现代移动通信英语 - 范文中心



















七、半导体器件已从每芯片16兆门/150MHz速率的VLSI发展到0.5千兆门/350MHz速率的VLSI和2千兆门 /550MHz速率的 VLSI。



Modern mobile communication technology In now highly the informationization society, the information and the correspondence have become the modern society “the life”. The information exchange mainly relies on the computer correspondence, but corresponds takes the transmission method, with the sensing technology, the computer technology fuses mutually, has become in the 21st century the international society and the world economic development powerful engine. In order to of adapt the time request, the new generation of mobile communication technology seasonable and lives, the new generation of mobile communication technology is the people said that third generation's core characteristic is the wide band addressing turns on non-gap roaming between the rigid network and numerous different communications system's, gains the multimedia communication services.

Along with the time progress, the technical innovation, people's life request's enhancement, the mobile communication technology renewal speed is quite astonishing, almost every other ten year mobile communication technology has a transformation update, from the 1980s “the mobile phone” to present's 3G handset, during has had two mobile communication technology transformation, transits from 1G AMPS to 2G GSM, from GSM to IMT-2000 (i.e. 3G technology). Knows modern on me the mobile communication technology to have the following several aspect important technology:

1. wideband modulation and multiple access technique

2. frequency spectrum use factor lift technique

3. software radio technology

4. software radio technology

5. network security and QoS

modern mobile communication technological development seven new tendencies :

First, mobility management already from terminal management to individual management and intelligent management development

Second, network already from synchronized digital circuit to asynchronous digital grouping and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) development;

the three, software's developments actuated from the algorithm to the procedure-oriented and face the goal tendency development;

the four, information processing have developed from the voice to the data and the image;

five, wireless frequency spectrum processing already from narrow band simulation to the narrow band CDMA development;

the six, computers have developed from central processing to the distributional server and intellectualized processing;

the seven, semiconductor devices have developed from each chip 16,000,000,000,000 /150MHz speed VLSI to 0.5 /350MHz speed VLSI and 2,000,000,000,000,000 /550MHz speed VLSI.

Under this tendency's guidance, the mobile service rapid development, it satisfied the people in any time, any place to carry on the correspondence with any individual the desire. The mobile communication realizes in the future the ideal person-to-person communication service way that must be taken. In the information support technology, the market competition and under the demand combined action, the mobile communication technology's development is progresses by leaps and bounds, presents the following several general trends: 1) network service digitization,

grouping; 2) networking wide band; 3) networking intellectualization; 4) higher frequency band; 5) more effective use frequency; 6) each kind of network tends the fusion. The understanding, grasps these tendencies has the vital practical significance to the mobile communication operator and the equipment manufacturer.


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