AM96型转向架中央牵引装置的国产化研制 - 范文中心




文章编号:100227602(2009) 0720021203

铁道车辆 第47卷第7期2009年7月 


王忠杰, 姜卫星

(上海铁院轨道交通科技有限公司, 上海200331)

摘 要:介绍了AM96型转向架中央牵引装置的结构和性能, 对其强度进行了分析, 并按技术规范要求进行了型式试验。试验结果表明, 国产化的产品完全满足了Bombardier 公司相关技术规范要求和AM96型转向架的运用要求。

关键词:中央牵引装置; 结构; 性能; 试验结果中图分类号:U270.331   文献标识码:B

  AM96型转向架是Bombardier 公司设计的、适应200km/h 运营的成熟客车转向架, 在国内已运用300多辆份, 目前已进入第1个厂修期。为了少受国外配件生产厂家价格、周期、维修等制约因素的影响, 对零部件进行国产化是必要的。空气弹簧[1]等部分零部件已成功实现了国产化, 的主要部件之一。和国产化研制过程。


1 中央牵引装置是转向架的重要部件, 其主要作用是弹性地传递车体与转向架间的纵向载荷。该装置主要由牵引拉杆组成、中心销橡胶套、牵引座、螺栓、防松螺母、压板等组成(图1) 。1. 1 牵引拉杆组成

牵引拉杆组成由拉杆节点和牵引拉杆组成(图2) , 拉杆节点通过一定的过盈量压入牵引拉杆中。1. 1. 1 拉杆节点

拉杆节点是实现中央牵引装置牵引性能的最主要部件, 由钢外套、内芯与橡胶硫化而成。为获得良好的纵向牵引特性和运用可靠性, 拉杆节点橡胶沿圆周开了弧形通槽, 以此实现了纵向刚度的两级特性。为提高整体运用的可靠性, 硫化后的拉杆节点需通过模具

收稿日期:2008211214; 修订日期:2009203220作者简介:王忠杰(19692) , 男, 高级工程师。

马柱, 罗马柱采用不锈钢材质。罗马柱上底座固定于顶板后方加强梁的螺栓上, 采用的是正丝; 下底座则采用反丝, 固定于下方的方通骨架的螺栓上。这样, 通过转动罗马柱, 上方与加强梁会越拧越紧, 下方与方通骨架也会越拧越紧, 最后, 整个结构牢牢固

定于顶板后方的加强梁上。每一格灯罩板后方对应一个射灯, 总计有18个射灯。当灯打开时, 灯光透过灯罩板显得典雅、大方, 同时还能领略到青藏高原独特的原始风貌。



铁道车辆 第47卷第7期2009年7月 

置承受4615kN 的牵引载荷, 拉杆节点实现的最大扭

转角、最大偏转角均为415°; 超常状态下承受动载为168kN 的牵引冲击载荷, 拉杆节点实现的最大扭转

角、最大偏转角均为9°。由于拉杆的扭转力矩和偏转力矩均很小, 在强度分析中可忽略不计

图3 拉杆节点结构图

1. 1. 2 牵引拉杆


受力件。牵引拉杆采用40Cr 材料模锻而成, 并通过调质处理来保证产品的综合机械性能, 通过超声波探伤、磁粉探伤等措施来保证牵引拉杆的材料满足使用要求。1. 2 中心销橡胶套

中心销橡胶套安装于牵引座中, 硫化115mm 的预压缩量。图4


图5 牵引座结构图

2. 1 牵引拉杆强度分析


的载荷(23125kN ) , 超常状态下牵引拉杆承受84kN 的牵引载荷[3]。

利用Ansys 软件对牵引拉杆进行有限元强度分析。计算结果为:正常运营状态下牵引拉杆的最大应力为199M Pa , 超常状态下牵引拉杆的最大应力为355M Pa , 最大应力均发生在牵引拉杆圆头与拉杆节点连接处。

牵引拉杆采用40Cr 材料, 经850℃淬火、520℃回火后的屈服极限σs 为785M Pa , 强度极限σb 为980M Pa , 在正常运营状态下的安全系数为3194, 超常状态下的安全系数为212, 均有很大的强度裕量。2. 2 牵引座强度分析

图4 中心销橡胶套结构图

1. 3 牵引座

牵引座是中心销橡胶套的安装座, 用于传递车体中

心销与牵引拉杆间的纵向载荷, 其结构如图5所示。为获得良好的综合机械性能, 采用符合法国NFA32—05标准的GE280材料熔模铸造而成, 并通过超声波探伤、磁粉探伤等措施来保证牵引座的材料满足使用要求。

2 强度分析

根据AM96型转向架中央牵引装置中心销橡胶套技术规范要求[2], 正常运营状态下整套中央牵引装・22・

正常运营状态下牵引座在牵引拉杆连接处承受23125kN 的牵引载荷, 牵引销处承受4615kN 的反力; 超常状态下在牵引拉杆连接处承受84kN 的牵引载荷, 牵引销处承受168kN 的反力。

根据有限元分析结果, 正常运营状态下牵引座的最大应力为5816M Pa , 超常状态下牵引座的最大应力为208M Pa , 最大应力均发生在牵引座中心孔与中心销橡胶套连接处。

牵引座采用GE280铸钢材料, 其屈服极限σs 为280M Pa , 强度极限σb 为480M Pa , 在正常运营状态下的安全系数为418, 超常状态下的安全系数为1135, 有

 AM96型转向架中央牵引装置的国产化研制 王忠杰, 姜卫星


3 型式试验

根据AM96型转向架中央牵引装置技术规范要求, 分别对拉杆节点、中心销橡胶套、整套中央牵引装置进行了相应的型式试验。3. 1 节点型式试验


第2阶段:纵向加载在±48kN 的静载荷基础上,

施加±418kN 的动载荷, 做400万次强度疲劳试验; 第3阶段:纵向加载在±56kN 的静载荷基础上, 施加±516kN 的动载荷, 做400万次强度疲劳试验。

中央牵引装置在1000万次疲劳试验后, 经探伤检查没发现裂纹等缺陷, 疲劳强度满足运用要求。

4 结束语

国产化的AM96型转向架中央牵引装置的结构、性能等基本满足Bombardier 公司的技术规范及图样要求, 能满足AM96型转向架的运用要求。最早研制的AM96型转向架中央牵引装置已运用了3年多, 至今没发生任何问题, 其国产化取得了圆满成功, 同时也。


静态偏转刚度/(kN ・m ・rad -1)


[1] , . AM96型转向架新型空气

根据拉杆节点型式试验要求, 对拉杆节点进行

了静态径向刚度, 静态扭转刚度, 静态偏转刚度以及静态径向、扭转、偏转破坏性试验和热老化后的静态刚度等型式试验。试验结果表明, 拉杆节点的各项性能均满足技术规范要求, 其静态径向刚度、静态扭转刚度、静态偏转刚度见表1。

表1 拉杆节点静态径向刚度、静态扭转刚度、静态偏转刚度

位移3. 5mm 及以下的静态径向刚度/(kN ・mm -1)


位移3. 5mm

以上的静态径向刚度/(kN ・mm -1)



刚度/(kN ・m ・

rad -1) 0. 7

[J,2008,46(4) :9—12.

2]Transportation Company. [3] Bombardier Transportation Company.

Technical Requirement s Technical Requirement s

For Elastic Bushing For Pivot [Z]. 2008.

3. 2 For Elastic Ball Joint Of Suspension Rod [Z]. 2008.

[4] Bombardier Transportation Company. Type Testing Of Elastic

Kneecap For Pivot [Z]. 2008.

[5] Bombardier Transportation Company. Type Testing Of Elastic

Ball Joint For Lever [Z]. 2008.

[5], 对中心销橡, 静态扭转刚度以及静态径

向、扭转破坏性试验和热老化后的静态刚度等型式试验。型式试验结果表明, 中心销橡胶套的各项性能均满足技术规范要求, 其静态径向刚度为28kN/mm 。3. 3 整套中央牵引装置

(1) 根据技术规范要求[2], 对整套中央牵引装置

(编辑:郭 晖)

进行了正常运营状态下的纵向静态刚度和纵向动态刚度、超常状态承受动载的纵向静态刚度和纵向动态刚度试验。试验结果表明, 中心销橡胶套的各项性能均基本满足技术规范要求, 其正常运营状态下的纵向静态刚度见表2。

表2 中央牵引装置纵向静态刚度

位移7mm 及以下的静态径向刚度

0. 97




为降低空气弹簧生产成本、提高产品生产合格率, 四方所于近日完成了汽车空气弹簧新型橡胶材料配方的研制工作。目前, 新配方已经应用到汽车空气弹簧的小批量试生产过程中。

汽车空气弹簧的生产过去一直沿用铁路空气弹簧的橡胶材料配方, 而铁路橡胶配方是针对铁路空气弹簧要求(寿命长、耐疲劳和耐老化性能要求高) 的特点而专门研制的配方。汽车空气弹簧与铁路空气弹簧在运用工况、使用环境以及耐老化和耐疲劳等方面都有很大的差别。因此, 四方所减振事业部根据汽车空气弹簧的特点, 专门研制了新型的橡胶材料配方。

该配方的成功研制, 不但可以降低原材料成本, 而且改进了产品硫化工艺性能, 提高了产品生产合格率, 为提高汽车空气弹簧产品市场竞争力奠定了坚实的基础。


位移7mm 以上的静态径向刚度

7. 5

(2) 根据型式试验要求[425], 对整套中央牵引装置

进行了疲劳试验。整套中央牵引装置纵向运用静载荷F q =±40kN , 动载荷F d =±4kN , 疲劳试验分3个阶段进行, 施加载荷分别为F q +F d 、112(F q +F d ) 和114(F q +F d ) 。

第1阶段:纵向加载在±40kN 的静载荷基础上, 施加±4kN 的动载荷, 做600万次强度疲劳试验;

石 军 供稿



R esearch on the Safety R ange of

COG (Center of G ravity) Deviation of G oods on

X L 25G Luggage C ars SUN Jing 2jing ,et al.

(female , born in 1984, graduate st udent for master degree , Engineering Research Center of t he Education Minist ry on Struct ure Reliability and Op 2eration Measurement Technology of Rail Guided Ve 2hicles ,Beijing 100044, China )

Abstract :Wit h t he numerical calculation met h 2od , on t he basis of setting up t he dynamics model for XL 25G luggage cars , wit h t he prerequisite of ensur 2ance of operation safety , t he permissible lateral and longit udinal CO G deviation ranges of goods on XL 25G luggage cars are investigated. The research result shows t hat t he permissible CO G deviation range of goods can be larger wit h reasonable curve radius , op 2eration speed , curve cant and approp riate reduction of load.

K ey w ords :luggage car ; CO G of goods ; tion range ; safety

Strength ered for U nits

G ong 2ming ,et al.

(male , born in 1972, senior engineer , CSR Nan 2jing Puzhen Rolling Stock Co. , Ltd. , Nanjing 210031, China )

Abstract :The f undamental conditions of t he st rengt h test o n f rames of powered bogies for 200km/h intercity multiple unit s are described. By set 2ting up finite element calculation model of solid ele 2ment and mixt ure of shell and solid element for f rames , t he detailed st rengt h calculatio n is made on f rames according to t he load working conditions of st rengt h test , t he difference between t he st rengt h test and t he finite element calculation result is com 2pared and analyzed , and t he f undamental experience in f rame st rengt h design is summarized.

K ey w ords :bogie ; frame ; st rengt h test ; finite element analysis

Thinking of the Development of R adial Freight C ar Bogies in Our Country

MU Feng 2jun ,et al.

(male , born in 1969, senior engineer , Technical Center of Qiqihar Rail Traffic Equip ment Co. , Lt d. , Qiqihar 161002, China )

Abstract :The develop ment history of freight car bogies in our court ry is analyzed , t he dynamics test result s between t he radial bogies and t he Zhuan K6bogies are compared. Wit h co mbination of t he f unda 2mental conditions of our count ry railway , rolling stock manufact ure as well as operation and repair , t he reasonable suggestions are given on t he develop 2

ment of radial freight car bogies.

K ey w ords :freight car bogie ; radial bogie ; dy 2namics performance ; test result ; calculation result Comparison betw een Concave Type Rubber R otary Arm Positioning Nodal Points for Axle Boxes on R ail w ay P assenger C ars

ZHAN G Chun 2liang ,et al.

(male , born in 1974, engineer , School of Me 2chanical Engineering of Sout hwest Jiaotong Universi 2ty , Chengdu 610012, China )

Abstract Described are t he struct ure mode and static performance feat ures of t he concave type rub 2ber rotary arm po sitioning nodal s for axle bo xes on railway passenger cars. comparison wit h t he t plane types of st ruc 2t t he of t he arm type rubber positioning ; ness ; fatigue reliability

Study of the Optimization of the Stainless Steel C arbody Structure for U rban R ail V ehicles

GON G Ming ,et al.

(male , born in 1964, senior engineer , CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive &Rolling Stock Co. , Ltd. , Qingdao 266111, China )

Abstract :This paper begins wit h t he design and technology feat ures of t he stainless steel carbodies for urban vehicles. The requirement s of lightening , modularization , high strengt h and high reliability are considered. The st ruct ure optimization is made for each part of t he stainless steel carbody. The reasona 2ble st ruct ure modes of t he stainless steel carbody st ruct ure which is appropriate to t he urban rail vehi 2cles in our count ry are st udied.

K ey w ords :urban rail vehicle ; stainless steel car 2body ; struct ure optimization ; lightening ; modular 2ization

Discussion of the Design Scheme of the Inner Decoration R oof Plates for the Luxurious Tourism

Passenger C ars on Q ingzang R ail w ay

L I Shi 2ming

(male , born in 1973, engineer , Engineering De 2part ment of Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao ) Transpor 2tatio n Lt d. ,Qingdao 266111, China )

Abstract :Described is t he design scheme for t he roof plates of t he main corridors and t he dining halls in t he luxurious tourism passenger cars on Qingzang Railway.

K ey w ords :Qingzang Railway ;luxurio us tourism passenger cars ;roof plate ; inner decoration design

Development of Localization of the Central T raction Device on AM96Bogies

WAN G Zhong 2jie ,et al.

(male , born in 1969, senior engineer , Rail Traf 2fic Science and Technology Co. , Lt d. of Shanghai Railway Instit ute , Shanghai 200331, China )

Abstract :The st ruct ure and performance of t he cent ral t raction device on AM96bogies are described. The st rengt h is analyzed , and t he type test is made according to requirement s in t he technical regula 2tions. The test result shows t hat t he localized p rod 2uct s can completely meet t he requirement s in relevant technical regulatio ns of Bombardier Company and t he requirement s in operation of AM96bogies.

K ey w ords :cent ral t raction device ; st ruct ure ; performance ; test result

Development of EQ C 2M01Meter G auge

Bogies Exported to T ailand HUAN G Yuan 2lin ,et al.

(female , born in 1962, senior engineer (p rofes 2sorial ) , Product Develop ment Depart ment of CSR Feb. 7t h Rolling Stock Co. , Lt d. , Beijing 100072, China )

Abstract :Described are t he main technical fea 2t ures , main technical parameters , main st ruct ure as well as t he calculation and test t M01meter gauge bogies K ey w ords :; f bo 2gie ; technical ; ; result Development T echnical Administration in Station R epair for R ail w ay Freight C ars in China

ZHOU Lei ,et al.

(male , born in 1973, engineer , Freight Car Sec 2tion , Equip ment Depart ment of MOR Transportation Bureau , Beijing 100844, China )

Abstract :The develop ment process of technical administ ration in station repair for railway freight cars in China is expounded f rom such aspect s as t he source , quality cont rol , standardization , information and technical administ ration innovation.

K ey w ords :f reight car ; station repair ; technical administ ration

Discussion of R ail w ay R efrigerator C ars

with the Axleload of 23t

SH I Lei

(male , born in 1962, senior engineer , Guang 2zhou Railway Rolling Stock Works , Guangzhou 510800, China )

Abstract :The technical parameters of railway ref rigerator cars wit h t he axleload of 23t are de 2scribed. The technical scheme for ref rigeration and t he matching electrical system is discussed.

K ey w ords :railway ref rigerator car ; 23t axlel 2oad ; technical parameter

Analysis of Common Inspection and

R epair of 353130B B earings PAN Tie 2sheng ,et al.

(male , born in 1975, engineer , Technical Sec 2tion , Lanzhouxi Depot of Lanzhou Railway Bureau , Lanzhou 730050, China )

Abstract :The problems in common inspection and repair of 353130B bearings are analyzed , and ef 2fective scheme for solution are given.

K ey w ords :353130B bearings ; f reight car ; in 2spection and repair

The and

H al.

(engineer ,Science and Instit ute of Shenyang Railway 110013,China )

Abstract :The classification of special derailers for vehicles is described. The comparison analysis is made on t he 30type and X9801type derailers in Chi 2na ,t he Hayes HB type derailers in t he United States and t he J RS21703type derailers in J apan.

K ey w ords :special derailer for vehicles ;technical parameter ;performance

Comparison bet w een 3rd G eneration and 2nd

G eneration H ot Box Detection Systems and the Analysis

ZHOU Zhong 2yuan

(male , born in 1969, engineer , Guangzhoubei Depot of Guangshen Railway Co. , Ltd. , Guangzhou 510650, China )

Abstract :The differences in design , operation , inspection and repair between 3rd generation and 2nd generation hot box detection systems are compared and analyzed systematically. It is st ressed t hat t he f unctions are more powerf ul , t he operation , inspec 2tion and repair are more convenient , in t he mean time , t he deficiencies existing in operation are point 2ed out , and suggestions are given.

K ey w ords :infrared ; hot box detection ; compar 2ison ; analysis

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    高速铁路概论作业答案 参考答案 一.单选题 1.世界上第一条高速铁路是 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( C ) A TGV东南线 B TGV大西洋线 C 东海道新干线 D 山阳新干线 2.我国第一条准高速铁路在哪两个城市间改建 ...
  • 卖点各不相同--盘点20**年令人期待的中国火车模型
    2016-03-10 大霏 北京火车模型俱乐部 一.百万城东方红3 (北方车迷)期待指数:☆☆☆☆ (南方车迷)期待指数:☆☆ 东方红3型柴油机车是中国铁路第二代液力传动柴油机车的代表车型之一,由青岛四方机车车辆工厂于1971年试制.197 ...
  • 论述四轮驱动的形式和特点
    论述四轮驱动的形式和特点(三级) 一.什么是四轮驱动? 说到四轮驱动,总能使人们想起那些身材魁梧.威猛超群的越野车.的确,四轮驱动的出现就是为了针对恶劣路况,征服那些两只车轮无法通过的险峻地形.最初,四轮驱动是纯种越野车的专门配备.但随着汽 ...
  • 汽车销售产品知识
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  • 中国煤炭科学技术新进展_申宝宏
    第36卷第11期2011年 11月煤炭学报 JOURNALOFCHINACOALSOCIETY Vol.36Nov. No.112011 文章编号:0253-9993(2011)11-1779-05 中国煤炭科学技术新进展 申宝宏,雷毅,郭 ...