经济萧条 英语短文 - 范文中心

经济萧条 英语短文


in the past decade even without the yuan rising sufficiently against the dollar. Before intellectuals know that was made possible only because the yuan didn't rise against the greenback "sufficiently"?

The last two years have been full of economic woes for people in the land of plenty. the American public is desperate to identify the problems and find solutions. But how can their leaders blame China for all their ills, which despite being a developing

country helped maintain about half the world's economic growth last year? Why does China have to be made a scapegoat for America's domestic woes?

The international community, but for the obvious exceptions, has praised China's economic stimulus package and the importance of its robust economic growth. exports, too. The 2010 Shanghai World Expo will allow well over 200 countries and international organizations to showcase their products and technologies for

sustainable living to 70 million visitors, a large majority of them Chinese. China reluctant to sell them.

We need to be clear that China's rise is good for the world economy. And we need to be clear that China does not possess any "weapons of mass economic destruction". Americans, no doubt, still remember the song, "Won't get fooled again." Hopefully, they will see through their politicians' desperate attempt to shift the blame for the country's problems to China in order to cover their own failures. And let's hope they will realize that peaceful and respectful cooperation between the US and China is the


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