金融英语1 - 范文中心



[00:00.00]Chapter 1 Banks in Modern Society


  [00:03.63]Unit 1 Basic Roles and Services of a Bank


  [00:07.94]What is a bank?


  [00:10.95]It may be advisable to define a bank as an institution for doing financial work.


  [00:18.23]Notes:What is a bank?


  [00:22.94]It may be advisable to define a bank as an institution for doing financial work.


  [00:50.02]A modern bank provides many services.


  [00:53.71]One of the most important of these is regular pass book savings.


  [00:59.12]If you go to a bank to open a savings account,


  [01:02.62]first of all you'll be asked to fill out a signature card.


  [01:07.21]Notes:If you go to a bank to open a savings account,


  [01:12.20]first of all you'll be asked to fill out a signature card.


  [01:15.70]saving account,

  [01:24.82]demand-deposit or checking-accounts,


  [01:31.51]Then you'll be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded.


  [01:37.70]All deposits and with-drawals from your account are entered into your passbook.


  [01:42.90]This means that the passbook


  [01:45.59]contains an actual record of saving you have at any one time.


  [01:50.58]With a regular passbook savings account,


  [01:54.18]you would be able to withdraw money whenever you needed it.


  [01:59.59]All you would have to do is to fill out a withdrawal order and present it,


  [02:04.89]along with your passbook,to the teller.


  [02:08.29]Another important service that banks provide is traveler's checks.


  [02:12.88]If you went on a vacation or traveled on business to another city or state,


  [02:18.29]you would probably want to bring some traveler's c

hecks with you.


  [02:22.29]They have two important advantages over cash.


  [02:25.97]One is that your money is always safe.


  [02:29.45]If the checks are lost or stolen,you can receive a refund for the total amount.


  [02:35.04]Another is that they are more convenient.


  [02:37.94]For this service the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the check.


  [02:42.22]Still another service that banks provide is safe-deposit boxes,


  [02:47.31]where you can keep important documents and valuable jewelry.


  [02:51.70]If kept in you own home,your valuables might be lost or stolen.


  [02:57.01]They might also be destroyed by fire or flood.


  [03:00.61]Safe-deposit boxes are kept in vaults that are usually burglar-proof and fireproof.



  [03:09.49]Safe-deposit boxes are kept in vaults that are usually burglar-proof and fireproof.


  [03:27.39]a waterproof coat,

  [03:30.18]a bulletproof car,

  [03:32.98]a soundproof room

  [03:35.98]To get a safe-deposit box,


  [03:38.78]you would have to fill out a signature card and pay a yearly rental fee.


  [03:43.58]You would be given a key to your box,and the bank would keep another key.


  [03:47.97]It is impossible to open your box without both keys.


  [03:52.65]The banks takes another precaution as well.


  [03:57.14]Before you can open the box,you must sign a slip of paper.


  [04:01.32]Your signature is compared with the one on your signature card.


  [04:05.39]You'll not be allowed to open your box unless the employee


  [04:09.29]at the bank is satisfied that the signature is genuine.



  [04:13.28]One another important service,


  [04:15.87]one which many businessmen who travel a great deal take advantage of,


  [04:20.75]is the credit card.


  [04:23.34]Credit cards are the convenient way of paying hotel bills and other expenses.


  [04:28.51]They can also be used for cash advances.


  [04:32.30]All charges made on your card are sent to the bank,


  [04:36.61]and you are billed once a month for the total amount.


  [04:40.01]There is no charge(except for cash advances) if the payment is received promptly.


  [04:46.51]To get a credit card,you must fill out an application


  [04:50.40]that requires you to supply such personal information as your monthly salary and other income.


  [04:56.49]If your credit is not good,the bank will not issue such a credit card.


  [05:00.98]Of course,this information is kept confidential.


  [05:04.88]Most of the services described above do not provide a major source of income for the bank.


  [05:11.38]How,then,does the bank itself make its money?


  [05:15.17]Its largest source of income is through loans.


  [05:19.27]The majority of loans made are known as commercial loans


  [05:23.68]---loans made to businesses and not to individuals.


  [05:29.87]In addition,banks make real estate loans to individuals for the purchase of houses or land,


  [05:36.67]and they also give personal loans to people


  [05:40.64]who want to buy a new car or a new appliance


  [05:44.32]It is hard to imagine


  [05:46.72]how the complex business affairs of our modern world could be carried out



  [05:51.71]without the many services that a bank provides.


  [05:55.60]Unit 2 Commercial Banks


  [05:58.69]Section One Advances


  [06:01.67]When a trading banker refers to his bank's business,


  [06:05.77]it means primarily its advance business.


  [06:10.18]The provision of credit by way of advances to customers


  [06:15.17]is central to the business of trading banks


  [06:19.38]because it yields the bulk of their income,


  [06:23.06]demands the most important policy decisions at every level of bank administration,


  [06:29.04]and constitutes the channel through


  [06:32.54]which trading banks exercise the greatest influence on a country's economy.


  [06:38.73]A bank advance can take two forms,loan or overdraft.


  [06:43.51]The distinction between the two methods does not matter greatly to the customer.


  [06:49.13]With the overdraft method,


  [06:51.43]the amount of the agreed advance is noted in the customer's account.


  [06:55.71]as the limit up to which he may overdraw his account,


  [07:33.04]If advances take the form of loans,


  [07:36.15]new credit granted immediately increases advances and deposits by the full amount.


  [07:42.34]In the case of overdrafts,


  [07:45.03]advances and deposits are increased only as the overdraft is used.


  [07:50.41]If figures for unexercised overdrafts were available and were added to deposits


  [07:56.03]this difference,too,would disappear.


  [07:59.11]A bank is usually happy to take on new customers,


  [08:02.93]Notes:A bank is usually happy to take on new customers,

  [08:08.41]Notes:take on

  [08:14.92]We've decided to take on a new clerk in the accounts department.


  [08:19.30]but it naturally scrutinizes more closely outside applicants,


  [08:24.69]of whose credit standing it has no direct knowledge


  [08:28.50]and always makes it a condition of the advance


  [08:31.69]that the applicant transfer his ordinary banking business to itself.


  [08:36.70]Nor are all advances formally approved and backed by written security.


  [08:41.80]The Australian trading banks are much less strict than American banks


  [08:46.60]about debit balances incur red by customers overdrawing their accounts by small amounts


  [08:53.00]and for short periods without formal approval.


  [08:57.10]Business firms in good standing with their bank


  [09:00.19]can usually also count on getting a small overdraft for a short period,


  [09:05.10]of perhaps a few weeks,without formal security.



  [09:11.18]Business firms in good standing with their bank

  [09:15.68]can usually also count on getting a small overdraft for a short period,


 [09:20.56]of perhaps a few weeks,without formal security.

  [09:24.77]Notes:count on

  [09:32.06]You cannot count on the weather being fine.


  [09:35.74]The overdrafts of very large companies are commonly unsecured.


  [09:40.13]But insistence on written security


  [09:43.11]is probably more general in Australia than in England


  [09:47.28]where business and particularly personal advances


  [09:50.99]are still frequently granted on the good name


  [09:54.99]and the bank's knowledge of the customer alone.


  [09:58.60]The usual procedure,when a new advance is sought,


  [10:02.59]is for the customer to put his request to the bank manager


  [10:06.28]who will require information about the applicant's business and financial position


  [10:11.37]the purpose of the advance,


  [10:13.67]security offered and arrangements for repayment;


  [10:17.35]if the applicant is not well known to the bank,


  [10:20.23]he may ask for references.


  [10:23.02]For advances up to a certain amount,


  [10:25.50]the manager has authority to sanction the advance at his own discretion,


  [10:30.28]though the amount varies from bank to bank


  [10:33.29]and with the size of the manager's branch;


  [10:36.47]it may also vary according to whether credit policy is tight or easy.


  [10:41.96]When the advance is approved,


  [10:45.46]the bank's security department prepares security documents


  [10:50.06]which may require detailed investigation and valuation.


  [10:54.86]When these are completed,


  [10:57.27]the agreed limit is recorded in the customer's advance account.



  [11:01.76]All advance accounts are kept under regular review,


  [11:05.86]and customers may be requested to


  [11:09.57]comply with the formal or informal repayment arrangements.


  [11:14.17]Section 2 Commercial Bank's Credit Creation


  [11:18.77]It is the ability of the commercial banks to create money


  [11:22.87]in the form of demand deposits by making loans and investments


  [11:29.66]that distinguishes commercial banks from other financial institutions.


  [11:35.35]While some thrift institutions have acquired demand deposit authority,


  [11:41.96]their participation in money creation is limited relative to banks


  [11:48.15]which hold their nearly all business demand deposits


  [11:51.97]and the majority of individual and government demand deposits.


  [11:57.45]The banking system can build up deposits by increasing loans and investments,


  [12:02.96]so long as banks keep enough currency and reserves


  [12:06.57]to meet the requirement imposed on them by regulation


  [12:10.75]and to redeem whatever amounts the holders of deposits want to convert to currency.


  [12:17.12]This is a unique attribute that is often difficult for the layman to understand


  [12:22.71]and that occasionally even baffles bankers.


  [12:26.71]As contrasted with the banking system as a whole,however,


  [12:32.90]an individual bank cannot expect that the deposits it creates will remain with it.


  [12:38.91]The money it can lend and invest,at any moment,


  [12:42.70]is its excess of cash


  [12:45.28]and bank balances over required reserves and minimum cash requirements.


  [12:51.40]The individual bank must stand ready


  [12:54.48]to pay out the deposits it creates when it makes new loans



  [13:00.46]The individual bank must stand ready to pay out the deposits it creates when it makes new loans


  [13:14.25]How do things stand at the moment?


  [13:17.26]and to pay for securities it buys upon delivery.


  [13:23.66]In practice,out of the vast aggregate of financial transactions the individual bank gains


  [13:31.15]and loses funds in the course of each day's business


  [13:36.25]From its net gains the bank can increase its loans and investments.


  [13:41.52]If the bank has net losses it must collect loans or sell investments.


  [13:46.62]As one of the theoretical aggregate of all banks


  [13:50.62]it competes for its share of the deposits


  [13:54.40]that the banking system as a whole may create


  [13:57.90]when additional reserves are supplied by the Central Bank.


  [14:01.90]A bank does not create credit in a vacuum;


  [14:06.21]it creates credit in order to supply the funds that are needed by the community it serves


  [14:12.40]and the nation of which it is a part.


  [14:15.20]Bank loans and investments may finance production,


  [14:18.88]distribution,investment,consumption,and the needs of government.


  [14:25.28]Credit enables goods to move through the channels of trade,


  [14:29.28]People to acquire homes,factories to be built,workers to buy automobiles,


  [14:35.47]the nation to finance its defense,


  [14:38.45]and many other useful or profitable purposes.



  [14:42.63]Without credit business as we know it would be almost impossible,


  [14:47.43]and our standard of living would never have been attained.


  [14:51.14]Bank credit supplies money where and when it is needed,


  [14:55.53]and the repayment of bank credit removes money from circulation


  [15:00.02]when the specific need for it has passed


  [15:03.34]When the economists speak of a balanced economy

  [15:05.68]当经济学家谈及经济commercial banks supply liquidity to the economy.


  [16:29.91]Through their ability to lend and invest,


  [16:33.20]they can provide money immediately


  [16:36.00]in consideration of assets or efforts that have a future money value.


  [16:41.40]Commercial banks use many different means


  [16:44.30]and organizational forms to supply this liquidity.


  [16:48.20]Seasonal self-liquidating business loans,


  [16:51.80]consumer home-mortgage loans,tax anticipation notes,


  [16:57.91]business term loans,bank credit cards,and many other forms are used.


  [17:04.10]In larger banks,


  [17:05.80]departments are generally established to specialize in certain forms of lending.


  [17:10.79]The foreign departments of some large banks,for example,


  [17:14.58]are almost separate institutions in themselves.


  [17:18.47]In smaller banks,one or a small number of bank officers


  [17:22.78]is generally responsible for bank loans and investments;


  [17:27.56]however,farm lending or consumer credit is frequently departmentalized.


  [17:34.25]The important aspect is not the particular means or organizational form,


  [17:39.84]but the bank's active effort


  [17:42.03]to supply the funds that are needed in the community that it serves.


  [17:47.42]Section 3 the Payment Collection of Commercial Banks.


  [17:53.61]The commercial banking system


  [17:56.40]not only creates the principal means of payment(demand deposits)


  [18:03.19]and serves as the custodian of this supply of money


  [18:07.29]but also provides the means by which payments c

an be simply and expeditiously made.


  [18:14.01]This is the collection system through which checks,primarily,


  [18:19.00]but also notes,drafts,coupons,


  [18:22.29]and money transfers by letter and telegraph


  [18:25.48]are made each day in tremendous and ever-increasing volume


  [18:29.86]As we move toward a ystem.


  [20:04.32]Nevertheless,if one includes the payment and receipt of fundsthrough the teller's window,


  [20:10.02]more man-days are spent by banks in the performance of the collection function


  [20:17.12]than in any other.


  [20:19.42]Available figures indicate that close to one third of bank operating costs,


  [20:25.33]exclusive of interest paid,


  [20:27.83]are the direct costs of their teller,transit,and bookkeeping operations.


  [20:33.53]The growth in use of bank credit cards as the means of payment may shift these costs


  [20:39.72]but will probably not reduce them.


  [20:43.12]From the viewpoint of bank policy,


  [20:45.73]the system is primarily a service function.



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