答案[高级职业英语能力认证]检测试卷(2)考试试题答案 - 范文中心




Module I Listening Tasks Task 1 Script:

n that you intend to hear and understand others’ point of view. . Use your sense of humor to lower barriers and gain people’s affection. 9. See it from their side. Try to see things from another person’s

Key: 1.d 2. e 3. v 4. n 5. h

6. f 7. g 8. j 9. k 10. i

Task 2 Key: 1. F 2. F 3.F 4.T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8.T 9.T 10. T

Conversation 1

M: Mrs. Smith, I’d like to remind you that a meeting is scheduled at 9:00 this morning. W: Yes. The sales manage will report the company’s sales for last year? M: By the way, the meeting will be held in the Exhibition Hall. W: I see. Thank you very much.

Conversation 2

M: Hi, Li Lin. Where do you work now? W: I’m just out of work.

M: I am sorry to hear that. Are you looking for a job?

W: Of course. I had two interviews today, but they both turned me down.

Conversation 3

M: This is John Brow from the Jones Shoe Company. I’d like to make a reservatio0n for a meeting room in your hotel. W: OK. When would you like to host the meeting?

M: Next Monday morning. Is your hotel available then?

W: Let me see … Oh, I am terribly sorry. All the meeting rooms in our hotel have been reserved on Monday morning.

Conversation 4

M: Ms. Green, will you please sign your name here?

W: Thank you, Mr. Smith. I hope we’ll have a long and prosperous future together. M: Me, too. There is a lot we can do in the future as business partners. W: Let’s go and have a drink to it, Mr. Smith.

Conversation 5

M: Hello, this is Johnson.

W: Hello, this is Mr. Smith’s secretary. I’m calling to inquire whether it is possible for Mr. Smith to cancel his appointment with you at 2:00 this afternoon. He isn’t feeling well.

M: Of course. It’s quite all right. We’ll arrange another time to meet. Tell him to have a good rest. W: Thank you.

Conversation 6

M: Good morning, Nancy. Is everything all right? You don’t’ look so well. W: I work overtime every day, so I feel very tired. M: That’s too bad. Why not talk to your boss?

W: In my company working overtime is very common. If I have a chance to get another job, I will leave this company..

Conversation 7

M: Do you get along well with others in your office?

W: Oh, yes. My boss is kind and fair. He treats his employees like his friends. M: That’s good. How about others?

W: My colleagues are friendly and cooperative.

Conversation 8

M: Excuse me, Miss, could I ask you a few questions about our hotel’s service? W: Sure. Go ahead.

M: What’s your general impression of the services here?

W: Very nice, indeed. The hotel staff is polite and the room is so clean and tidy.

Conversation 9

M: Do you know the theme for this seminar, Sara?

W: Yes, I do. The theme is culture and etiquette in different countries. M: Really? It should be interesting.

W: If you are interested in it, you can come. It is open to everyone.

Conversation 10

M: How big is your company?

W: It is a medium-sized company with a staff of abo0ut 500 people and a history of 30 ears.

M: That’s quite impressive. Your products seem to be much cheaper than ours in the European market. W: You see, we’ve been trying hard to cut down the production costs.

Task 3 Key: 1.C 2. B 3.B 4.D 5. A Dialogue 1

A: Hello, the manager’s office, Good Luck Supermarket. B: Hi, this is John Brown from the Blue Sky Electronics. A: Good morning, Mr. Brown. What can I do for you?

B: I am calling to invite your manager, Mr. Li, to our sales promotion meeting for this season. A: Hmm … this season’s sales promotion meeting. Will you please tell me when and where? B: On June 5th . It will begin at 9:30 am at the Bridge Hotel.

A: OK. I will pass on the message to him and give you a reply soon.

B: Thanks. We will send him the written invitation by May 30th . You know we value the long friendship between our two companies.

A: Thank you for inviting. I will tell you his decision as soon as possible. Bye, Mr. Brown. B: Bye-bye.

Q1: What do we learn from the conversation?

Q2: When and where will the meeting will be held?

Dialogue 2

W: John, have you finished the agenda four our meeting next Tuesday? M: Yes, but I’m not sure about the topics for discussion.

W: Then let’s go through the topics quickly, so that we can make sure we cover all the issues.

M: Well, there’re three topics on the agenda now, the name of the project, the budget and the team members. W: Don’t forget the selection of the team leader.

M: Yes, that’s very important. Shall I put it at the beginning of the agenda so that everybody can pay attention?

W: That’s not necessary. Just place it at the end as the last item. And I’d like to keep each item top 15 minutes, if possible. M: Sure, that’ll leave some time for free discussion.

W: That’ fine, just in case someone should bring up something else. M: Then the meeting is due to finish at about four o’clock.

W: OK. Remember to send a memo to all the attendees before hand. M: No problem.

Q3: What are the two speakers talking about?

Q4: What is the last topic for discussion on the agenda? Q5: How long will the discussion of the topics take?

Task 4

Key: 1. establishing 2. profit 3. working environment

4. leading by example 5. formal policies

Module II Reading Tasks Task 1 Key: 1. A 2. D 3.C 4.D 5. B 译文





Task 2

Key: 1. soft cloth (lightly) 2. dust-free (dust free) 3. Consult / consult 4. inside 5. eat or drink 译文



电脑显示器不能用玻璃清洗剂喷洒,应使用软布轻轻擦拭。 电脑各部件存放注意防尘。

个人不要缷除电脑外壳来自行清理电脑内部,应交与专业技术人员进行清洗。 电脑清洗要定期,机箱外壳使用干净湿布清洗。

使用电脑时不要饮食,不然食物的颗粒落入电脑内会招引昆虫进入,溅出的液体会直接损坏电脑。 电脑用完要盖好,以防止尘土在机内聚集。


Task 3 Key: 1. B 2. B 3.B 4.A 5. B

1. Investment in different fields --- 2008

Module III Writing Tasks Task 1

Key: 1. Assistant Marketing Manager 3. a secretary

Task 2

4. English skills 2. Business Administration 5. [1**********]

An Invitation Letter

January 20, 2012

Dear Mr. Johnson,

We are honored to invite you to give a lecture for our new salespersons as the first lesson of our job orientation training. The training will be held in the First Conference Hall of our company from 9:00 am to 11:30 am on March 20, 2012.

We know that you are an expert in international trade and an experienced trainer for new employees. So we believe that you will be warmly welcome for your interesting, encouraging and instructive lecture. We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that you can accept our invitation.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Smith

Manager of the Personnel Department

ABC Company

Module IV Specialized Tasks

Task 1 Key: 1. H 2. D 3. F 4. G 5. I 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. J 10. E

Task 2 译文


Task 1 Key: 1. G 2. I 3. E 4. H 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. J 10. F

Task 2 译文

在线办公将变得更加令人愉悦。由于新一轮互联网技术浪潮,使用在线应用程序,如文字处理程序或更复杂的工具,将不再是一种程度缓慢、令人恼火的体验。Ajax 已被嵌入浏览器许多年了,它是一个技术包,用于向网页上添加内容,而无需重新加载整个页面。浏览器应用技术最近取得了一些重大的进步,都是以Ajax 为源头的。

Task 1 Key: 1. G 2. D 3. E 4. I 5. H 6. A 7. J 8. C 9. B 10. F Task 2


Task 1 Key: 1. G 2. I 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. H 7. J 8. F 9. E 10. C

Task 2 译文



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