商务谈判练习对话-范例 - 范文中心



英方:Mr. Neil Johnson (CEO)------------------------------B




A 乔森先生,你好。很高兴认识你。我是重庆市酒店服务业协会的代表,我叫陈宇。这位是南方集团海外部经理,廖渝先生。

B Nice to meet you. You have been here for quite several days, I suppose. What scenic spots have you visited here.

A 是的,整个城市都逛了一遍。参观了一些名胜古迹,非常喜欢。伦敦不愧是个集历史文化底蕴与现代化气息于一身的国际化大都市。

B I am glad that you like here.

A 嗯。。。非常喜欢。就像喜欢自己的家乡重庆一样。乔森先生,您知道吗?重庆作为西南地区唯一的直辖市,本地经济发展越来越好,地区性作用逐渐增强。国际资金不断的涌入,再加上悠久的历史文化以及丰富的旅游资源,使得重庆成为发展旅游业的一个绝佳场所。

B I also know that Chongqing is the biggest municipality in terms of area and population with rich tourist resources. So, Mr. Chen,would you please give me more details about it?

A 没错,伴随着旅游业的飞速发展,重庆的游客量也有了大幅度升高,到目前为止达823万之多。住宿需求也随之增加。这位酒店业投资带来了巨大的商机。不过可惜的是,本地的优质酒店数量不多,难以满足外地的商务人士和旅游团的需求。

B Really?

A 是的。首先就全国来看,自2000年开始,酒店业的景气周期已经持续9年,在此期间高星级酒店得到了迅猛的发展。仅2008年,在年底前开工全国待评、在建、待建四、五星级饭店就达到1107家,其中相当于五星级的554家,是2008年全国五星级饭店总量的1.9倍。据专家预测,高星级酒店的兴建与开业仍将保持惯性的增长趋势,并在部分二线城市有进一步发展的可能,从整体发展来看高星级酒店已经或即将进入高峰期。

B So what is the situation in Chongqing?

A 大型会展与会议所带来的大量人流时,凸显出重庆高档酒店的市场上供给与需求状况 。随着重庆经济不不断蓬勃发展,类似的大型活动肯定将不断在重庆召开,但就目前重庆市星级酒店数量,绝对难以满足今后更多客户的商务或更高档的入住需求 ;且根据重庆市副市长黄奇帆在11月25日的 “2005年国际地产基金重庆峰会”上表示重庆五星级高档酒店不多,且高档酒店的客房率全年都有90% 。因此,你们选择投资投资重庆酒店业绝对是一个绝佳的选择!

B Ok, I will consider that.


C 约翰森先生,我们南方集团作为你们的酒店合资的伙伴,我想有必要先介绍一下我公司的目前运营状况。

B Yes, of course. Mr. Liao, I am very glad to hear your presentation about South Group.

C 南方集团有限公司始建于1989年,注册资金1亿元人民币,是集房地产开发、文化教育、酒店旅游、物业管理、建筑建材等为一体的大型综合民营企业集团。集团下辖10余家控股公司及4个成员单位,总资产18亿元,每年纳税超过3亿元。

B Oh, yes. I remember that two years ago when I traveled in Chongqing, I heard your group is the top 500 Real Estate of China, right?

C 不错。我们集团是历届重庆市房地产开发企业50强,历届重庆市民营企业50强,中国建设银行AAA级信用企业。自成立以来,南方集团不仅在房地产领域遥遥领先,而且在学校,酒店,物管等方面还有多项投资。

B Since your group has run business in so many industries, how does your group manage the situation? I mean what measures has South Group taken to balance the business in different industries?

C 约翰森先生,根据这种情况我们集团确立了多元化战略发展方向,制定了房地产业稳步发展、文化教育产业加快加大发展、酒店旅游业健康发展、农牧业跨越式发展的方针。目前看来这个方针还颇有成效。

B Great. So what is the business concept of your group? I am quite interested in it.

C 我们公司主营房地产开发业务,集团从93年10月进入房地开发以来,就提出以“让更多的人,花更少的钱,住更好的房子”为经营理念。

B Good. So you mention that your group also has business in hotel and tourism industry. What have you achieved in this industry?

C 在旅游酒店业方面,南方集团旗下的五星级南方君临酒店、南方花园酒店,通过数年的经营,已在重庆市酒店行业确立了自己的品牌地位,先后成功接待全球采购会、亚洲杯足球赛等多个国际、国内大型活动。此外还将建设两个酒店并在此基础上组建酒店管理集团,采取连锁经营的方式,在国内及东南亚地区广泛吸收星级酒店加盟,创立国际知名的酒店管理品牌。与此同时我们打算与贵公司一起合作,建立重庆地区第一个6星级酒店。

B That sounds great. It seems that you have done a great job in this industry. Carlton hotel Chongqing, as well as our Dorchester hotel, is a 5-star luxury hotel. So why don’t you talk about it in detail?

C 当然可以。重庆南方君临酒店地处重庆市高新技术产业开发区,环境优雅,视野开阔。是本区第一家融商务旅行、会展洽谈和休闲娱乐为一体的挂牌五星级豪华商务酒店。酒店分别距成渝高速路5分钟车程、解放碑CBD和国际会展中心15分钟车程、江北国际机场25分钟车程;紧邻重庆展览中心和南方花园,并与奥体中心毗邻,交通便捷,出入方便。我想都切斯特酒店肯定也是位于伦敦的有利地理位置吧?

B Yes, of course. Selecting a good location is quite important to a hotel. As one of the most renowned luxury hotels in London, Dorchester enjoys one of the most prestigious addresses in London. Located on Park Lane opposite the green and luscious Hyde Park gardens, this famous hotel is in the heart of exquisite and exclusive Mayfair.

C 约翰森先生,请问您可不可以大概介绍一下都切斯特酒店的整体情况呢?

B. Certainly. The Dorchester opened in 1931. During the past 78 years, it has experienced hard times, but it continues

to evolve. Today, the Dorchester is one of the most desirable places in the world to stay. It embodies the highest of traditional values, with spacious rooms and suites of great charm, glorious dining and entertaining, and a spa of exquisite indulgence. For over half a century the hotel has remained a pinnacle of luxury and ease.

C 约翰森先生,都切斯特酒店经营得如此成功, 不知主要是什么原因呢?

B. “Treat others as you would like to be treated” is the basis for the success and recognized service quality of the hotel. The Dorchester will offer customers a super clean, super value and super comfort lodging experience. The Dorchester service will be delivered through our highest uniform standard with a focus on customer experience – comfort, efficiency, safety, value and relaxation. Customers will pay 2 star prices for a 5 star offering, a value proposition unmatched in the market place.

C 不错,优良的服务是经营一家酒店的成功要诀之一。我听说都切斯特酒店在管理方面非常突出,最有名的要数那七条金科玉律了。

B Have you heard of them?

C 我只听过其中4条。第一条是大量采购。第二条是挖金子,即把饭店的每一寸土地都变成盈利空间。第三条是预测要准确。第四条是酒店联号的任何酒店必须有自己的特点,以适应不同国家、不同城市的需要。不知剩下的3条是什么呢?

B well, the fifth is to ensure and improve the standard service quality, as well as focus on the cultivation of talents. The sixth can be illustrated as strengthening the promotion, paying attention to market research, emphasizing public relations, using the advantages of the system as a whole, and doing a good job in advertisement. The seventh is the mutual help of room reservations between different hotels.

C 嗯,都切斯特酒店的管理果然是相当不错啊。

B Thanks. Since we introduced our own hotels to each other, I’ve already had a general idea about your hotel. So I think it is quite well for us to establish a 6-star hotel in Chongqing. And I am very confident of our cooperation.

Part 3

C 约翰逊先生,既然我们双方都对此次合作很有信心,那我们现在来谈谈我们合资建酒店的具体事宜吧。首先,由于我们都经营五星级酒店,所以我们得对六星级酒店的标准有个了解。您看,这是一份由《专业旅行指南》推出的一项全新的六星级酒店标准,我觉得很有必要借鉴一下。

B Oh, brand-new thing! Let me see. According to my recollection, this standard is supposed to be added to the Star Service Five-Star Rating System in 2009. Right?

C 是的。而且这个标准里面说了,除了硬件要达标以外,成立六星级酒店最主要的一个因素是要确保对客人付出终极的关注。要给客人这样一种感觉,就是让即使眼光最独到、最富裕的客人也感觉他们所住的酒店与众不同,富有魅力。

B Exactly. A six-star hotel usually has staff as many as its guests, unique architectural style and enough private space for its guests in its public sections as well as canteens. What’s more, it has to be situated at a place that is convenient in terms of transportation, entertainment, shopping, etc. And environment is also to be taken into account.

C 您说的一点没错。我正要跟您商量选址的事呢。您看,我们重庆是中国的直辖市,也是中国西南地区和长江上游最大的经济中心城市,位于青藏高原与长江中下游平原的过渡地带,中国经济发达的东部地区与资源富集的西部地区的结合部。把一家六星级酒店建在这样一个城市是很有利也很必要的。

B I get that. Where do you suggest the hotel be built?

C 由于重庆人口多,市中心渝中区已经相当拥挤,而且那里的可用地面积太小,所以我们打算建在市郊,当然也不会是很远的地方。就在渝北区,您看这是我们市的地图,我们选址就在这里。从图上您可以看到,这个地方离市中心不远,只需要40分钟车程。而且离机场只有大概二十分钟的车程。

B Um, that’s good. But what about the transportation and shopping in this district?

C 这个我们也考虑到了。现在重庆交通还是比较发达的,渝北区的公路干道都很畅通,还有内环高速和很多立交桥,可谓四通八达。我们市的客运也很不错,出租公交各处都有分布。而且渝北区距离我们的最繁华的购物区江北区也很近,这给我们未来的客人提供了购物和游览方面的便利。

B Perfect! So I think it’s time to discuss our capital input. Mr. Liao, I have to inform you that DOCHESTER is to provide 40% of the total capital that is needed in building the hotel. And we mainly put our capital in the form of our management and brand. Do you have any question about this?

C 那我们南方集团主要承担硬件设施的建设和现金的投入。这个我们没有什么意见。只是可否请您将DOCHESTER的出资方式在说具体一点?特别是你们的管理投入部分。

B Let me put it in this way. As you know, DOCHESTER’s management mode is well known in hotel field. It’s one of the most important values of our hotel. We plan to send a managing staff to Chongqing and at the same time help you recruit and train other staff of the hotel. As to the brand, we hope that the full name of the six-star will include Dochester so as to make it quickly accepted and liked by its customers.

C 这是当然的。Dochester的品牌效应我们深信不疑。那具体的人员招聘和培训问题,我们还是希望你们可以参与,特别是中高层人员的招聘。这毕竟要涉及到日后的管理,所以很需要你们的管理精英在招聘这块把好关。

B Well, we can distribute a group of four people to help in the recruiting part. I’m sure that they will select a great team for our future six-star hotel, for they have a full understanding of Dochester’s management principle and standard.

C 这样我们就放心了。你也知道,我们在酒店管理方面起步较晚,管理是我们的弱项,所以我们也希望能派我们公司的人员去你们酒店接受培训,好好学习学习。但是不知你们具体的培训方式和收费是怎样的?

B No problem and welcome. I’m glad that Dochester can do something in helping you in making progress. Dochester has established a comprehensive training plan which include internal and external training.

C 内训和外训是指什么呢?

B Internal training means that managers of the hotel take the lead in training other staff of the hotel, both new and old. New staff is the vital and rising force of the whole team. Training is very necessary. As to the old employees, they need new ideas to avoid being out of date. And external training refers to sending staff to other hotels to get training.

C 您说的是。确实很全面周到,难怪Dochester可以发展得这么好了。我们要好好向你们学习啊。在酒店的具体布局方面,我想有必要跟您介绍一下我们的初步想法。

B Go ahead! I’m quite interested in that.

C 刚才给您看的这个地方,我们买到一块面积约445英亩的地。我们打算建一个度假村式的六星级酒店。初步打算设360间房间,30间总统套房,70间高级套房。建筑及其他设施我们会请意大利的设计师负责设计,打造一个一流豪华酒店。

B Very good. One more thing, how often shall we hold our board meeting?

C 我们目前计划的是一年三次,两次在中国,一次在英国,您觉得怎么样?

B OK. We are going to send four people to China. We hope they will feel home in a foreign country.

C 这请您放心,我们一定好好安排他们的一切。现在时间不早了,我们今天就到这里吧,约翰逊先生。希望我们合作愉快!

B I hope so.


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