六年级上学期英语期考试听力材料 - 范文中心



六上英语 英语听力材料 2016.11


1. Long long ago, there was a king.

2. Two men showed the king some magic clothes.

3. We brought some dumplings and some drinks to the park.

4. Mary wore a beautiful paper dress at the school fashion show.

5. It was rainy yesterday morning.

6. It’s Bobby’s turn to say a sentence.

7. It rained at last. We were hungry and wet.

8. Please try on the new jacket.

9. Don’t laugh at foolish people.

10. I visited the Palace Museum last Sunday.


11. A: What’s the weather like today?

B: It’s sunny. But it was a rainy day yesterday.

Q: What was the weather like yesterday?

12. A: What did you do last Sunday, Sam?

B: I did my homework in the morning and I played football with my friends in the afternoon.

Q: What did Sam do last Sunday morning?

13. A: What did you do this National Day holiday, Liu Tao?

B: I visited the Summer Palace.

Q: Where did Liu Tao go for the National Day holiday?

14. A: I called you yesterday, but you weren’t in.Where were you, Jack ?

B: I had a bad cough and my father took me to the hospital.

Q: Why did Jack go to the hospital yesterday?

15. A: Bill, what time is it?

B: It’s five twenty.

A: When did the party start?

B: Ten minutes ago.

Q: What time did the party start?

三、听短文,根据短文内容和问题, 选择正确的答案,并将序号写在题前括号内,听三


Last Sunday was a sunny day. Liu Tao came to Mike ’s home in the morning. They learned English together. They read some funny English stories. At about ten o’clock, they went to Gaoyou Lake on foot. And they went fishing near the lake. It was very interesting. Mike caught a big fish. He was very happy. Mike ’s mother cooked the fish for them at home. After lunch they cleaned the kitchen. Mike swept the floor.Liu Tao washed the plates. Then they played computer games.At about four o’clock in the afternoon, they played pingpong. They had a good time.


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