关于工业设计的思考 英文 - 范文中心

关于工业设计的思考 英文


Thoughts on Industrial Design

Scientific industrial design, its soul is the design creativity.

Design creativity is the basic quality of the 21st century enterprise. We know the classic example of the design too much creativity.

Sony's Akio Morita, the voice recorders daughter suffer from too much agitated, precipitating the "Walkman" concept: the two young Silicon Valley computer "enthusiast" based on "so that each consumer has a computer desk"

The ideal of leadership are considered the "20th century's greatest technological revolution," the PC PC trend; Gulf War idle Motorola engineers in order to "communicate to ordinary people on the move" and easy way to military technology into civilian use, causing the "Big Brother" popular; "that women and children can operate video

cameras," the goal, so that Sony created a "Palm"; "watch in real-time image capture," the idea, inspired Sharp "color LCD screen hand-held camera, "the original ......

21st century design creativity is in the "big world product exchange," the collision produced. Currently the total amount of kinds of goods the world market is 1.5 million kinds, more than 40 million Chinese market only. Thus, our product range of the market is still high. Enterprises should be vigorously stimulate designers, a lot of creativity, a lot of development, actively participate in the surging wave of global industrial design them.

Design Education in the 21st century is also a period of great

development. Creativity is the need of education. Creative also need education universal. At present, countries are increasing efforts in building the School of Design, such as the United States has 35 technical college industrial design, 20 each in Japan and Germany, South Korea, there are 15 of these designs are placed in institutions to look 21. Future world-class fashion designers, car designers, architectural design master ...... will be born here.

"Virtual design" is the banner of high-tech design

21st century design, it should be "virtual design."

"Virtual design" (Virtual Reality referred to as VR) technology, the concept was pioneered by U.S. scientists La Eer made in the early 80s, and now it has been widely used in all aspects of social life, such as "virtual manufacturing", "Virtual trade "," virtual market "," virtual network "and so on. The virtual design is through the "virtual reality" means the pursuit of perfection and rationalization of product design. Virtual design through the "three-dimensional computer graphics" to:

1) true. With computers and other technology, realistically simulate the natural environment in a variety of activities, products, people grasp the true needs; 2) interaction. Designed to achieve the object of man and the operation and exchanges in order to constantly improve the design model; 3) ideas. Emphasize three-dimensional

three-dimensional graphics display, the design objects and people, the environment is more realistic and objective.

Ford Motor Company Research Center, Cologne, design manager Robert that the use of virtual design technology, make the whole design process time by 2 / 3.

The 21st century, the virtual design in the architectural design, equipment design, product design, fashion design play a magical effect.

"Green Design" is the design theme of the new century

Green design, is to protect the human environment of the Earth green design. The purpose of green design is the system order to explore the human civilization and industrial development and social relations, effectively avoid the high-tech industrial society and ecological environment of conflict.

Green design of ecological ethics must be starting to grasp the following principles:

- Save as much as possible in the new product of material resources. - The implementation of semantic revolution. With the growing diversity of products, to give the product "life and meaning" of the product semantics, are replacing the traditional products "function and appearance," the relationship. To highlight the natural environment of the proposition.

- Design innovation. In shape, function, color, material, etc., to the high, precise, sharp climb. Meanwhile, we must take into account the nationality and level of

Analysis to the impetuous and arrogant, back to reflect on their own situation fundamentally, we need the basic concept of industrial design re-understanding. In my opinion, often called "industrial

design" from the scope of the problems they face, for the object, the use of different methods and means should be broken down into two significant differences between the conceptual level: "form of industrial design" and "ultimate Industrial Design. "

The so-called "form of industrial design" is to a skill of the knowledge system. Design concept at this level is a technology service means to solve practical problems (mainly the issue of product shape)

capability; master the skills required are in step with the aesthetic and

social consciousness and the ability to create beauty, comprehensive ergonomics knowledge, materials, technology, production technology and the ability to apply knowledge, to have some cultural connotation and excellent performance practices (just as now proposed by the majority of domestic students proofread and Design Institute as the training objectives); this level design creative mainly as a solution for the target system, and the idea materialized in the actual product. For enterprises, this is a service of technical means to link its a part of product development, and other technical categories (such as

structural engineering) is a division of the same level, just different.

The so-called "ultimate industrial design" is a metaphysical scientific method, a systematic theory of man-made things; his value is not in the form of specific products to solve the problem, but in view of the system set out for the overall situation into account people , nature, the relationship between society and its development trend, in both the ecological environment, natural resources, technology

development, to solve deep-seated human needs, for others to create a reasonable and healthy way of life and living environment; she jumped out of the technologies and tools restrictions, standing the evolution of human society and the development of a macro perspective, as all production and creative activities for both instructive methodology. This is a beyond the individual and the

physical form level, the design up to and philosophy, natural science in parallel high: If the philosophy is the people themselves and the outside world, the relationship between self-examination is to solve the "who we are" questioning the theory of ; Natural science is the study of the movement of things in the universe and its laws, is to explain "Where do we come" theory; then the ultimate convergence of industrial design is the essence of all human wisdom, people do

object to creative, sustainable approach to the study of human social development, guidelines for the better future of mankind - is resolved, "We will go where" theory.


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