强调句型教案 - 范文中心




强调句型 teaching plan


一、 学情分析 学生对强调句型的认识仅仅只停留在“it is/was+被强调部分+that/who”这一结构上,并不清楚强调结构分为三种:位置的强调;用词强调;句型强调。此外,学生对以上结构的用法也存在一定的误区,以为任何成分都可以放到刚才的那个结构之中,所以,本章节将会根据学生的实际情况,为学生解开强调句型的神秘面纱,让学生轻松掌握强调句型的使用。

二、 教学目标

1. 知识与技能

A. 复习巩固强调句型,以“it is/was+被强调部分+that/who”为复习重点;

B. 弄清强调句型的种类及用法;

C. 能够使用强调句型进行表达。

2. 过程与方法

A. 总结法

B. 探究法

C. 演示法

3. 情感态度与价值观

A. 培养学生的规范语言表达;

B. 让学生体会语言的灵活多变。

C. 让学生体验学习的乐趣和成功的喜悦。

三、 教学重、难点

1. 什么是强调句型?什么情况下需要用强调句型?

2. 如何使用强调句型?

四、 教学方法

1. 合作交流,小组讨论。

2. 自主学习,独立思考。

3. 探究学习。


Before class:


用强调句型强调下列句子中的黑体字部分。 1. Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879.

2. We often think of you.

3. An apple tree takes in substances from soil, water and air.

4. She didn’t go home until she cleaned the classroom.

During class:

Step1: lead in

1. 他的确很熟悉这个地方。

2. 在桌上放着的是一些花。

3. --It is cold today. 今天天气很冷。


4. It is I who am a teacher. 我正是一位老师。



Step2: 利用位置的改变进行强调



(1) I was reading English this morning. —今天早晨,我一直在读英语。

(2) I’ll go to see Li Lei tomorrow. —, I’ll go to see Li Lei. 明天,我要去看李蕾。

B. 强调谓语(as, though引导的让步状语从句)

(1) Though he will try, he can’t succeed. —he will, he can’t succeed. 尽管他会尝试,但他不会成功。

(2) Though she can sing, she can’t sing well. —she can, she can’t sing well. 尽管她会唱,但唱得不好。

C. 强调宾语或表语(as, though引导的让步状语从句)

(1) Though he learnt English, he didn’t learn it well. —he learnt, he didn’t learn it well. 尽管他学过英语,但他学得并不好。

(2) Though he is ill, he keeps on working. —尽管他有病,他仍坚持工作。

Step3: 利用词进行强调

1、在句子中的谓语动词前加助动词do(does、did), 对谓语进行强调。如: 我的确喜欢游泳。 他昨天晚上的确去过那儿。

2、利用程度副词awfully, badly, dead, deeply, ever, extremely, highly, indeed, lightly, not…at all, particularly, pretty, really, so, strongly, terribly, very, very much等加强语气。如: 他非常像得到它。 我非常思念你。

3、用短语not at all, on earth, in the world, under the sun等表示强调,意思是到底,究竟,根本。如:

(1) I don’我一点也不知道。 你到底在那干什么?

4、用重复某一个词或短语来强调。如: 他想啊想啊,突然想到了一个好主意。 他跑啊跑啊,终于赶上了其


5、用插入语进行强调,如what’s more, what’s worse, worse still, to make matters worse等:

He was late for the exam, what’s worse, he didn’t take any pen.

Step4: 利用句子进行强调

英语中最常见的强调手段是句型强调,即:强调句型:It is / was + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…;其中被强调部分可以是句子的主语、宾语、状语或宾语补足语,但不能强调谓语、表语,如:

I saw her off at the airport yesterday.

1.强调主语:(that/who后的谓语动词要与被强调者保持人称和数的一致) 2.强调宾语: 3.强调状语:(强调时间、地点、原因、方式等状语时,不能用when/where/why/how,而要用that;) 强调地点) 强调时间) ’t go to the airport.(强调原因状语,只能用because) 强调时间)


原句: I painted the windows light green.(我把窗户喷成浅绿色(对宾语补足语进行强调)) It was light green that I painted the windows.


一般疑问句:This happened in Beijing.(用一般疑问句对地点进行强调)

Was it in Beijing that this happened?(强调一般疑问句中的某一成分时,将is/was提前即可。)

特殊疑问句:This happened in Beijing.(用特殊疑问句对地点进行强调)

Where was it that this happened?(特殊疑问句的强调结构为“疑问词+is/was it that…?”) 注意:

1. 无论被强调部分是单数还是复数,主句的谓语都用单数(即it后只能是is/was);

2. 原句子是现在时或将来时,强调句用It is + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…; 若原句子是过去时,强调句用:It was + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…

3. 强调not…until…结构时,只能用固定结构“it is/was not until…that…”;

4. 强调句型不用于强调谓语、表语、since, as等引导的原因状语从句;

5. 辨别强调句的方法:去掉构成强调句的it is/was not until…that/who…结构,被强调部分归位后,能够构成一个完整的句子。如:

It was 1998 when they first met.(不是强调句型)

It was in 1998 that the first met.(强调句型)

Step5: 当堂导练


1. I feel it is you as well as your wife that ______ (be) to blame for son’s performances at school.

2. In my opinion, all Mr. Green _______ _________ ________(do) good to his students in his class.

3. In which play is _______ that your brother appears?

4. It is partly _________ the summer day is long that everything has a larger time to warm up.

5. It was with great joy _______ he received the news _________ his lost son would soon return home.

References: 1.are 2.does does do 3.it 4.because 5.that, that

After class:

Step6: 自辅落实

用强调句型it is/ was… that/ who强调划线部分

1. She didn’t8. You are wrong. References:

1. It was not until she came home from work that she knew her mother was ill in bed.

2. Was it during the Second World War that his father died?

3. Who was it that broke the window?

4. How was it that you succeeded?

5. It is a teacher that he is now.

6. It was for you that I bought the dictionary.

7. It is I who/ that am to blame.

8. It is you who/that are wrong.

9. It is him whom/that I am looking for

10. It was at the gate that he told me the new



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