机器人技术发展趋势论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 - 范文中心












很多早期的机器人是除了有很大力气而毫无其他功能的大型机器。老式的液压动力机器人已经被用来执行3-D 任务即平淡、肮脏和危险的任务。由于第一产业技术的进步,完全彻底地改进了机器人的性能、业绩和战略利益。比如,20世纪80年代,机器人开始从液压动力转换成为电动单位。精度和性能也提高了。





即使是原始的智力,机器人已经被证明了在生产力、效率和质量方面都能够创造良好的效益。除此之外,一些“最聪明的”机器人没有用于制造业;它们被用于太空探险、外科手术遥控,甚至于宠物,比如索尼的AIBO 电子狗。从某种意义上来说,一些其他应用表明机器人可能的用途,如果生产厂家认识到这点,工业机器人并不是要局限于某一个方面,或者受限于昨日的机械概念。

伴随着电力微处理器和人工智能技术的迅速增长,大大提高机器人其潜在的弹性的自动化工具。新增加的智能机器人的应用要求先进的智能。机器人技术正在融合各种互补技术 - 机器视觉,力传感(触摸),语音识别和高级技工。这一令人振奋的成果代表了新水平的工作应用,比以往任何时候都认为是实际的机器人。具有综合的视觉和触觉的机器人的引进,极大地改变了新的生产和输送系统的速度和效率。机器人变得如此准确,以至于机器人可以应用于所有手工场所已不再是一个不可能的观点。半导体制造业就是一个例子,高度一致的吞吐量和质量,不能靠手工或简单机械就能实现。此外,那些快速产品与传统硬质工具不相匹配的部分的转换和革新已经取得了显著的成果。





其主要的增长领域是智能机器人协助装置(IAD )——操作人员熟练地操作着机器人,就好像是自己的手和脚变长了,并且更有力了。这就是遥控技术,没有人和机器人可以代替,它是有助于改造人类环境产品的一个新版本,多方面的帮助人类伙伴,包括动力供应、运动导向、线路跟踪以及程序自动化。









机器视觉系统集成的工业机器人的数量相对较少 - 这就是为什么它被称为机器视觉,而不是机器人视觉。早期采用机器视觉价格很高,因为这样的技术需要调整系统。例如,在80年代中期,从辛辛那提米拉克龙公司的柔性制造系统,包括90万美元的视觉导引系统。到1998年的平均价格已经下降至40,000元,且价格持续下降。

今天,从Cognex ,Omron 花2000美元就能购买到简单匹配的视觉传感器系统。降价反映了当今电脑成本的降低,和为特殊工作如侦察业等视觉系统的重点开发。


工业机器人的销售已经上升到创纪录的水平,他们拥有巨大的尚未开发的潜力,家务,如修剪草坪,并用真空吸尘器清理地毯。去年有3000个水下机器人,2300个拆卸机器人和1600个手术机器人开始工作。预计吸尘和除草机器人的数量将大幅度增加,从2000年得12500到2004年末的500000个。现在iBOT 、Roomba 的价格也不到2000美元了。




Marshall Brian ,HowStuffWorks 。com 的创办人,写了两篇有趣的关于机器人的论文,很值得一读。他觉得在今后四十年内机器人将代替许多人类工作,那是很有可能的。根据他的预测,在他的论文“机器人种族”中,人性化机器人将在2030年得到普及。他们将取代目前由人类从事的工作,如快餐服务、清洁房间和零售服务。除非找到办法来弥补这些失去的就业机会,否则他估计到2055






在伯克莱分校,一个叫micromechanical 的微型昆虫飞行机器人,它能非常自然地精确地拍打翅膀。他们的目标是做一个又小又灵活的装置,例如,秘密侦查敌军,可以探测火星表面和安全检查危险化学品泄漏。


自动化技术人员通常需要具备文本、PLCs 、计算机、显示器、控制、传感器、阀门、传动、数据传输、无线通讯、网络等方面的知识和经验。这些也正是机器人及机器人技术发展的关键。在经济不景气的这个时候,机器人技术一定会成为一定成为一个振奋人心且潜力巨大的新领域。


Robotics technology trends

When it comes to robots, reality still lags science fiction. But, just because robots have not lived up to their promise in past decades does not mean that they will not arrive sooner or later. Indeed, the confluence of several advanced technologies is bringing the age of robotics ever nearer - smaller, cheaper, more practical and cost-effective

Brawn, Bone & Brain

There are 3 aspects of any robot:

Brawn – strength relating to physical payload that a robot can move.

∙ Bone – the physical structure of a robot relative to the work it

does; this determines the size and weight of the robot in

relation to its physical payload.

∙ Brain – robotic intelligence; what it can think and do

independently; how much manual interaction is required. ∙

Because of the way robots have been pictured in science fiction, many people expect robots to be human-like in appearance. But in fact what a robot looks like is more related to the tasks or functions it performs.

A lot of machines that look nothing like humans can clearly be

classified as robots. And similarly, some human-looking robots are not much beyond mechanical mechanisms, or toys.

Many early robots were big machines, with significant brawn and little else. Old hydraulically powered robots were relegated to tasks in the

3-D category – dull, dirty and dangerous. The technological advances since the first industry implementation have completely revised the capability, performance and strategic benefits of robots. For example, by the 1980s robots transitioned from being hydraulically powered to become electrically driven units. Accuracy and performance


Industrial robots already at work

The number of robots in the world today is approaching 1,000,000, with almost half that number in Japan and just 15% in the US. A

couple of decades ago, 90% of robots were used in car manufacturing, typically on assembly lines doing a variety of repetitive tasks. Today only 50% are in automobile plants, with the other half spread out among other factories, laboratories, warehouses, energy plants, hospitals, and many other industries.

Robots are used for assembling products, handling dangerous

materials, spray-painting, cutting and polishing, inspection of

products. The number of robots used in tasks as diverse as cleaning sewers, detecting bombs and performing intricate surgery is

increasing steadily, and will continue to grow in coming years. Robot intelligence

Even with primitive intelligence, robots have demonstrated ability to generate good gains in factory productivity, efficiency and quality. Beyond that, some of the "smartest" robots are not in manufacturing; they are used as space explorers, remotely operated surgeons and even pets – like Sony's AIBO mechanical dog. In some ways, some of these other applications show what might be possible on production floors if manufacturers realize that industrial robots don't have to be bolted to the floor, or constrained by the limitations of yesterday's machinery concepts.

With the rapidly increasing power of the microprocessor and artificial intelligence techniques, robots have dramatically increased their

potential as flexible automation tools. The new surge of robotics is in applications demanding advanced intelligence. Robotic technology is converging with a wide variety of complementary technologies – machine vision, force sensing (touch), speech recognition and advanced mechanics. This results in exciting new levels of

functionality for jobs that were never before considered practical for robots.

The introduction of robots with integrated vision and touch

dramatically changes the speed and efficiency of new production and delivery systems. Robots have become so accurate that they can be applied where manual operations are no longer a viable option. Semiconductor manufacturing is one example, where a consistent high level of throughput and quality cannot be achieved with humans and simple mechanization. In addition, significant gains are achieved through enabling rapid product changeover and evolution that can't be matched with conventional hard tooling.

Boosting Competitiveness

As mentioned, robotic applications originated in the automotive

industry. General Motors, with some 40-50,000 robots, continues to utilize and develop new approaches. The ability to bring more

intelligence to robots is now providing significant new strategic

options. Automobile prices have actually declined over the last two to three years, so the only way that manufacturers can continue to generate profits is to cut structural and production costs.

When plants are converted to new automobile models, hundreds of millions of dollars are typically put into the facility. The focus of robotic manufacturing technology is to minimize the capital investment by increasing flexibility. New robot applications are being found for operations that are already automated with dedicated equipment. Robot flexibility allows those same automated operations to be

performed more consistently, with inexpensive equipment and with significant cost advantages.

Robotic Assistance

A key robotics growth arena is Intelligent Assist Devices (IAD) –

operators manipulate a robot as though it were a bionic extension of their own limbs with increased reach and strength. This is robotics technology – not replacements for humans or robots, but rather a new class of ergonomic assist products that helps human partners in a wide variety of ways, including power assist, motion guidance, line tracking and process automation.

IAD’s use robotics technology to help production people to handle parts and payloads – more, heavier, better, faster, with less strain. Using a human-machine interface, the operator and IAD work in tandem to optimize lifting, guiding and positioning movements.

Sensors, computer power and control algorithms translate the operator's hand movements into super human lifting power.

New robot configurations

As the technology and economic implications of Moore's law continue to shift computing power and price, we should expect more

innovations, more cost-effective robot configurations, more

a pplications beyond the traditional “dumb-waiter” service emphasis. The biggest change in industrial robots is that they will evolve into a broader variety of structures and mechanisms. In many cases, configurations that evolve into new automation systems won't be immediately recognizable as robots. For example, robots that

automate semiconductor manufacturing already look quite different from those used in automotive plants.

We will see the day when there are more of these programmable tooling kinds of robots than all of the traditional robots that exist in the world today. There is an enormous sea change coming; the potential is significant because soon robots will offer not only

improved cost-effectiveness, but also advantages and operations that have never been possible before.

Envisioning Vision

Despite the wishes of robot researchers to emulate human

appearance and intelligence, that simply hasn't happened. Most

robots still can't see – versatile and rapid object recognition is still not quite attainable. And there are very few examples of bipedal, upright walking robots such as Honda’s P3, mostly used for research or sample demonstrations.

A relatively small number of industrial robots are integrated with machine vision systems – which is why it's called machine vision

rather than robot vision. The early machine vision adopters paid very high prices, because of the technical expertise needed to “tweak” such systems. For example, in the mid-1980s, a flexible

manufacturing system from Cincinnati Milacron included a $900,000 vision guidance system. By 1998 average prices had fallen to $40,000, and prices continued to decline.

Today, simple pattern matching vision sensors can be purchased for under $2,000 from Cognex, Omron and others. The price reductions reflect today's reduced computing costs, and the focused

development of vision systems for specific jobs such as inspection. Robots already in use everywhere

Sales of industrial robots have risen to record levels and they have huge, untapped potential for domestic chores like mowing the lawn and vacuuming the carpet. Last year 3,000 underwater robots, 2,300 demolition robots and 1,600 surgical robots were in operation. A big increase is predicted for domestic robots for vacuum cleaning and lawn mowing, increasing from 12,500 in 2000 to almost 500,000 by the end of 2004. IBot’s Roomba floor cleaning robot is now available at under $200.00.

In the wake of recent anthrax scares, robots are increasingly used in postal sorting applications. Indeed, there is huge potential to

mechanize the US postal service. Some 1,000 robots were installed last year to sort parcels and the US postal service has estimated that it has the potential to use up to 80,000 robots for sorting.

Look around at the “robots” around us today: automated gas pumps, bank ATMs, self-service checkout lanes – machines that are already replacing many service jobs.

Fast-forward another few decades. It doesn't require a great leap of faith to envision how advances in image processing, microprocessor speed and human-simulation could lead to the automation of most boring, low-intelligence, low-paying jobs.

Marshall Brain (yes, that's his name) founder of HowStuffWorks.com has written a couple of interesting essays about robotics in the future, well worth reading. He feels that it is quite plausible that over the next 40 years robots will displace most human jobs. According to Brain's projections, in his essay "Robotic Nation", humanoid robots will be widely available by 2030. They will replace jobs currently filled by people for work such as fast-food service, housecleaning and retail sales. Unless ways are found to compensate for these lost jobs, Brain estimates that more than 50% of Americans could be unemployed by 2055 – replaced by robots.

New robot applications abound


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