公共利益与个人利益的不同作文(英语加汉语) - 范文中心



The difference between public interest and private interest






What is the public interest and private interests and public interests and

personal interests are a pair of twins , understand one another is also solved. People will vary gender , personality , age , physical constitution , education , etc. and get different income form different sectors . Different classes will have different interest demands . So, for the different demands of different sectors of interest , how to determine what is the public interest?

Obviously, this is not a good answer. The reason that was not answered , first check the relevant information all over , especially in the current state of various

legal texts , what is the public interest, and how to effectively determine whether the

scope of the public interest , did not elaborate. This is a concept seems everyone knows , no more than ink costs . The second is whether the agreement between the theoretical and the actual definition of cognition, also speaking the same language , today.

From the term itself is a simple explanation : the former is the public , the majority of people, the overall relationship between the government concern the interests of society , which is a small minority, a small number of people , the

relationship between the social part of the benefit of individual citizens concerned . More explicit and formal , I just assume that the public interest can be defined as : certain social groups to achieve their survival, development needs, and the majority of the population recognized uncertain resources and conditions. Its meaning has the following features. First, the share of . Second, extensive. Third, the richness. Fourth , beyond individuality . Fifth, the hierarchy .

Personal interests with much simpler to define the public interest , the study because of personal interest only single person. Although everyone will have contact with other individuals , and the interaction between single individuals are

investigated individual and personal interests can be pushed to other individuals . I believe that personal interest is the sum of the individual in order to meet the survival, development and enjoyment of the required resources and conditions.

It can be seen that the difference between the two most obvious difference is the object of study, and the different aspects of this concern extends out, research methods, results , problems and solutions so there is a big difference. As a

government whose policies have to choose one of the two , the government 's policy is not always the best , but the most reasonable , most in line with prevailing local conditions . Government to get better results , it is necessary to balance the same as the majority of participants run distribution and social interests of the few , while the market dynamics is the study of factors associated with the participating markets , interactive and dynamic phenomena , which find the desired between the various elements of the law , so as to study the complex relationship between the various people involved in the role and balanced elements of compatibility , in order to

achieve maximum benefits market . Applied sociology studies that government policy can , try to meet the interests of the vast majority of the people, so as to ensure the reasonableness of the policy and ease of implementation. Weigh the results of the government to make the final , largely represents the interests of the majority, it formed a social preferences . Of course, the trade-offs sometimes not necessarily in line with the government 's social preferences , that is, there are a variety of

government staff to see the benefits so people can not ignore the interests of the majority of people , only a few people with their own interests to seek benefits associated with such a policy will the dystocia , the government will also lose the trust of the people , the social contract will be under threat , the government and the country's existence the foundation will be affected , or even crash.


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