仁爱版八年级英语上册集体备课教案Unit3c - 范文中心




主备人 执教人 课题 康美红 学科 执教时间 英语 主备时间 执教班级 集体备课时间 教时

Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 1 What’s your hobby?Section C

1.能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中黑体单词及短语:background, paper, glue, scissors, stick, friendship, stupid 等。 2. 能正确拼读并运用单词: friendship, funny, stupid, ugly, background, paper, scissors... 3. 能正确、熟练地应用 used to do sth 以及 prefer/ like /enjoy/ be interested in doing sth。 4. 能使用表示顺序的词如: first, second, next 等写一份简单的制作说明书。 Key points: 1. 学习表示顺序的词如: first, second, next 等。 2. 复习表示喜好的短语、单词:used to do sth, prefer/ like /enjoy/ be interested in doing sth. Difficult points: 熟练应用 used to do sth 的各种形式。 Computer multimedia projector, glue, scissors, background paper Five-finger Teaching Plan

教学 目标 教学 重难点 教具 教法


Step1 Introduction 1. Get students ready for learning. 2. Play a game to warm students up. Who is the cleverest in our class? 3. Ask this question “How to put an elephant into the refrigerator? ” (Give them smiling faces if their answers are reasonable.) 4. Give another question “How to put a tiger into the refrigerator?” (Guide students answer this question with “first, second, third…”) 5. Show the third question “How to put some interesting things into a scrapbook?”. Show the object and teach the words “background paper” at the same time. Don’t check the answer immediately. Let them think. Write the question on the blackboard. Step2 Presentation 1. Ask students to look at the tools on the teacher’s desk carefully. Ask, “Can you name them?” 2. At this time, teach students the new words by showing the objects. Ask students to remember them according to the pronunciations. 3. Finish 1a. Provide students 2 or 3 minutes to remember these words and ask students to predict what they will learn according to the pictures on Page 59 and the tools on the teacher ’ s desk. 4. Finish 1b 1. Teacher asks the students to skim 1a and find out the topic or general idea as quickly as they can. Tell students the topic sentence will help them understand the passage. 5. Finish 1b 2. Teacher asks the students to scan 1a and answer the question: Since we will make a scrapbook, do you know what may people collect in scrapbooks today? Step3 Consolidation


1. Finish 1b 4. Let students Discuss: If they have a chance to make a scrapbook, what will they collect in their scrapbooks? Walk around the classroom, students may have many words they can’t express. Tell them they can ask the best teacher—dictionary--for help. 2. After they know what to collect, ask students to read 1a again carefully and find out how to start to make a scrapbook. 3. Finish 1b 3. Ask students to discuss “ How do you make

a scrapbook?” Remind students to imitate the text book “first, next,…” 4. Design a task for students.Ask them to fill in the blanks.Teacher takes out some words (new words or key words or phrases) from 1a. 5.Ask students to retell the whole passage according to the task. Tell them to use their own words. Step4 Practice 1.Guide students to review “used to do sth”. Make sure they can use this phrase correctly. 2. Finish 2. Tell students that hobbies may change as time goes by. Ask students to look at part 2 and discuss “What do Kangkang and Michael often do in different seasons now?” and “What did they use to do in the past?” Step5 Production 1. Finish 3. Peter in our class was ill. He wants to do a class book. Ask students to discuss how to make a class book. Part 3 may give them help. 2. Ask students to share their opinions. 3. Teacher summarizes what the students learned today: some new words, some key words and the way of doing a scrapbook. 4. Teacher assigns homework: (1) Make a scrapbook, a class book or something like this. (2) Write down how do you make the book. 5. Teacher assigns the students to review Sections A-C to prepare for Section D. Blackboard design

Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby? Section C

Introduction of scrapbook What to collect in a scrapbook.

G1 G2 G3 G4


How to put some interesting things in a scrapbook? First, Next, Have fun making scrapbook.





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