四个诀窍教你如何在繁杂,熙攘的大都市里修养身心 - 范文中心




By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.马克丽塔硕士著

Associate Editor 签约作者

I don’t live in a big city. (In fact, the only noises I typically hear are birds chirping or cats in heat. Don’t ask.) But I’ve lived in NYC and have been visiting my family there several times a year for over a decade. So I have a fairly good grasp of what it’s like to be surrounded by a cacophony of car horns and ambulance sirens, a flurry of feet pounding the pavement, and hours (many hours) of traffic. Though it has many perks, city life is rarely peaceful or serene.我没有生活在大都市里。(事实上,我经常听到的唯一的噪音就是鸟叫声或者是猫咪调皮的打闹声,不要问为什么),但我曾经生活在纽约市,而且在过去的十年里,我每年都回去那拜访我的家人好几趟,所以我非常清楚那里被汽车的嘈杂声,救护车的呼叫声,慌张的脚步,还有数小时的堵车包围着的感觉。虽然市区里有很多公园,但是城市生活一点也不平静。

That’s why I really like the book Urban Mindfulness: Cultivating Peace, Presence & Purpose in the Middle of It All by Jonathan S. Kaplan, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and founder of UrbanMindfulness.org. In it, he addresses specific problems that plague city dwellers and gives readers a variety of strategies to feel more calm and fulfilled. (He lives in NYC, so I think he knows what he’s talking about.) 这也是为什么我这么喜欢有关在都市里静心修养的书,由临床心理学家和城市静心网站的创始人乔纳森 卡普兰博士著的《 陶冶情操,修正其中的态度和目的》。在这本书里,他指出了困扰城市居民的具体问题,提供读者多种策略来获得更多的平静和满足。(他生活在纽约市,所以我认为他知道他在说什么)

He breaks his book down into exercises you can do “At Home,” “At Play,” “At Work,” “Out and About” and “Anytime, Anywhere.”他把他的书分成在家里,玩耍时,工作的时候,外出的时候,或任何时间,任何地点可以进行的练习部分。

Mindfulness is, according to Kaplan:卡普兰说,静心就是:

“Noticing your thoughts, feelings, and actions without judgment or criticism 不需要判断或者评价就能注意到你的想法,感觉和行为

Observing what’s happening around you 观察你身边发生的事情

Being fully aware of your senses moment to moment 充分意识到你意识的跳跃

Living in the here and now without resorting to old patterns and automatic reactions 不用依仗过去的生活模式和自动反应来生活

Exercising acceptance of your own experience, whether good, bad or neutral.” 练习去接受你的个人经历,无论是好的坏的或是不好也不坏的,它们都是你人生的一部分。

Here are four helpful mindfulness activities from Urban Mindfulness. 以下是来自城市静心系列的一些有益的静心练习

1. “Mini Mindfulness Masters at Home”1.“家里的微型静心调节大师”

Kaplan says that sometimes we can find the best mindfulness coaches right at home. “Pets and children have an uncanny ability to live fully in the present moment, thus they can serve as ‘mini mindfulness masters’ to guide our practice.”卡普兰说:有时候,我们在家里就能找到具有最好静心效果的沙发。“宠物和孩子能够尽情的享受当下,所以他们也能够引导我们练习的“微型静心调节”。

He suggests readers follow these mindfulness masters, which might mean “lying next to your cat, nuzzling your dog or gazing at your infant,” and tune into “some of the sensual aspects of the present moment your pet or baby might be experiencing (for example, temperature, sound, lightness or darkness and so on).”他建议读者都遵循这些静心调节方法,这就是指”躺在你的宠物猫旁边,爱抚你的狗或者深情的望着你的小孩“,体会你的宠物或孩子有可能正在经历的感知觉(例如,温度,声音,光线或者黑暗等等)。”

Also, observe their behavior and how they relate to the present moment, whether they’re experiencing something pleasant (or not), and focus on your own reactions. Ask yourself what your mini-master would do right now. “The idea isn’t to embody or mimic this reaction…but simply to consider a different response from your usual automatic programming. If the image of your pet or baby’s reaction merely brings a smile to your face, all the better,” Kaplan writes.同时,观察它们的外在表现,无论是否经历着高兴的事(或者不高兴的事),观察它们是怎样和当下练习起来的,并专注于你自身的反应。问问你自己现在你的微型调节师会做什么。卡普兰称:“这并不意味着你要具体表达或者模仿这个反应...只是简单的从你平常的自动系统中找到一个不同的回应。如果想象宠物或小孩的画面反应只能给你带来一个微笑,那就足够了”

2. “Exercising Acceptance”2.学会接受

Most of our attitudes about exercise are negative, Kaplan says. (I couldn’t agree more!) He offers four tips for cultivating an accepting and positive relationship with exercise. (Remember that exercise can be any physical activity.)卡普兰说,我们大部分人对于练习的态度都是消极的(我非常赞同)。为了养成与练习之间可接受和积极的关系,卡普兰给我们提供了四个诀窍(记住,练习可以是任何形式的身体练习)

We tend to assign virtue (or vice) to exercise. Either we’re good because we ran X number of miles today or we’re bad because we didn’t. Or we’re lazy and worthless for skipping a spinning class or superior for attending three times this week. Instead, Kaplan suggests readers discuss their physical activities without being judgmental. As Kaplan says, “It just is what it is.” 我们通常都趋向于根据功效来进行评判某种练习。不管我们今天因跑了多少公里而感觉良好还是我们没有跑那么多而感觉不好,或者我们很懒惰,错够了纺织课或者优先选择一周上三次课,卡普兰都希望读者不要去评判他们的身体活动,就如他说的“这就是你”。

Many of us make comparisons either to others (who are faster and stronger) or to our past selves (who were smaller, more muscular, more athletic). Kaplan calls for freeing ourselves from these comparisons. They not only make us miserable but we might push ourselves too far. “You might add too much weight to the bench press or strain yourself during a yoga pose, just to placate your inner critic.” 大部分人都喜欢把自己和其他人(更快更强的那些人)或和过去的自己(更瘦小,更多肌肉,更加具有运动才能的)进行比较。卡普兰呼吁我们从这些比较中把自己解放出来。比较不仅让我们更容易陷入困惑,而且我们会越走越远。“你给自己在举重练习登上增加了过大的重量或者太过严格要求自身的瑜伽动作,放下你内心的一些批判吧。”

Be grateful that you’re able to move your body. “Being able to exercise at all suggests having a body that’s capable of moving and helping us get through our daily lives,” Kaplan writes. 感激你还能运动起来。卡普兰写到:“完全能够做这些练习只要求一副能够移动,帮助我们度过每天生活的身体。”

Accept your limits. Moving can make you more prone to injuries, which might develop into chronic concerns and conditions, Kaplan says. So it’s important to accept your limits and injuries. “Railing against your injuries or pushing yourself in painful ways simply aggravates your condition, delays your recovery and worsens your pain, thus limiting your activities in the future.” 接受你的限制。卡普兰说,运动会让你更容易受伤,导致长期的困扰。所以接受你的限制或受伤的事实很重要。”继续不顾伤痛或者让你自己带伤运动会加重你的伤痛,延迟恢复,加重你的疼痛,因此会限制你以后的活动。”

3. “Flecks of Green”3,绿地小天地

Being surrounded by nature is very good for us. Some research has demonstrated that walking in a park boosts our mood and even our ability to concentrate. You can get your nature fix in either a big-city park (like breathtaking Central Park) or smaller spots (which you might not realize even exist).拥抱自然对我们非常好。有些研究表明公园漫步可以改善我们的心情,甚至是加强我们的注意力。你可以在大都市公园(像令人向往的中心公园)或小一点的地方(有些你甚至都不知道它的存在)亲近大自然进行锻炼。

According to Kaplan, many cities have developed community gardens or smaller parks called “microparks,” “miniparks” or “pocket parks.” To find some nature near you, Kaplan suggests: searching online by typing in “micropark,” “minipark,” “vest park” or “pocket park”; visiting the Project for Public Spaces; “find[ing] a satellite image or bird’s-eye view of the area around your home and work”; visiting blogs with local events; searching out unused spaces that you and your community could convert into a garden or park.据卡普兰描述说,许多城市都开发了许多社区花园或小公园像“微型公园”“迷你型公园”或者“袖珍公园。”。要想找到你附近的自然场所,卡普兰建议,可以在网上输入“微型,迷你,巢形,袖珍公园”;访问公共场所的工程网站;寻找你家附近或工作地点附近这些区域的卫星图和鹰眼视图;访问当地新闻的博客;找到一些未被利用开发的地方,和你的社区邻居一起建立一个花园或公园。

4. “Mindfulness First-Aid Kit”4.静心的紧急工具箱

One of the last places you’re probably feeling peaceful is at work, especially if you’ve just endured a time-consuming or overcrowded commute (or both!). And it might be particularly tough to awaken from your autopilot ways and actually pay attention to the present.最后一个能让你感到安心的地方就是工作地点,特别是当你经历了长时间或拥挤的上班高峰期之后。让你从自动意识的方式里解放出来,把注意力转移到当下确实很难。

Kaplan says that during these times we need something to support mindfulness practice. So he suggests creating a first-aid kit dedicated to mindfulness with objects that you enjoy and touch your five senses. When creating your kit, consider where you’ll keep it (drawer or a bag) and select several items but don’t pick anything that’s thought-provoking.卡普兰说:这期间,我们需要一些东西,工具来支撑我们的静心练习,所以他建议我们创建一个紧急工具箱,能用一些你喜欢或能触动你五官的客观物体来静心。当创建这些快捷方式时,要考虑下你应该把它们放在哪(抽屉或口袋),选择一些物体但不要选择发人深思的任何物品。

Kaplan also offers tips on picking the actual objects:卡普兰在挑选这些客观物体(实物)的时候也提供了些小技巧:

For a visual, pick a pleasant picture. (Again, nothing too thought- or emotionally stimulating.) 视觉上,挑选一幅好看的图画(重申一次,不要太发人深思或着触动情感之类的东西)

For taste, pick something with a long shelf life like chocolate. 味觉上,挑一些保存期限长一些的食品如巧克力

For sound, consider songs, meditation or prayer. (Nature sounds, he says, might be too distracting.) 声音上,选择一些歌曲,沉思或祷告(自然的声音,会太分神)

For touch, select an object with “a notable texture or temperature, like a rock, a piece of fabric, or an instant ice pack.” 触觉上,选择一些具有“纹理或温度,如岩石,一块织布或一个紧急的冰敷袋子

For smell, you can select anything from coffee beans (Kaplan’s favorite) to an air-freshener to “perfume-scented magazine inserts.” 嗅觉上,你可以从咖啡豆(卡普兰最爱)到空气清新剂或香水盒等挑选任何一件东西。

In general, you can consolidate and have objects that combine the senses and create a nice ritual. “For example, if you include a tea bag, you can smell it first, feel the warm mug as it brews, and taste it once it’s ready.” 总得来说,你可以结合你的感觉来挑选物品,创建一个良好的惯例。”例如,如果你拿一个茶袋,首先就得闻闻它,感受冲泡的温度,当一切都好了的时候品尝它。“

Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. is an Associate Editor at Psych Central and blogs regularly about eating and self-image issues on her own blog, Weightless.马克丽塔硕士,是心理中心和博客的签约作者,经常在她的博客发表关于饮食和自我形象系列的文章。


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