免税店面试问题 - 范文中心



Jerry 免税店的问题

1. What products did you sell?

2. What is the brand of the perfumes you sell?

3. If an old lady wants to buy the perfume, what kind would you recommend?

4. You must be talent because there are so many brands to remember.

5. Have you ever sold the cosmetics?

6. Can you tell me the differences between the different perfumes? And the different perfumes suite for the old and the young.

7. How long have you working in this job?

8. What type of bag do you sell?

9. How much does that cost?

10. I s it good quality?

11. T he customers come to you are foreigners or the Chinese?

12. W ere they Chinese products or the international brand?

13. A re you selling to the foreigners or Chinese?

14. H ave you ever sell perfumes, watches, or some other duty-free products?

15. W hat brand of cell phone?

16. A re you selling to South Korea or some other countries?

17. W hat products are you selling?

18. D o you sell any perfumes for man?

19. W hat Chanel products do you sell for man?

20. H ow much does Chanel No.5 cost in china?

21. I s it a strong smelling or light smelling perfume?

22. W hat brand was it?

23. W here is the Prada shop? Where about Singapore?

24. D id you also sell bag or perfume?

25. A part from clothes and bags, what other items did you sell?

26. W hat is the name of the brand?

27. W hat type of clothing you sell?

28. W hat things have you sold?

29. W hat is the most expensive watch you have sold?

30. A re they real watches or the fake?

31. W ould you like to tell me something about your working experience?

32. W hy do you want to work for starboard?

33. D o you family agree with you about this job?

34. W hat kind of brand you have sold before? For ladies or for man?

35. I f I want to buy a shirt, how much it cost?

36. I f I like it very much but it is too expensive, what will you


37. Y ou sell to people or you do the administration work?

38. W hat did you do before you work as a salesman?

39. I f I want to buy a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, how much it will cost?

40. B efore you went to Singapore, what kind of items did you sell? It is duty free or not?


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