如果是棒球帽的话也应该是basebdall cap,而不是baseball hat。当然对于川普的嘲讽也是必不可少的。在提到川普拒绝来晚宴的时候,他说:”Is this dinner too tacky for the Donald?”tacky这个词其实非常实用,它完整的表达应该是tacky and corny,指的是俗气。奥巴马也模仿了当年共和党员工作时的场景,他说:”Security,bar the doors!”这里的bar the doors我们都知道是关门。但其实bar也可以作为名词,相当于barrier。他在过去的演讲中也曾提到他的父母说:“他们为我起了个非洲名字。“ ”They would give me an African name,Barack,or blessed,believing that

in a tolerant America,your name is no barrier to success.”这里的barrier也就相当于bar——阻碍、羁绊。

◎ 那么在这次的一模考卷中,其实出现了很多很多的barrier。那么就可以知道bar也很可能用来替换barrier成为今后的一个热词。

▍奥巴马也提到了一位来参会的民主党员,也就是Burney。”I’m a little hurt though Burney that you’ve been distancing yourself a little from me. I mean,that’s just not something that you do to your comrade. ”you’ve been doing是现在完成进行时,也就是你一直在与我保持距离。 ◎ 那么distance yourself from sb.也出现在了虹口卷,翻译的第四题:现代互联网技术的发展越先进,人们在现实生活中的人际关系就会越疏远。(likely)它的关键词给的是likely,但我们知道难点其实并不在此,而在于先进和疏远。先进我们应该都会翻,叫advanced,那么疏远呢?用的就是distance的形容词distant。这句话就应该是the more advanced the development of technology is,the more distant the relationship between people/people’s relationship are likely to be/ become in the real life.

▍当然记者招待会还有一个重要的话题就是对于新闻媒体界的评价。他说:”At home and abroad,journalists like all of you engage in the dogged pursuit of informing citizens,and holding leaders accountable and making our government of the people possible. Dogged指的是顽强的,那么后面的of the people possible也就是为人民服务的政府。其实还有一个我们熟悉的词就是民有民治民享。Of the people也就是民有,那民治和民享呢?整句话很有可能出现在翻译当中,我们可以把它翻成the government of the people,by the people and for the people。这句话其实很完整地表达了记者的职责。后面他又说:”Taking a stand on behalf of what is true does not require you shedding your objectivity. In fact,it is the essence of good

journalism. ”objectivity是客观性,它的反义词subjectivity是主观性。The essence of是一个非常重要的词,叫…的精髓。很多人会认为它只有一个意思,也就是要素,但其实更多地,我们用的是精髓。

◎ 我们可以看到虹口区33题The research showed that over the past 35 years,women’s

happiness has declined,both comparing to the past and relative to men even though the lives of women in the US have improved in recent decades by most objective measures.这里很明显是填一个形容词。那么我们知道在10选9当中很多的选项都有形容词的倾向,比如inadequate。那么在这种情况下,我们分析上句The lives of women have improved。这个动态关系其实就是由男女平等引起的,那么后面的是什么措施呢?也就是公正的,客观的措施,也就是objective。


▍在2017年1月20日,Donald•J•Trump发表了就职演说,标志其正式登上历史舞台。“You came by the tens of millions to become part of the historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.”这里我们发现like也可以作具体的个体名词——类别使用,the likes of which has never been seen before就是unprecedented, 所以译文很简洁,即你们千千万万,远道而来就为了参加这一史无前例的历史性运动。

▍先是宣誓:“The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all!

▍Americans.”office在这里指职位。同样,在曾经的竞选中批评卡森时:“He wrote this I guess before he was running for office.”run for office即竞选职位,又有在野和执政表达为out of office和in office。

▍Trump 这次的演说可以说是色调灰暗,表现为危机观和政客的贬低以突出自身的重要性。危机观比如“Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all

knowledge.”(居住在内陆城市的贫困母子,全国各地如墓碑般横亘的停摆工厂,依靠高额学费运营的教育体制剥夺了青年才俊汲取各类知识的机会。)从这句话中我们可以看出“谈判的艺术”,英语中也有修辞手法,但不能完全用中文的眼光来看待,而需要积累,之后也有更多例子。Trapped in poverty和scattered like tombstones 这类分词作形容词的用法也出现在了段落总结句中“We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city.”We assembled here是一个整体,但可以转换为动词来翻译(我们聚集于此)再比如,“For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industries at the expanse of other industries, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad

depletion of our military.”(多年来,我们发展了别国的工业,本国工业却步步倒退;我们为别国筹措军费,本国的军费却紧巴巴。) at the expanse of将两部分以明确的逻辑关系联系在一起。

◎ 除此之外,英语还有副词等工具来调整语序,使句子简洁明了。我们可以看到闵行区一模翻译76题:这家饭店虽然位置不佳,但因菜肴丰富、服务优良而深受食客青睐。(locate)整体是转折关系,后半句是由“菜肴丰富”和“服务优良”两个要素构成的因果关系。看到locate,我们会条件反射be located in,但相较后半句的结构,句子会显得冗长,所以可以考虑用副

词来修饰locate。译为Although this restaurant is not ideally located,it is quite popular among dinners because of its rich dishes and excellent service.”

◎ 还有高考完型中”Anything we can do to improve our ability to predict the events is well worth the effort.”其中well修饰worth节省了很多功夫。

◎ 而对政客的贬低体现于“We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action”,这里将no longer前置进行强调。

◎ 关于强调句,我们可以看到松江区一模的翻译75题:务必保管好你的密码,否则别人会获取你储存在电脑中的重要信息。(access)很容易反应出have/get access to,“务必”我们熟悉的是be sure to。这里实质上是强调,所以可译为do keep your password safe.all talk and no action 即光说不干。Hillary Clinton在竞选中也用了类似的表达:“The facts speaks for themselves.” ,即事实证明了一切。

▍Trump在竞选中也多次表达对政客的不满:“We have people that are selling this country down the drain.”(我们有人把这个国家出卖到血本无归),drain原意排水孔,尤指钱的消耗。Down the drain形象地表达了政客和领导人合伙出卖国家之迅速,即血本无归。

▍他在演说中大多继承了竞选中的观点,他重申其经济观以拯救本国经济(主要体现为通货膨胀、贸易不平衡和失业率)。正如APM中名为Trump’s America的报道中所说“Raising interest rates,just sort of contract expansionary fiscal policy actually does the president a salad,if in fact keeps the economy overheating.”

那我们知道美国被称作melting pot,它的双胞胎是salad bowl,大家可以自己去查它们之间的区别。

▍Trump在竞选中也提到:“Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the middle east.” eat up解释为占据,这里是拟人。所以他将移民比作强盗:“We must protect our borders from the ravagers of other countries making our products,stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.”;将现在的美国比作垃圾倾销厂:“The U.S has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problem.”,而Hillary对此表达了不同的观点:”We have to work more closely to make sure that they and we are on the same page, we have to lead the world because the alternative to us leading the world is a vacuum.”

▍他表达民粹主义以拉拢人心:“For too long, only a small group in our country has reaped the rewards of our country while the people have borne the cost.(长期以来,只有华盛顿的小部分群体享受到政府政策的利益,其他美国人民只是承受代价),并展现美好愿景“We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our countries with American hands and American labor. We will follow two simple rules:Buy American and hire


◎ Reap the rewards和on the same page称为求雅换词,

我们熟悉的例子是在松江区74题:听到两位宇航员安然无恙返回地球的消息,人们欣喜若狂(wild)译为Hearing the news that the two astronauts returned to earth safe and sound,people were wild with joy.get people off of welfare即让国民不再吃低保。

◎ 在静安区第一篇语法中也考察了对off的理解:Surfer Mat Jones told Channel 7 News that he (21) has gone (go) into water off a New South Wales beach and left his new

iPhone 7.这里解释为从岸上下水。Water和off连在一起的短语有water off a duck’s back(对牛弹琴).The Buy American Act曾在1933年实施过,Hillary在竞选中对此反驳道:“Instead of the economy(Basic bargain),they’ll buy every American for every American,we were told that if we let those at the top pay lower taxes and bend the rules,their success will trickle down to everyone else.”trickle down指向下滴流,形象地表现了过程的不可靠,具有强烈的讽刺意味。

◎ “谈判的艺术”还体现在过渡句,Trump在竞选中曾用到“Here’s the beauty of all.”来吸引注意。

◎ 从政治类演讲中我们还可以积累政治专用词汇,例如Trump在宣布竞选时谈到的第二修正案:“Firmly support and back up the second amendment.”再例如这次也谈到给予老兵应有的待遇,老兵称为veterans,简称vets。Hillary也曾谈到:”Our national troops didn’t get access to the same health care benefits but they were being called up more and more.” ◎ 对于call的搭配,我们仍需注意,这里的call up是召集而闵行区51题B选项call off解释为取消。


▍下面我们结合APM名为One week into Donald Trump’s economy一文来回顾Trump上任的第一周。“First up,we try to cram President Donald Trump’s very busy first week into five minutes of radio.”“This is a very interesting way of doing policy of throwing things up in the air to flow them and see how the public response.”他对所有进口商品实行了20%税率,然而...“For economists,taxation is a massy business,it’s kind of shooting yourself in the foot. Now,if it’s a part of the entire cooperate ,then the ideas that the exchange rate would adjust and the effect to the American consumer wouldn’t be that great.”shooting yourself in the foot 从字面意思理解就是搬起石头砸自己的脚。


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