20**年1109下四年级英语试卷 - 范文中心



田楼小学四年级英语调研试卷 听力部分(共30分) 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(7分) ( )1. A. bus B. but C. bottle . ( )2. A. cat B. car C. cap ( )3. A. fat B. five C. fan ( )4. A. what B. white C. which ( )5. A. right B. red C. rabbit ( )6. A. great B. green C. guess ( )7. A. puppet B. puzzle C. rubber 二、 听录音,选出合适的答句。(7分) ( )1. A. Not at all B. That’s all right C. Thank you ( )2. A. It’s a puppet B. Yes, it is C. No, it isn’t ( )3. A. Yes, you are right B. Sorry C. I like puzzles ( )4. A. That’s ok B. ok C. I’m sorry ( )5. A. Thank you B. It’s a kite C. How nice ( )6. A. No, I don’t B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, I love it ( )7. A. It is blue B. It’s over there C. The blue box 三、 听录音,给下列句子排序。(8分) ( )Is that your umbrella? ( )I love dolls. ( )Sure, here you are. ( )What’s that over there? ( )No, I don’t. ( )May I have a storybook for Gao Shan? ( )What’s that in English? ( )Happy Teachers’ Day! 四、 根据所听内容,在空格上填入所缺单词,每空一词。(8分) 1. My is on the desk. 2. --Where’s ? --It’s there.

3. This is for Yang Ling.

4. Is your ?

No, it 笔试部分(共70分)

五、 找出不是同类的单词。(5分)

( )1. A. ball pen B. bear C. rubber

( )2. A. bus B. bike C. balloon

( )3. A. tiger B. puppet C. puzzle

( )4. A. green B. yellow C.guess

( )5. A. pear B. photo C. apple

六、 翻译。(10分)

1. 一把雨伞 2. 让我看看 3. 在课桌上 4. 杨玲的风筝 5. 非常;很 6. 她的钱包 7. that toy lion 8. Happy Mothers’ Day!

9. in English 10. love dolls 七、选择题。(15分)

( )1. This rubber is Helen.

A. of B. for C. to

( )2. a nice little book!

A. what B. What C. What’s

( )3. Is that water bottle?

A. her B. she C. you

( )4. –What’s in your school bag?

got two rubbers and three pens.

A. I B. I’m C. I’ve

( )5. –May I have that notebook for Yang Ling?

A. All right. B. Thank you very much C. Yes, you are

( )6. The ball pen and the umbrella for your mother.

A. is B. am C. are

( )7. I’d the toy panda, please.

A. love B. like C. would like

( )8. --Can you see the toys?

A. Yes, it is B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, I do.

( )9. – In which box?

A. It’s here. B. It is red. C. The red box.

( )10. Liu Tao, where you?

A. are B. is C. am

( )11. Perhaps he is the computer room.

A. at B. in C. of

( )12. Do you like ?

A. this buses? B. buses C. a bus

( )13. – Where’s his mother?

in the kitchen.

A. He’s B. I’m C. She’s

( )14. What’s over there?

A. that B. this C. that’s

( )15. --I like this toy panda.

A. Me, to B. Me, two C. Me, too


1. the, in, he, TV room, perhaps, is (.)

2. doll, is, you, here, a, for (.)

3. is, that, I, his, think, water bottle (,) (.)

4. you, like, kite, do, this (?)

5. desk, that, is, on, what, the (?)


1. --我认为那是她的玩具猴子。 --不,它不是的。

is toy think. 2. –这个用英语怎么说? --它是一个拼图。

this English? --It’s a .

3. –你喜欢故事书吗? --是的,我喜欢。我喜爱故事书。

--Do you ? --Yes, I . I .

4. –这儿有一个木偶给你。 --非常感谢你。

--Here a --Thank you .

5. --让我们把它涂成绿色吧。 --好的。

--Let it green. --All right.


Nancy: Excuse me, Mike. What’s this in English?

Mike: It’s a balloon.

Nancy: Do you like balloons?

Mike: No, I don’t.

Nancy: What do you like?

Mike: I like puzzles.

Nancy: Me, too. Look, Is that your puzzle?

Mike: No, it isn’t. it’s my sister--Helen’s.

Nancy: But where’s Helen?

Mike: She’s in the computer room.

( )1. Mike likes balloons very much.

( )2. Nancy likes puzzles, too.

( )3.That puzzle is Mike’s.

( )4. Nancy is Mike’s sister.

( )5. Helen is in the computer room.


一、1. bus 2. cap 3. fan 4. white

5. red 6. guess 7. puppet

二、1. Thank you! 2. What’s this in English?

3. What do you like? 4. I’m sorry.

5. Look at my kite. 6. Do you like puppets?

7. In which box?

三、1. May I have a storybook for Gao Shan?

2. Sure, here you are.

3. Is that your umbrella?

4. What’s that in English?

5. I love dolls.

6. Happy Teachers’ Day!

7. No, I don’t.

8. What’s that over there?

四、1. My crayon is on the desk.

2. --Where’ --It’


一、1~5 : BBACA

二、1~5:AACAC 6~7:AC

三、 35287146

四、1. crayon 2. my, fan, over 3. notebook

4. that, bookmark, isn’t


六、 1. an umbrella 2. Let me see

3. on the desk 4. Yang Ling’s kite

5. very much 6. her purse

7. 那个玩具狮子 8. 母亲节快乐!

9. 用英语 10. 喜爱洋娃娃

七、1~5:BBACA 6~10:CBBCA 11~15:BBCAC 八、1. Perhaps he is in the TV room.

2. Here is a doll for you.

3. That is his water bottle, I think.

4. Do you like this kite?

5. What is that on the desk?

九、 1. That, her, monkey, I, No, isn’t

2. What’s, in, puzzle

3. like, storybooks, do, love, storybooks

4. is, puppet, very, much

5. us, colour



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