清明节应该怎么度过? - 范文中心
















The Qingming Festival is our traditional festival, whether you are Chinese, or in a foreign country, whether you Is it right? Rich, whether you are good or bad, we can not change the Qingming Festival custom. Because in our tradition, this is our ancestors, a kind of grief for the dead, a memorial, but many of us have lost self, lost the direction, treat the traditional festival has no romantic western festivals so good, what the Qingming Festival how should we spend?

One of the 1 Tomb Sweeping Festival sweep the tombs:

All of us have done sweep the tombs,http://www.yeyanmai2.com/ but what you have what feeling? Every year in the face of parents and relatives are tears, but we seem to have no thought of their loved ones, not because we don't want to, but the trend of social development, so the Qingming

Festival must remember to sweep the tombs, whether relatives or for the martyrs, we should pray for ancestors.

The 2 festival activities -- two grave:

Grave may be seen in our country only, although there have been many people away from the countryside to the city, but still can not forget this is our most traditional honor, only in this way, the most traditional way to http://www.haiyezigw.net/ express our thoughts, so remember this is a very important thing.

The 3 festival activities -- three trees:

Perhaps in our school, we can't back to her family, but we can organize a lot of meaningful activities to pay homage to the martyrs, we can organize people to plant trees, each number is ourselves down, represents a kind of hope, represents a kind of grief, more representative of our respect. The meaning of.

The 4 festival activities -- four climbing:

Mountain climbing is not a http://www.makaxiaoguo.com/ simple hill climbing, because the traditional this day is cold, so in order for us to better maintain the healthy life, we still have to climb a mountain, in the mountain to make a wish, overlooking the distant on the mountains, on the expression of loved ones grief and express their thoughts of love.

The 5 festival activities, spring five:

In spring, in the spring, all things out of the moment, we have to take our own dream, with the thought of their loved ones and miss the spring outing, more can sweep away the winter on the tired and tired, let's make a wish, wish our country is getting better and better, the common wish of your life more and more happiness, in the spring, so should grasp.

The 6 festival activities -- five visit the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs:

We can use this special day,http://www.heshengdangan.com/ with our children to visit the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs, don't feel afraid and unknown, we should tell many stories for children while visiting, only so that children in the case can be felt in books and not the same gratitude, at a specific time to visit the special place, will be very happy.


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