英文电影观后感_-叫我第一名 - 范文中心



Front of the Class

The film “Front of the Class” is a great inspiration and rearranged from a true story, which describes that an American was born with an illness called Toilette syndrome, but he made great efforts to be a teacher and try to overcome disease, living happily and successfully as much as possible.

Brad Cohen, the leading role, can’t stop himself making the strange sound because of his disease. Therefore, he was considered as a bad, mutinous child. The teacher didn’t understand him while the classmates often made fun of his behavior. What’s worse, even Brad’s father also thought his son did this on purpose, so there was a deep gap between Brad and his father. When he attended middle school, fortunately, he met a great headmaster. By coincidence, the headmaster invited him to express his feelings and tell his illness to the whole school’s students and teachers, through which everybody knew that his strange sound isn’t on purpose. Afterwards, he became more confident than before, aware that it was okay to be different. After graduating from college, Brad was strongly convinced that every student was worth being given guidance by teachers. For that reason, his dream of becoming a noble teacher took deep roots in his mind. Unfortunately, he was rejected by lots of schools’ leaders due to his illness, which really frustrated him. However, Brad’s

mother always encouraged him to face challenges bravely and overcame any difficulty. At last, almost interviewed by 25 schools, he was finally employed by a primary school. From then on, he really worked hard and got well along with his students, leading them into glorious future. As a result, he was elected as the Annual Best Teacher. During this period, Brad also gained a girl’s love for his optimistic and kind personality.

Although Brad can’t behave like a normal people , his dream comes true at last, whose success would not be accomplished without his great efforts and willpower. No matter what difficulty we are faced with, we are supposed to smile to life instead of giving up or give in to obstacles.

Naturally, others’ help should not be ignored. The most importing person in his life undoubtedly is his mother, without whom we are not sure whether Brad could gain courage to overcome problem and achieve his dream. Most of the mothers in the world are great and never give up their children, even if their children are abnormal or physically disabled, who will always understand children’s weakness and need. They also don’t expect what big achievements their children will get, as long as their children are safe and happy. Their love is selfless when you face difficulty,

and they are willing to pay anything for you and don’t require any repay from you. Brad’s mother always stays with and inspires him never to compromise with Toilette syndrome. Hence Brad is able to keep an optimistic spirit though experiencing such an unfair destiny.

The very important thing leading to Brad’s success I think must be his own efforts and never giving up. I will never forget it. These people were defeated by Tourette syndrome,but I never do this。Think about around us there are countless people who are defeated by reality, including those who are healthy. Most people choose to face cruel reality with shrinking. Yet Brad hasn’t been defeated by difficulty, facing ridicule and dealing with defeat with optimism. Finally, he wins the favor of god, getting other people’s respect and becoming popular with every of his students. Therefore, as a health people we shouldn’t just complaint about the unfairness of the world, for at least we are healthy. Never give up when meeting some trouble for once we give up, we have no any chance to succeed. Brad’s experience convinces us that we will get respect and understanding from others, if we can persist. Even though we may lose heart sometimes, never give up. With encouragement from people we love, success will come to us.

From Shi Qinghe Your stage


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