九年级英语第一至第五单元名词.代词.数词专项训练 - 范文中心







1、Who works                    , Jack or John? (carefully)

2、Mr. Black lives on the                    floor. (six)

3、Jack will come back on the                   of next month. (twenty-three)

4、Different people may have different               . (idea)

5、That cat is too young to look after                . (it)

6、Chinese is one of the most important                    in the world. (language)

7、People often mistake               for each other. (we)

8、I often go to work on                    . (foot)

9、Is                    bike red or black? (he)

10、Autumn is the               season of the year. (three)

11、I know one of the                 . (boy)

12、Meimei learnt to speak English by                . (she)

13、Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of                   . (glass)

14、The                boy is very strong. (seven)

15、You can do it all by               . (you)

16、It’s time for                  to have supper. (we)

17、Please give them their                  . (photo)

18、Are there any                in the box? (watch)

19、Could you show                   the way on the map? (she)

20、There are twelve                  in a year. (month)

21、He put on the new coat and then looked at                 in mirror. (he)

22、Would you like some                    ? (tomato)

23、Look at those                in the boats! (people)

24、Mr. Green lives on the                  floor. (twelve)

25、She can swim very well. She taught                   (she).

26、Look! The                    are singing. (woman)

27、I’ve lived here all                  life. (I)

28、My radio is not so good as                  . (he)

29、Summer is the               season of the year. (two)

30、September 10th is                 Day. (teacher)

31、My sister has two                 . (pen)

32、He lives on the                     floor. (four)

33、My mother is a                     . (teach)

34、Could you pass                    a piece of paper, please? (I)

35、The                story is very interesting. (one)

36、Jim has some                . (knife)

37、Could you give                     a bottle of water, please? (he)

38、September is the                   month of the year. (nine)

39、How much are these                    ? (vegetable)

40、You bought a new pencil on                 way to school, didn’t you? (you)

41、He read some                about Zhou Enlai. (story)

42、The girl under the tree is a friend of                    . (Lucy)

43、Many                    are playing in the park. (child)

44、Mary puts                     bag in the desk. (she)

45、It isn’t my ruler.                  is a long one. (I)

46、She fell off the bike, and hurt both of her                   . (foot)

47、The                lesson is very difficult. (twenty)

48、There are               of workers in a factory. (hundred)

49、This is my dictionary.                  are over there. (she)

50、March 8th is                 Day. (woman)

51、There are many beautiful                     in this picture. (flower)

52、Miss Gao is one of the most popular                   in the school. (teacher)

53、I met                     on my way to school yesterday. (they)

54、His room is on the                floor. (three)

55、We have four                in the morning. (class)

56、Please give                    back soon. (they)

57、Can I have some                  ? (box)

58、Please ask                     to come with you next time. (they)

59、Let                 sing together. (they)

60、There are many                    in the field. (sheep)

61、October the                  is my brother’s birthday. (eight)

62、Listen to                carefully, children. (I)

63、Who was the                to get there? (one)

64、Do you know                daughter she is? (who)

65、A friend of                    will come to see her tomorrow. (she)

66、The girl in a green shirt is                    sister. (Tom)

67、There are four bags of                 on the floor. (rice)

68、I saw                    climbing tree. (it)

69、June 1st is                    Day. (child)

70、Miss Li teaches                    Chinese and they like her very much. (they)

71、The                in the room come from Tianjin. (man)

72、I have a dog.                name is Lucy. (it)

73、How many                    are there in your city? (zoo)

74、I often drink a glass of                 in the morning. (milk)

75、Some of the                  are hard to reach. (pear)

76、I have two                    stamps. (hundred)

77、John is very clever. He can mend the bike                  . (he)

78、Some of                like Chinese. (we)

79、Miss Li doesn’t like that bag. She prefers                   . (I)

80、Will you please help                     (I)?


1、We found                very difficult to learn Japanese.

A.this                 B.that                 C.it                     D.its

2、Her parents went there with a friend of                 .

A.they                B.themselves       C.them        D.theirs

3、I asked him for some oil, but he hadn’t                 .

A.some        B.any                  C.anything          D.no

4、                of the four roads will take you the hospital.

A.Neither            B.Either              C.Both         D.Any

5、I have five colour pencils, one is red, another is blue and                    three are green.

A.the other          B.other        C.the others        D.others

6、                of us would agree with you.

A.Someone         B.No one            C.None        D.Nobody

7、Did you break                 windows?

A.both of            B.both the           C.either of           D.the both

8、                of you would like to go with me?

A.Which             B.What        C.Any                 D.Who

9、                has passed the examination.

A.Every of us      B.All of us           C.Every one of us       D.Each of us

10、There is a line of trees on                    side of the street.

A.every        B.both                C.any                 D.each



1、more carefully    2、sixth           3、twenty-third            4、ideas

5、itself           6、languages         7、us        8、foot

9、his        10、third        11、boys               12、herself

13、glasses        14、seventh          15、yourself         16、us

17、photos       18、watches         19、her        20、months

21、himself      22、tomatoes        23、people       24、twelfth

25、herself      26、women           27、my          28、his

29、second      30、Teachers’       31、pens               32、fourth

33、teacher       34、me                 35、first               36、knives

37、him       38、ninth              39、vegetables              40、your

41、stories    42、Lucy’s           43、children                 44、her

45、Mine     46、feet                47、twentieth        48、hundreds

49、Hers      50、Women’s 51、flowers                 52、teachers

53、them       54、third        55、classes                  56、them

57、boxes      58、them              59、them                     60、sheep

61、eighth    62、me                 63、first               64、whose

65、hers      66、Tom’s            67、rice                       68、it

69、Children’s              70、them              71、men               72、Its

73、zoos       74、milk        75、pears                     76、hundred

77、himself     78、us      79、mine        80、me


1、C              2、D             3、B              4、D             5、A

6、C              7、B              8、A              9、D             10、D


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