六年级英语期末考试 - 范文中心





从 A、B、C三个选项中选出一个填入空白处的最佳答案

1. A: How much milk do you want? -----B: __________, please.

A. two B. two bottle C. two bottles

2.Mum bought a new stamp ______ me.

A. about B. to C. for

3. Who can help me?----______,I can’t.

A. Sorry B. No C. Sure

4. Look! My brother is _____ to his friends.

A. talk B. talking C. talks

5. I like this stamp. It ____beautiful.

A. looks B. look like C. look

6. ----What do you want to eat? -----I want ____________

A. some milk B. some juices C. some hamburgers

7. Russia sent _____into space.

A. the first man B. the first animal C. the first spaceship

8. _______are the oranges? ------ Ten yuan.

A. How many B. How long C. How much

9. Please _______careful!

A. is B. be C. are

10. He is riding his bike, ________it is starting to rain.

A .and B. but C. then.


1. I, visit the UN building , want to , in New York. (.)

2. did, what, do, you, Thanksgiving Day, on (?)

3. stand, please, in line (!)

4. study ,what, going to, are ,you, (?)

5. wearing a raincoat , why, are you, (?)

6.did what yesterday you do(?)

7.dog is bigger my yours than

8.headache his has a father

9.sorry I to am that hear


看电视 take pictures eat good food 洗衣服 打扫房间 have a headache 感冒 去郊游


tall strong small heavy big


read watch wash

visit do


( )1、How long is the river? A、At six o‟clock.

( )2、Do you often play with cats? B、I want some cakes.

( )3、What do you want? C、I‟m sad.

( )4、Why ore you crying? D、Sometimes.

( )5、When are we going to have dinner? E、It‟s about two hundred

kilometres long

6、What‟s your favourite festival? A. Yes, I’d love to.

7、Have you got any American stamps? B. Spring Festival.

8、How are you going to go to Haikou? C. I‟m going to go there

by plane.

9、What is your dad doing ? D. No, I haven‟t.

10、Would you like some food? E. He is reading a newspaper.


A、Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me the way to Wang Hao Supermarket?


A:Excuse me, Madam How can I go to Wang Hao Supermarket?



C:You can take a NO.11 bus

A:Thanks very much.


1、 2、 3、 4、 5、

A、You‟re welcome B、Which bus shall I take?

C、I don‟t know D、You can take a bus to go there.

E、Please ask that woman.

六、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1. I call)you yesterday , but you be not)at home .

2. That‟s an book . Are you in it ?(in terest)

3. My room is big)than yours .

4. Look ! The boys (write)on the blackboard .

5. Lisa enjoyed visit)Peking Man‟s home .

6. Which is (easy), Chinese or English ?

7. Zhou Pei is short)in her class .

8. Everyone in our class like)him .

9. He came in and sit)on the bed .

10. How your brother (come)to the factory yesterday

morning ?


Tim is in his room. He is doing homework. He says to Tiger. “Tiger is my

friend,” He writes. “He is my cat. He is small and black and his eyes are green. I give

him fish and milk.”

Tiger looks at Tim. “ Fish or Milk? ‟‟ Tim says, “I can‟t come now. I can‟t give you

food now. I‟m working.” He writes, “He comes to my room and looks at me .And I

give him fish and milk.” At that time, Tiger says, “Meow.” “No, Tiger,” Tim says, “I

can‟t come Now. I‟m doing my homework.”

( ) 46. Tim is doing his homework.

( ) 47. Tim is in Tiger‟s room.

( ) 48. Tiger is Tim‟s friend.

( ) 49. Tim is giving the cat some food.

( ) 50. “Tiger” is the name of a cat.

C、根据短文内容选择正确答案. xkb1.com

The story is about two mice. They are friends. One mouse lives in the country. The

other lives in the city. One day they meet each other. The one in the country says,

“Come and have a look at my house.” They come to a house in a field. The country

mouse gives the city mouse nice food. But the city mouse says.” This food is not good.

You must come and live with me in the city.”

So they go to the house of the city mouse. It is a very good house. Nice food is

ready(准备) for them to eat. But just when they begin to eat, they hear a great noise,

„Run! Run! The cat is coming! ”the two friends run away quickly. After some time,

they go out. The country mouse says to the city mouse, “I don‟t like to live in the city.

It‟s dangerous.

( ) 1. The two mice live_______.

A. in the same place B. in different places

C. in the city D. in the country

( ) 2. The city mouse__________.

A. wants to live with the country mouse

B. lives with the country mouse for a long time

C. get nothings go eat from the country mouse

D. doesn‟t like the food of the country mouse‟s.

( ) 3. The city mouse asks the country mouse to his house, doesn‟t he?

A. No, he isn‟t. B. Yes , he does.

C. No, he doesn‟t. D. I think so

( ) 4. Which sentence is true(正确的)?_______________

A. They are helpful. B. They are not well.

C. They are good friends D. They don‟t know each other.

( ) 5. When a cat is coming, the two mice __________

A. stay there quietly. B. run away quickly.

C. say “hello” to it. D. want to make friends with it.


看图作文,根据画面的内容,写一段话, 以The Smarts Family’s holoday为题目.


语:have breakfast, have lunch, bus ,go swimming, ride a bike, go to the park, visit the s visit the ship, go to the theatre.


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