小学三年级上学期英语期中考试试卷 - 范文中心




I. Write down the letters from A—Z。(从字母A写到Z。)

II. Find out the words we’ve learnt.(找出我们学过的单词。)

________ ________

________ ________






________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________

III. Complete the dialogue.(完成对话。)

IV. Read and match.(读后连线。) 1. How do you do? 2. How are you?

A. She’s eight. B. Morning. C. Me, too. D. How do you do?

E. I’m OK, thanks. F. Nine. G. Hello! H. Johnson. I. Bye!

3. How old are you? 4. What’s your name? 5. Good morning. 6. Hello!

7. Nice to meet you. 8. Goodbye! 9. How old is Ann?

【试题答案】 Listening


I. Listen and tick.(听后打“√”。)


1. —Hello, Paul. What’s the boy’s name? —He’s Mark.

—How old is he? Is he eight? —No. I’m eight, but he’s nine. 2. —Is Lily your good friend, Nina? —Yes, and Alice, too. —How old are they?

—They are nine. But I’m eight. II. Listen and number.(听后排序)。

听力材料: 1. good 7. taxi

2. hand 3. boy 8. eight 9. city

4. granny 10. kite

5. mom 11. queue

6. bike 12. cake

III. Listen and tick.(听一听,在相应的句子上打“√”) 1. A. How do you do? B. How are you? √ 2. A. How are you?

B. How old are you? √ 3. A. How old is she? √ B. How old is he? 4. A. What’s your name? B. What’s his name? √ 5. A. Good morning. B. Hello. √ 6. A. Good morning! B. Bye - bye! √ 听力材料:

1. —How are you, Miss Black? —Very well. Thank you. 2. —How old are you, little boy? —I’m nine.

3. —How old is that girl? —She is seven.

4. —What’s the boy’s name? —He’s Philip.

5. —Hello, Peter. Nice to meet you again. —Me, too, Mr Zhang. 6. —Goodbye, Li Yan. —Goodbye, Bob.

IV. Listen and put them in order.(听后排序。)


—Nice to see you again, children. —Nice to see you, too, Mr Smith. —How are you today, boy? —I’m OK. And you?

—I’m fine, thanks. Oh, your name and age, please? —Victor. And I am nine.

—Good. Let’s be good friends. —I’d love to. Bye - bye! —Bye! Writing


I. Write down the letters from A—Z。(从字母A写到Z。)

II. Find out the words we’ve learnt.(找出我们学过的单词。)

III. Complete the dialogue.(完成对话。)

IV. Read and match.(读后连线。)


一、 1、

情景会话。在括号中填写正确的选项。(20分) 早晨到校见到老师,我们要说:

A:Good morning B: Stand up


别人对你说“ How are you?”你应该说: A: I’m Sam B: I’m fine. Thank you.

3、 你应该怎样问别人的名字?

A: How are you? B: What’s your name?

4、 你应该怎样向别人介绍自己?

A: Hello, I’m Sam. B: Good bye, Amy.

5、 下午放学时,我们应该怎样向老师同学说? A: Good bye. B: Good morning.

6、 你应该怎样描述你的课桌?

A: It’s a red cap. B: It’s a red desk.

7、 一个女孩对你说“Hello, I’m Amy”你应该说: A: Thank you. B: Hello, Amy.

8、 早晨到了学校见到你的英语老师Ms Smart你应该说: A: Good morning, Ms Smart. B: Good bye, Ms Smart.

9、 别人问你“What’s your name?”你应该说: A: Thank you. B: I’m Sam.

10、 老师在课堂上对你说“Stand up, please”你应该: A:站起来 B:走出教室

二、 连线(20分)

1、 小鸟 black board 2、 课桌 window 3、 熊猫 bird 4、 黑板 panda 5、 窗户 desk

6、 门 orange 7、 椅子 cat 8、 桔子 door 9、 帽子 chair 10、 小猫 cap 三、


Blue ( ) red ( ) black( )

green ( ) yellow ( ) 四、


1、 你好,大明。

A: Hello, Daming. B: Good bye, Daming C: Thank you, Daming.

2、 再见,Amy。

A: Good morning, Amy. B: Good bye, Amy. C: Hello, Amy. 3、 早上好,Sam。

A: Good morning, Sam. B: Good bye, Sam. C: Hello, Sam.

4、 你好吗?

A: How are you? B: Good morning C: Good bye 5、 我很好,谢谢你。

A: I’m Sam. Thank you. B: I’m fine. Thank you.

6、 一把红色的椅子。

A: a blue desk b: a red chair C: a red desk 7、 一只黄色的小猫。

A: a yellow cat B: a red cap C: a yellow dog 8、 指着门

A: point to the desk B: point to the door C: point to the window 9、 它是黑色的。

A: The door is black. B: I’m a panda. C: It’s black.

10、 它是一顶红色的帽子。

A: It’s a red cap. B: It’s a green cat. C: It’s a blue dog. 五、


A a Bb C c Dd Ee


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