八年级下英语完成句子 - 范文中心




Written by Mrs Zhang 2013年6月24日星期一

1. 我爷爷希望自己活到100岁。

My grandfather hopes she can __ ___ ___ 100 years old.

2. 人们将不再用钱,一切均是免费的。

People ____ use money,everything will ____ ____.

3. 从现在起五年内,你打算做什么?What are you going to do ___ ___ ____now?

4. 一百年后人们还将会用纸吗? ___ people ____ paper ____ 100 years?

5. 未来的城市将会更拥挤。The cities in the future ____ ____ ____ ____.

6. 学生将会在家里电脑上学习。Students will study ____ ____ at home.

7. 我不喜欢一个人住。I don’t like ____ _____.

8. 他的梦想会实现的。His dream will ____ ______.

9. 机器人永远不会觉得乏味。Robots will ____ ____ ____.

10. 当你到北京时给我打电话。 ____ ____ ____when you get to Beijing.

11. 人们将更少地乘坐地铁。People will use the subway ___

12. 这事对你来说可能听上去没有什么意思。This ____________________you.

13. 他改变了来自北京的杨蕾的生活。It____ Yang Lei’s life _____ Beijing.

14. 他与他的的朋友相处很融洽。She is ___________________ her friends.

15. 教育部每年派100位志愿者到中国的农村去任教。

The Ministry of Education ________ in China’s rural areas every year.

16. 我的表弟和我同龄。My cousin is ______________me.

17. 稀薄的空气使她感觉不好受。The thin air ____________.

18. 另一方面,我不知道如何使用电脑。

___ ___ ____ ____,I don’t know how to use the computer.

19. 幸运的是,她妈妈同意女儿的决定。

____, her mother ____ her daughter’s decision.

20. 他的爸妈都是医生。___ his father ___ mother ___ doctors.

21. 杨蕾说她能开阔她的学生的视野。Yang Lei said she __________________.

22. 我们应尽可能多说英语。We should speak English____ _____ ____ _____.

23. 他们帮忙做家务,还做最令人不愉快的工作。

They _____do the housework, and do __________ job.

24. 她说她喜欢给孩子们的生活带来好的影响。

She said she likes _______________ the children’s lives.

25. 如果努力学习,你就回取得好成绩。If you ___ ___, you ___ ___ good ____.

26. 你认为明天会下雨吗?Do you think _____________ tomorrow.

27. 在20至50年后,机器人将能够和人谈话。

Robots will __________ talk to people in 25__50 years.

28. 我将和我最好的朋友住在一所公寓里

I___ live in an ___ with my _____friends.

29. 他如果玩电脑游戏太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

If she ____ computer games too much, her parents ___ ____ unhappy.

30. 在1929年以前,电影没有声音。____1929, ____ _____ no sound in movies.

31. 我们打算用较少的钱和人来做这项工作。

We are going to do the work___ __money and ___people.

32. 五年后,他们会有更多的空闲时间吗?

____ they _____ _____ free time in five years.

33. 他小的时候就会游泳。He ____________ swim when he was young.

=He _____ swim when he was young.

34. 这所学校大约有五百名学生。There are about five _________ in this school.

35. --你认为你下个月的生活会是什么样的?


--What do you think your life _____________ next month.

--My life will be _____ _____ _____ than it is now.

36. 如果你去参加晚会,你会玩的很开心。

If you go to the party,you ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

37. 飞机起飞的时候,天正在下着大雪。

It ___ ___ heavily when the plane ___ __.

38. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。

If it ____ ____ tomorrow, I ____ ____ to the park ____ you.

39. 在英语方面,阅读和听力相比较,我更擅长阅读。

In English, I’m ____ ____ reading than listening.

40. 当它走进一家纪念品商店时,我非常惊讶。

I was very _____ when it _____ ____ a souvenir shop.

41. 当其他的孩子在外面玩耍时,我女儿正在写信

My daughter was writing a letter,____ the other children ____ _____ outside.

42. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。

You ____ ____ good at all the subjects if you ____ the other’s homework.

43. 罗伯特和他的朋友们一起默默地回家了。

Robert and his friends walked home together ____ _____.

44. 下星期日他们将要去参观世界公园。

They ____ visit the World Park next Sunday.

They _____ ____ _____ visit the World Park next Sunday.

45. 如果你迟到了,老师会让你进吗?

____ your teacher ____ ____ ____ if you ____ late.

46. 你觉得这个建议怎么样?___ do you ___ __ the advice?

47. 我的衣服和我朋友的衣服一样。My clothes are ____ ____ ____ my friend’s.

48. 他有着和我一样的发型。He has ____ ____ haircut ____ I do.

49. 当时我太害怕,以至于忘了给警察打电话。

I was____ scared ____ call the police ____ that time.

50. 我旁边恰好站着一位记者。A reporter was standing____ ____ _____ me.

51. 那个小偷刚才从商店里出来逃跑了。

That thief ___ ____ ____the shop and ____ ____ just now.

52. 他进来时我正在睡懒觉。I was ___ ___ when he ___ ___.

53. 他没有想到看车站外面。She didn’t ___ _____ looking ____ the station.

54. 我希望你身体健康。I hope you ____ ____ ____.

55. 我相信他会想通这件事的。I was ___ she would ___ __it.

56. 上周我结束了年终考试,今天我拿到了成绩单。

I ___ my ___ exams last week, and ___ my report card today

57. 我这学期的物理学的确实非常吃力。

I ___ a ____ ____ ____ with physics this semester.

58. 她说我很懒惰,这并不是真的。She said I ____ ____, ____ isn’t true.

59. 他说他再也不想做我的好朋友了。

He said he ____ ____ to be my best friends _____.

60. Gina 的父母认为如今的年轻人需要经历不同的事情。

Gina’s parents thought young people today____ to ___ different things.

61. 汤姆告诉我明天他会带一些书去我家里。

Tom told me he ____ ____ some books to my house tomorrow.

62. 我的阅读要比听力好。I am ____ at ____ than ____.

63. 你找抄别人的作业是不对的。

It’s not right ____ you to ____ _____ homework.

64. 幸运的是,这次他通过了数学考试。_____, he ____ the math exam this time.

65. 上周我和我的朋友大吵了一架。

I ___ a ___ ___ __ my best friends last week.

66. 请把字典传给李明。Please ____ _____ the dictionary _____ Li Ming.

67. 有许多事情可做。There are lots of things ____ ____.

68. 我希望每个人都身体健康。I hope Everyone ____ ____ good ____.

69. 她现在是一所高中的数学教师。

She now ____ ____ a math teacher in a high school.

70. 我们不知道他们什么时候回来。We don’t know when ____ ____ ____ ____.

71. 如果你每天吃汉堡的话,你会长胖的。If you ___ ___ every day, you’ll get _.

72. 如果我成名了,全世界人都会认识我。

____ I become famous, people ____ ____ the world___ know me.

73. 请你把音乐调低一点好吗?Would you mind _____ _____ the music?

74. --大卫,你介意把门关上吗?---对不起,我马上关。

---David,would you ____ ___ the door? ---Sorry, I’ll ____ ____ right away.

75. 请不要对每件事都发牢骚好吗?

Could you please ___ ___ about everything?

76. 如果他明天来,我就和他一起去。If he ____ tomorrow, I’ll ____ ____him.

77. 他出什么事了?What ____ _____ him?

78. ---你能把我的表送去修一下吗?---没问题。

---Could you please _____ ____ ____ ____? ---______ ____ _____.

79. 如果那样的事情发生的话,我就不会再去那家店了。

If ____ ____, I _____ go back to the store again.

80. ---你能帮我换一件吗?你给我拿错码了。


---would you please change another one for me? You brought me ____ ____


---Sorry, I’ll change it for you right now.

81. 老师昨天没收了我的玩具。The teacher ____ ____ my toy yesterday.

82. 我该为我父亲买什么生日礼物呢?

What should I _____ my father _____ his birthday?

83. 你为什么不买一条项链呢?Why ___ you ___ a ____?






89. 那不够令人感兴趣。That’s ____ ____ _____. 一个手镯怎么样?____ ____ a bracelet? 你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?What’s the best ____you have ever ___? 人们会一直关注名人。People will watch the famous people ____ ___ ____. 是的,至少现在没有下雨。Yes,___ ___ it isn’t raining. 当飞机起飞时,正下着大雨。

It was raining hard _____ the plane ____ in London.

90. 他告诉我们他的爷爷身体很好。He told us his grandpa was ___ good ____.

91. 如果有重要的情况请给我打电话。

Please ____ me up if there is something _____.

92. 我不喜欢离开家人度假。

I don’t like ___ spend my holiday ___ ___ my family.

93. 去年他靠修电脑谋生。He _____ a _____ by fixing computers last year.

94. 今天早上这个男孩一直在看书。

This boy ___ ____ books ____ ____ ____ this morning.

95. 那位老人以前以画画为生。The old man ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

96. 如果你这样做,他们会嘲笑你。If you ___, they __ __ __ you.

97. 运动员经常在训练中受伤。Players often _____ _____ in the training.

98. 你想成为一名职业运动运吗?Do you want to __ a __ player?

99. 昨天做作业花了我很长时间。I ____ much time _____ my homework.

100. 你那时没有机会上大学吗?_____ you have ____ ____ _____ go to college? 101. 他努力干活想多挣钱。He is working hard to________________.

102. 谁昨天把书拿走了?Who _____ the book yesterday?

103. 我准备到世界各地旅游。I’m going to travel __________________.

104. 现在中国受到西方国家的一些影响。There is some ____ ___ in China now. 105. 对于他父亲来说,要养活一大家子人是很难的。

It was ____ ____ his father to keep a large family.

106. 这个女孩看上去有20多岁。The girl looks ____ _____ twenty years old.

107. 你知道得越多,你就会发现你未知的就越多。

____ __ you know, ____ ____ you’ll find you don’t know.

108. 我们坚信他们会在下届比赛之际来北京。

We ___ ___ that they will be in Beijing for the next games.

109. 请打扫一下院子好吗?Would you mind __________________________?

110. 他们看起来很可怕。They ________________________.

111. 请你不要在这儿打棒球好吗? Would you mind _________________here? 112. 你能在家庭作业方面给我帮助吗?Could you ___________________?

113. 如果你完成这些任务之后,我们可以今晚去看电影。

_______________,we can go to a movie tonight.

114. 不要在床上看书,这对你的眼睛有害。

Don’t read in bed. _____ bad ____ your eyes.

115. 胡先生每天花半小时吃午饭。

It _____ Mr Hu half an hour _____ have lunch every day.

116. 如果你努力一些,你就会赶上你的同学们。

If you work harder,you’ll ___ ___ with your classmates.

117. 我正想睡觉,你能把音乐关小吗?I’m _____ to sleep. _____ you ____ ____

the music, please.

118. 交通局想要车主付一大笔罚款。

The Ministry of communications wanted the car’s owner to _____ _____

_____ ______.

119. 你昨天写作业用了多长时间。

____ ____ ____ it ____ you to finish your homework yesterday?

120. 你今天写作业已经用了多长时间了?

How ___ ___ it ___ ___ you to do your homework today?

121. 我从17岁起一直住在北京。I have been living in Beijing ___ ___ ____ ___ 122. 他已经在这儿呆了2个小时了。He ____ ____ staying here ___ two hours.

123. 我已经读过这篇文章了。I ____ ____ this article.

124. 你介意把音乐调小一些吗? Would you mind _____ _____ the music?

125. 我抽烟你介意吗? Would you mind ____ ____?

126. 不要在这扔垃圾好吗? Would you mind_____ ____ litter here?

127. 你愿意帮他学数学吗?Could you please ____ him _____ math?

128. 你必须完成你的家庭作业。You ____ ____ ____ doing your homework.

129. 鹦鹉是最不寻常的宠物。____ are ____ ____ ____ pets.

130. 这些天来最流行的宠物是大肚猪.The ___ kind of pet ___ ___ is the ___ pig. 131. Tom养了一只叫做的乌龟。Tom has a ___ ___ Connie。

132. 这些书将会赠送给孩子们。These books will ____ ____ ____ to children.

133. 然而,和猪一起的生活并不总是完美的。

However, ____ ____ _____ _____ isn’t always ____.

134. 电影太无聊了,演了一半我就睡了。

The movie was too boring. I ___ ___ half way through it.

135. A: 你去过说英语的国家吗? B:没去过。

A:____ you ever ____ English-speaking countries? B: No, I ____.

136. 这个孩子要了50元钱去买了些CD盘。

The child ____ ____ 50 yuan ____ ____ some CDs.

137. 他们已经决定学习英语了。They ____ ____ to study English.

138. 学好英语的最好方法是尽可能地多说。

____ ____ ____ to learn English well ___ ____ speak as often as possible.

139. 我妈妈在这家医院当医生十三年了。

My mom ____ ____ a doctor in this hospital ____ 13 years.

140. 我发现足球赛确实令人激动。I found the football match ____ ____.

141. 我正在考虑飞往上海而不是乘火车。

I’m thinking about ____ to Shanghai rather than ____ there ____ train.

142. 我爷爷没有去过美国。我爸爸也没有去过。

My grandfather ____ ____ to America. ____ ___ my father.

143. 他们两个以前都不喜欢看电视。____ of them ____ watching TV.

144. 我的听力技巧需要提高。My ____ skills need ____.

145. 在一些亚洲国家,跟你的谈话对象站得近一点是很普通的事。

_____ ____ ____ ____ the person you are talking with is quite common in

some Asian countries.

146. 在公共场所乱丢垃圾是绝不被允许的。

Dropping the litter in public _____ almost _____ _____.

147. 即使你和朋友们在一起,在公共场合也最好说话声音小一点。

_____ ____ you are with your friends, it is better to your voice ______ in


148. 如果我看见有人违反了礼仪规则,我们可以礼貌地提一些建议。

If we see someone _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, we may politely give

them some suggestion.

149. 如果有人在你面前插队,你可以有礼貌地请他们按次序排队。

If someone _____ ____ ____ ____ you ____ a line ,you could ask them for

joining the line politely.

150. 你认为这些礼物怎么样?What ____ _____ _____ ____ these gifts?

151. 我该为我妈妈的生日准备些什么?

What _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ for her birthday?

152. 你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?

What’s ____ ____ ____ you have ever______?

153. 我将要做一顿特别的饭。I’m going to ____ ____ ____ _____.

154. 你为什么不买架照相机呢?_____ ____ _____ get a camera?

155. 这个包太重了,我搬不动。The bag is____ heavy ____ me_____ carry.

156. 你为这支钢笔付了多钱? How much did you ____ ____ the pen?

157. 他妈妈给他做了一顿特别的饭。His mother ____ ____ ____ ____ for him.

158. 昨天我看电视的时候,爸爸睡着了。

My father ____ ____ while I was watching TV.

159. 周末我们乘船去游览这个城市吧。

Let’s ____ ____ ____ on the boat to travel around the city.

160. 王芳在水上世界过得很愉快。

Wang Fang _____ _____ _____ _____ at Water World.

161. 刘涛没听说过史蒂夫·乔布斯。

Liu Tao _____ never ____ _____ Steve Jobs.

162. 在迪尼斯乐园,你们随时都能看到迪斯尼的人物形象。

You can see Disney characters ____ _____ ____.

163. 这几条路都会通向同一个地方。

All these ____ will ____ ____ in the same place.

164. 新加坡全年气温几乎一样。

Singapore is a city in which the ____ is almost the same ____ _____ _____.

165. 你什么时候去都可以----春天、夏天、秋天或冬天。

You can go____ you like ---_____, summer_____ or winter.

166. 杰伊学英语有困难。Jay has some ____ ___ ___ English.

167. 五分之四以上的学生去游乐场了。

____ _____ of the students ____ ____ to the amusement park.

168. 爸爸买这辆车有两年了。Dad __ __ the car __ two years.

169. 我爷爷一个人住在乡下,他有时候感到孤独。

My grandpa ____ ____ in the country, and sometimes he ____ _____.

170. 过马路之前要小心,两边看看。

Be careful to ____ _____ _____ before you ____ the street.

171. 电影太无聊了,我看到一半就睡着了。

The movie was ____ ____ ,and I ____ ____ half way through it.

172. ---你觉得于中午会停吗? ---希望如此。

---Do you think the rain ____ ____ ____ ____? ---____ _____ _____.

173. 明天有雨。

There ___ ___ __ tomorrow.= It __ ___ tomorrow.

= It ___ ___ ___ tomorrow.

174. 你的学校有多大? ____ ____ is your school?

175. 像他这样的学生在我们班很受欢迎。

Students ____ ____ are very popular in our class.

176. 他们不在同一班,是不是? They aren’t in the same class,____ ____?

177. 如果你努力学习,你就会取得好成绩

If you_____ _____ ,you ____ ____ good ____.

178. 他如果玩电脑游戏太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

If she ____ computer games too much, his parents ____ ____ unhappy.

179. 如果你去参加晚会,你会玩的很高兴。

If you go to the party, you ____ ___ ____ ____ ____.

180. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。

If it ____ ____ tomorrow, I ____ ____ to the park ___ you.

181. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。

You _____ _____ good at all the subjects if you ____ the other students’



1. live to be 2. won’t ,be free 3. five years from 4. will, use, in

5. will be more crowed 6. on computers7. living alone 8. come true

9. never get /be bored10. call me up 11. less 12. may not sound like fun to

13. changed, from 14. getting on well with15. send 100 volunteers to teach

16. the same age as17. made her feel sick 18. on the other hand

19. Fortunately, agreed with 20. Both, and, are

21. could open up her students’ eyes to the outside 22. as much as possible

23. help with, the most unpleasant 24. being a good influence to

25. work hard, will get, grades 26. It will rain 27. be able to , to

28. will apartment, best 29. plays, will be 30. Before, there was

31.with less, fewer 32. Will, have more 33. was able to;could

34. hundred students 35. will be like; a lot better 36. will have a good time

37. was snowing; took off 38. doesn’t rain, will go, with 39. better at

40. surprised, walked into 41. when, were playing 42. can’t be, copy

43. in silence 44. Will;are going to 45. will, let you in, are 46. What ,think of

47. the same as 48. the same ,as 49. too, to, at 50. right, next to 51. got out of , ran away 52. sleeping late, came in 53. think about, outside 54. are in good health 55. sure, get over 56. finished, end-of-year, got 57. had, really hard time

58. was lazy, which 59. didn’t want, anymore 60. needed, experience

61. would take 62. better, reading, listening 63. for, copy others’ 64. luckily, passed

65. had, big fight with 66. pass on, to 67. to do 68. is in, health 69. works as

70. they will come back 71. eat hamburgers, fat 72. if, all over, will

73. turning down 74. mind, closing,;do it 75. not complain 76. comes, go, with

77. happened to 78. have, my match repaired;That’s no problem

79. that happens, won’t 80. a wrong size 81. take away 82. get, for

83. don’t , buy, necklace 84. not interesting enough 85. What/How about

86. gift, received 87. all the time 88. at least 89. when, took off

90. in ,health 91. call, important 92. to, away from 93. made, living

94. was reading, all the time 95. makes a living by drawing

96. do, will laugh at 97. get injured 98. become, professional 99. spent, on 100. Did, no chance to 101. make more money 102. took away

103. around the world 104. western influence 105. difficult for 106. more than 107. The more, the more 108. are certain 109. cleaning the yard 110. look terrible 111. not playing baseball 112. help me with my homework

113. If you finish these tasks. 114. It’s for 115. takes,to 116. catch up 117. trying, turn down 118. pay a big fine 119. How long did, take

120. long, has been taking 121. since I was seventeen 122. has been, for 123. have read 124. turning down 125. my smoking 126. not dropping

127. help, with 128. have to finish 129.parrots, the most unusual

130. trendiest, these days, pot-bellied 131. turtle, called 132. be given away 133. life with a pig,perfect 134. fell asleep 135. Have been , haven’t 136. Asked for, to buy 137. have decided 138. The best way, is to

139. Has been, for 140. really, exciting 141. flying, going ,by

142. hasn’t been; Neither has 143. neither, likes 144. listening, improving

145. Standing very close to 146. is, never allowed 147. Even if, keep down 148. breaking the rules of etiquette 149. cuts in front of , in 150. do you think of 151. should you get my mom 152. the best gift, received 153. make a special meal 154. Why don’t you 155. too, for, to 156. pay for 157. made a special meal 158. fell asleep 159. take a ride 160. had a great/good time 161.has,heard of 162. all the time 163. routes,end up 164. temperature,all year around 165. whenever,spring,autumn 166. problems in studying/learning

167. Four fifths have gone 168. has had,for 169.lives alone, feels lonely 170. look both ways, cross 171. too boring, fell asleep

172. will stop by noon; I hope so. 173. will be rain; will rain; will be rainy

174. How big 175.like him 176. are they 177. work hard, will get grades. 178. plays, will be 179. will have a good time 180. doesn’t rain, will go , with 181.can’t be ,copy


  • 浅谈小学英语写作教学
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