英语名词知识点 - 范文中心



第一章 名 词

● 名词的数

一、 可数名词和不可数名词的区别

1. 定义: 可数名词:普通名词中的个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,有单复数之分 不可数名词:没有单复数之分,物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词

2. 可数名词和不可数名词的主要区别: 1) 可数名词可以被a/an修饰,且有复数形式,而不可数名词不可以被a/an修饰,且没有复数形式

2) 有些限定词只能修饰可数名词,某些则只能修饰不可数名词,而某些则既能修饰可数名词又能修饰不可数名词

✓ 只能修饰可数名词的有:few, many= a number of, a great/good many, a

great many of等 ✓ 只能修饰不可数名词的有:much, little, a large amount of, a great deal

of ✓ 即可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有:some, any, plenty of, a

lot of, a large quantity of ✓ 只能修饰可数名词单数的有: many a, more than one

3) 有些不可数名词有相应的名词表其个体: Bread- a loaf, work- a job, clothing- a garment, poetry- a poem, traffic- a vehicle, jewellery- a jewel 4) 有些不可数名词加s ,含义发生变化。如: Time 时间- times 时代;paper 纸-papers 文件,报纸,论文,卷纸;manner 方式- manners礼貌, water 水- waters水域

二、 可数名词复数的构成规则如下:

1. 大部分名词构成复数时,在词尾加s ,如: Cup –cups, truck-trucks 2. 以因素[s] [z][ tʃ][dʒ] [ʒ] ,结尾的名词构成复数时,在词尾加- es,如, Bus- buses, box-boxes, bridge –bridges, watch- watches 3. 以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词构成复数时,直接加s ,如: City- cities, party- parties, body- bodies 4. 以元音字母加y 结尾的名词构成复数时,直接加s ,如: Boy- boys, play- plays, day- days, key- keys 5. 以辅音字母加o 结尾的名词构成复数时,通常在词尾加es ,也有特殊情况,如:

1) H ero- heroes, potato- potatoes, tomato- tomatoes, negro- negroes, mango- mangoes, buffalo- buffaloes, echo(回声)-echoes, tornado(龙卷风)- tornadoes, torpedo(鱼雷)- torpedoes, domino(多米诺骨牌)- dominoes, veto(否决,否决权)- vetoes, mosquito(蚊子)- mosquitoes 2) 一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,在词尾加s ,如: Piano- pianos, solo(独唱, 独奏)- solos, concerto(协奏曲)- concertos, tobacco- tobaccos, motto(座右铭)-mottos, cello(大提琴)- cellos 3) 一些缩写词和专有名词,在词尾加s ,如: Kilo( kilogram)-kilos, photo( photograph)- photos, memo(memorandum)- memos 6. 以元音字母加o 的名词构成复数时,直接加s ,如:

Video- videos, radio- radios, studio- studios, folio(对开纸)- folios, oratorio(清唱剧)- oratorios, embryo(胚胎)- embryos, zoo- zoos, bamboo(竹子)- bamboos, kangaroo- kangaroos, taboo(戒律)- taboos 7. 一些以f, fe结尾的名词构成复数时,把f, fe变成v, 再加es ,如: Half- halves, leaf- leaves, knife- knives, thief- thieves,self-selves, life- lives, wife- wives, shelf- shelves, loaf- loaves, wolf- wolves 口诀:为了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手里拿着刀子和一片树叶站在架子上,把狼劈成了两半

8. 一些以f, fe结尾的名词构成复数时,直接加s ,如: Gulf(鸿沟)-gulfs, serf(农奴)-serfs, belief- beliefs, chief(酋长)- chiefs, cliff(悬崖)- cliffs, proof- proofs, roof- roofs 口诀:海湾农奴信酋长,悬崖证据上房顶 注:以上两种情况均可的

Wharf(码头), dwarf(侏儒), scarf(围巾), handkerchief(手绢), 9. 名词变复数不规则变化大体有以下变化 1) 单复数形不同,如 Man –men, woman- women, foot- feet, tooth- teeth, mouse- mice, child- children, emphasis( 强调)- emphases 注:以man 构成的合成词,是man 变成men 如:

Englishman- Englishmen, Frenchman- Frenchmen, dustman- dustmen 但German- Gemans, human- humans因为他们不是合成词

2) 单复数词形相同,如 Deer, sheep, fish, works,(工厂) means( 方式、途径), Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, bellows( 风箱), series, crossroad, horsepower 及由汉语拼音拼出的计量单位,如: yuan, li, jin, 英语中原有的计量单位不在此列,如:dollar- dollars,

pound- pounds, metre-metres 除上述情况外,关于名词数的问题还应注意以下几个方面

有些名词只有复数形式,一般不直接受数词或a (an )修饰,如果要表示数量用相应的起量词作用的名词。Clothes, glasses, trousers, compasses, scissors( 剪刀) 等

A pair of glasses, two suits of clothes 注意:此时谓语动词和前面的量词保持一致。如

A pair of glasses is on the table Two pairs of glasses are on the table 3) 有些名词只有复数,没有单数 Police, people, cattle 4) 有些集合名词即可做单数,指整体;又可作复数,指该集体的成员,指整体时,谓语用单数;指成员时,谓语用复数。常用的名词有:

Family, class, group, team, party, public等。 比较下列句子

The team is made up of 12 members The team are having a bath now My family is going to move to Paris My family usually watch TV after supper 5) 合成名词的复数形式,通常将其中所包含的中心词变为复数,如 passer-by 变成 passers-by, grown-up 变成 growns-up, father –in –law 变成fathers -in –law, boy student- boy students 6) 以s 结尾的专用名词,如: the New York Times, the United Nations, the

teachers 三、 不可数名词的数


A piece of advice/ work/ news/ meat/ coal/ music A cup of tea/ coffee/ water/, two bottles of milk, a bag of rice A set of furniture, two drops of water 注意:

1. 有些不可数名词是以s 结尾,不要误以为是可数名词,如 News, maths, physics, politics等,它们如作主语,谓语用单数 2. 在有些情况下,名词作定语,和of 作定语,含义不同,如 A cup of coffee一杯咖啡, a coffee cup 咖啡杯 名词的格

现代英语名词有两个格,通格和所有格。当名词在句中做主语,宾语或补语时,名词无词性变化,称之为通格,当一个名词去修饰句中另一个名词时,有时用通格,有时用„s属格,或of 属格

1. 所有格的构成 在名词后加„s,如 Mary‟s books, the boy‟s girl friend

1) 如果名词以s 结尾,变复数时再词尾的s 右上方加‟ The students‟ desks, these girls‟ mother 2) 如果名词复数是不规则名词,所有格的构成是加„s, 如 The Children‟s Palace, women‟s clothes 3) 当and 连接两个或几个并列名词时,如果所有格后的名词为两人或几人共同所有,只将最后一个名词变成所有格,如:

Tom and Mary‟s books; Jean and my sister‟s books 4) 如果所有格后的名词为两个或几个分别所有,则在每个名词后都加„s,

United States 等,表示事物的整体,谓语用单数,但有些表示群岛,山脉的专有名词,谓语常用复数。如: The United States is a highly developed country The Alps are in Europe 7) 字母、数字、引语或缩略(词)语的复数形式是在其后加„s或s , 如 There are two f„s in the word ”office” Many VIPs are coming to our city 8) 名词作定语,通常用单数形式,即使在意义上是复数的(如shoes )或总用作复数的名词(如trousers )也是如此如: There are twenty boy students in our class They are his girl friends Trouser pockets 注意: a) 当sports, customs, arms, clothes, sales 和accounts 做定语时,不能变成单数修饰名词,如 A sports car一辆赛车,a customs officer一个海关官员,arms production武器的生产,a clothes shop一家服装店,a salesgirl一个女售货员, an accounts department一个会计部门 b) 但当 man, woman作定语时,如果被修饰的名词是复数,man 和woman 也要变成复数。如: A woman doctor, two women doctors; a man teacher, two men


Tom‟s and Mary‟s mother;John‟s and Jean‟s photos 5) 表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等所有格后的名词可省略,尤其当后面的名词是表示处所的名词 At the doctor‟s, at the tailor‟s, at the teacher‟s,

at the barber‟s 2. „s属格与of 属格的通用和区别 1) 一般来说,„s属格多用于有生命的名词,而of 属格则主要用于无生命的名词(但在现代英语中,这一界限已被打破,如:Newton‟s laws, 也

可以说成 the laws of Newton; the rules of the game , 也可以说成the

game‟s rules) 注:a) 有生命的名词也可用of 所有格形式,如:a photo of the baby

b) 但当‟s 属格表示“类别”属性,不可用Of 属格,如: A doctor‟s degree博士学位,a teacher‟s book教师用书 2) 如果„s属格表示的是具体名词“个别”的属性,可用of 属格,如: The doctor‟s arrival= the arrival of the doctor 注:a doctor‟s degree, a teacher‟s book表示的是“泛指类别”,没有具体指哪个人,

而the doctor „s arrival表示的是“具体的特征”,译成“那位医生的到来”,可以换成 3) 名词通格作定语和„s属格作定语的差别。 名词通格作定语表示泛指的类别,„s属格作定语表示具体的特指。如:

Car engines are made in this factory(轿车发动机,不是其他类别的发动机) That car‟s engine needs repairing(那台轿车的发动机,具体特指) They are having afternoon tea(他们在喝午茶) Yesterday‟s afternoon tea has gone bad(昨天的午茶坏了) 4) 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以在词尾加„s或‟构成所有格如: 用于时间 an hour‟s ride

用于度量 thirteen tons‟ weight

用于价值 a hundred yuan‟s order

用于天体 the earth‟s satellite

用于国家 Belgium‟s capital

用于城市 Changchun‟s agriculture

注:当today, yesterday, tomorrow分别表示“现在,过去,将来”时,只能用of 属格,如:



China‟s resources(资源世界各国都有,China‟s resources指在中国范围内,属于中国的资源)

China‟s agriculture, China‟s industry, Beijing‟s streets Chinese history(世界各国都有本国的历史, China‟s resources是阐述中国的历史,说明历史的属性)

China‟s food, Chinese food 二、 双重所属格

1. 构成 A /two/this/that/these/those+名词+of+所有格/名词性物主代词。如: That invention of his will greatly benefit the whole world I don‟t like that daughter of yours. He is a friend of my father‟s.

2. 双重所有格与所有格的区别 He is my father‟s friend. 他是我父亲的朋友(说明一件事实) He is a friend of my father‟s. 他是我父亲的一个朋友(强调数量,相当于He is one of my father‟s friends) His invention will greatly benefit the whole world(说明事实) That invention of his will greatly benefit the whole world。(带有赞扬的感情色彩) 注:有些名词,在of 后面有所属格和普通格,含义不同。常用的这类名词有opinion (意见)/portrait/ picture/ photo/ criticism(批评)。比较:

An opinion of the teacher对教师的意见 An opinion of the teacher‟s教师的意见 A portrait of my father,我父亲的肖像 A portrait of my father‟s我父亲收藏的肖像 A photo of him一张他的照片 A photo of his 他所拥有的一张照片 A criticism of the headmaster对校长的批评 A criticism of the headmaster‟s校长的批评 单项选择

3. It is known to all that an ant has _______. ( ) A. a stomach B. two stomach C. two stomaches D two stomachs 4. _______ like eating________ . ( ) A. Heroes, potatos B. Negroes, potatoes C. Heros, potatos D. Negros, potatoes 5. The housewives cooked two _______ and she asked us to help ourselves to some______. ( ) A. chicken, chickens B. chickens, chickens C. chickens, chicken D. chicken, chicken 6. I saw ______ lying on the ground. ( ) A. a ten- pound note B. a ten- pounds note C. ten-pound note D. ten- pounds notes 7. These _____ are playing with these ______. ( ) A. babys, monkeys B. babies, monkeis C. babies, monkeys D. babys, monkies 8. Long live the friendship between ______ of China and Japan! ( ) A. two people B. the two people C. the two peoples D. two peoples 9. We had many _______ taken on the Great Wall. ( ) A. photos B. a photo C. photo D. pieces of photos 10. Some ______ lay eggs in the water, others produce living young. ( ) A. fish B. fishes C. fishs D. kind of fish 11. Mr. Smith goes to church on _______. ( ) A. a Sunday B. Sundays C. the Sunday D. the Sundays 12. I‟ll give you ______ to finish the work. ( ) A. two weeks time B. two week‟s time C. a two- week time D. two weeks‟ time 13. We must find ______ to reach him A. way B. a means C. a mean D. meaning 14. Father bought ______ for us the other day A. tooth – brush B. teeth- brushes C. tooth- brushes D. teeth brush 15. Let‟s change _____ A. seat B. a seat C. seats D. the seat 16. We can meet at____ A. Mr. Brown B. Mr. Brown‟s C. Mr. Browns‟ D. Mr. Browns

17. Isn‟t it getting dark early? -- I think so. I see ____ are already on. A. the lights of the street B. the street lights C. the street‟s lights D. the light street 18. There are ______ in this class A. four Marys B. the four Marys C. four Marries D. the four Marries 19. He shot two wild _____ and caught five _____ A. sheep, fishes B. sheeps, fish C. sheeps, fishes D. sheep, fish 20. ______will be sent to work in our hospital A. A man doctor and two woman doctors B. A men doctor and two women doctors C. A man doctor and two women doctors D, A man doctor and two woman doctors 21. The heavy flood caused ten ______ A. dead B. death C. deaths D. die 22. Yesterday afternoon, I and my mother went to several ____ shops A. flower B. flowers C. flower‟s D.flowers‟


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