KFC 快餐在中国的影响 英文稿 - 范文中心

KFC 快餐在中国的影响 英文稿



Chinese and Western Food


Write an essay on the above topic by comparing or contrasting, to explain why western food(KFC) wins over Chinese food for Youth today.


In every corner of the world and in every city in China, we will often see the smiling face of an old man, with gray beard and white suit, and which will always be that

dress. That smile, I’m afraid, is the most famous and

expensive one in the world, because that kind old man is just the sign and symbol of the famous fast-food chain "KFC". For many young people, perhaps they are just too familiar with that old man. Contrast between Chinese and western food, although Chinese food has become a culture, and precipitation for thousands of years, there are so many people like KFC, especially for youths. What’s the

difference between them? How do western food ,KFC, appeal to our youths?


是比不上的,因为中餐往往是靠着招牌菜而店门红火,私房菜都是有秘方的,菜的口味和造型都是经过时间和实践的历练研究出来的,所以菜品的更新速度跟不上消费者的喜好的变化。看来,变化和新意也是讨好青年人的不错的手段。 From the point of business projects: KFC, their main sales are fried chicken, hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, and other Western fast food, in particular to say they make delicious chicken food, which really takes a great advantage in the Chinese market, for chicken food is very popular in china, especially among youths. Western designed

restaurant, but the food in KFC is to do the combination of Chinese and Western, by which customers are in the taste of delicious food and with the feel of different western culture. What’s more, KFC is in an effort to introduce new delicious food, and well designed packaging, so that

customers will always have another choice. In this aspect, I think most of Chinese restaurants cannot compare with it, because Chinese restaurants’ good businesses often rely on the specialty of the house, while such private home cuisine usually experienced long and hard time of

research and development , so the basic form of cuisine will not change. To some extent, some Chinese restaurants is slower than KFC on the speed of updating the dishes.



From the point of mode of operation and strategy: On one hand, ten years ago, in the face of the economic situation of Chinese people, KFC set the consume objects to children’s parents, constantly with new toys to attract children, but today, after 10 years, the Chinese economy is getting better, thus KFC set their consume objects not only to parents, but more likely to the young people by constantly update food to attract them. They focus on customers’ possession of the sense of pleasure and make eating KFC become a fashion in the minds of youth. However, Chinese food is to people of all ages and both sexes. For youths, it seems slightly dull and tasteless .



On the other hand, let’s talk about KFC’s marketing tools: using multimedia advertising to reach their clients. Prime-time advertising could make people know clearly

about KFC wherever they are. When people talk about KFC, a picture formed in their mind: in a restaurant with a sample nice and clean decoration, Waiters provide service with enthusiastic attitude for all the guests of different identity and customers dining in a pleasant atmosphere. However, in the era of advertising that ads become all over the place, how many ads we’ve viewed for the Chinese food? Just a little few.


Have to say that both culture communication and food industry to get a good development, the first thing has to do is to understand the preferences of consumers,

especially for this special group of youths, using creation to win their heart, and to get a nice brand and

substantial benefit .


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