5.特种设备和特种作业 - 范文中心




Special Equipment and Special Operations

前言:1. 在工业生产和人们生活中,经常能接触到一些特种设备,如电梯、机动车辆等。由于它们一般具较高的风险,如果发生事故,容易造成人员伤亡,故国家立法,将此类设备称之为特种设备,加强对其管理。操作此类设备的人员称为特种设备操作人员。 2. 特种作业人员(简称为特种工)是指专门从事于某些特殊作业的人员,如电工、高空作业者等。其需要经过专业培训而具备相应技能和资格,能有效控制作业中的风险。

Foreword: 1. In industrial production and our everyday life, we often need to deal with some special types of

equipment, such as elevators and motor vehicles. Because these types of equipment usually have high risks, and can cause personal injury or death in case of accident, the country has created laws to call them special equipment to enhance their management. People operating such equipment are called special equipment operators. 2. Special operators (or special workers) refer to people who are specialized in special operations, such as electricians and overhead operators. They need to receive special trainings to have the corresponding skills and qualifications to effectively control risks in operations.

为防止和减少事故,保障人们的生命和财产安全,加强管理和宣传教育。本期我们一起来学习以下内容:To prevent and reduce accidents, ensure personal life and property safety, and enhance management, publicity, and education, we will learn the following together with you in this issue:

· 特种设备安全监察条例;

· Special Equipment Safety Supervision Regulations

· 特种作业及人员管理;

· Management of special operations and personnel

一、 特种设备安全监察条例

I. Special Equipment Safety Supervision Regulations




Special equipment refers to equipment involving life safety and having higher risks, such as boilers, pressure containers (including gas cylinders), pressure pipelines, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways, major amusement facilities, and motor vehicles operating in plant/factory.

在公司业务运作中,也经常用到上述特种设备。如各建筑内的载客、货电梯;物流使用的电动叉车;以及生产和研发过程中用到的液氮罐(压力容器)等。今天,我们一起来了解这些特种设备使用要求。The preceding special equipment is also often used in Huawei's business operations, such as the passenger and freight elevators within various buildings, the electric forklifts used in the logistics operations, and the liquid nitrogen tanks (pressure containers) used in the production and R&D processes. Today, let's learn about the requirements on the use of these types of special equipment.


Special Equipment Safety Supervision Regulations

第三章 特种设备的使用(节选)

Chapter Three: Use of Special Equipment (excerpts)

第二十五条 特种设备在投入使用前或者投入使用后30日内,特种设备使用单位应当向直辖市或者设区的市的特种设备安全监督管理部门登记。登记标志应当置于或者附着于该特种设备的显著位置。

Article 25: Prior to the use of special equipment or within 30 days after the special equipment being put into use, organizations using the special equipment should register the special equipment with the special equipment supervision and management agency of the municipality or the city, which has administrative districts. The registration sign should be put at or attached to a visible point of the special equipment.

第二十六条 特种设备使用单位应建立特种设备安全技术档案。应当包括以下内容:

Article 26: Organizations using the special equipment should create the technical archives for

the safety of the special equipment, and the contents should include the following:


(1) Documents of the special equipment such as design documents, manufacturer, product's quality certificate, and operation and maintenance instructions, and technical documents and data about its installation


(2) Records of the regular inspection and regular self-inspection of the special equipment


(3) Records of the daily use of the special equipment


(4) Records of the daily maintenance of the special equipment and its safety accessories, safety protection devices, measurement and control devices, and related accessory instruments and meters


(5) Records of the operation faults and accidents of the special equipment


(6) The energy efficiency test report, the energy consumption record, and the technical data on the energy-saving retrofitting of energy intensive special equipment.

第二十七条 特种设备使用单位应当对在用特种设备进行经常性日常维护保养,并定期自行检查。 Article 27: Organizations using the special equipment should perform frequent daily maintenance to the special equipment being used, and inspect it regularly on their own.


Organizations using the special equipment should perform at least one self-inspection a month to the special equipment being used, and keep the record. If the organizations using the special

equipment find something abnormal when doing self-inspection and routine maintenance to the special equipment being used, they should fix the problem in time.


Organizations using the special equipment should regularly calibrate and troubleshoot the safety accessories, safety protection devices, measurement and control devices, and related accessory instruments and meters of the special equipment being used, and keep the record.

第二十八条 特种设备使用单位应当按照安全技术规范的定期检验要求,在安全检验合格有效期届满前1个月向特种设备检验检测机构提出定期检验要求。未经定期检验或者检验不合格的特种设备,不得继续使用。

Article 28: Organizations using the special equipment should apply for regular inspection to the special equipment inspection & detection organization one month before the expiry of effective period of the safety inspection certificate according to the regular inspection requirements in the safety technical specifications. Special equipment without receiving regular inspection or failing the inspection shall not continue to be used.

第二十九条 特种设备出现故障或者发生异常情况,使用单位应当对其进行全面检查,消除事故隐患后,方可重新投入使用。特种设备不符合能效指标的,特种设备使用单位应当采取相应措施进行整改。

Article 29: When the special equipment has faults or abnormalities, the user organizations should check it comprehensively and eliminate the potential risks before using the equipment again. If the special equipment does not meet the energy efficiency requirement, the organizations using the special equipment should take corresponding measures to make remedy.

第三十条 特种设备存在严重事故隐患,无改造、维修价值,或者超过安全技术规范规定使用年限,特种设备使用单位应当及时予以报废,并应当向原登记的特种设备安全监督管理部门办理注销。

Article 30: If the special equipment has serious potentials risks, does not have the retrofitting or repair value, or has exceeded the lifecycle specified in the safety technical specifications, the

organizations using the special equipment should have the equipment retired in time, and should write it off from the special equipment safety supervision and management agency with which it was originally registered.

第三十一条 电梯的日常维护保养必须由依照本条例取得许可的安装、改造、维修单位或者电梯制造单位进行。电梯应当至少每15日进行一次清洁、润滑、调整和检查。

Article 31: The routine maintenance of an elevator must be performed by an organization that has obtained the installation, retrofitting, or repair license in accordance with this Regulations or the manufacturer of the elevator. An elevator should be cleaned, lubricated, adjusted, and checked at least once every 15 days.

第三十八条 锅炉、压力容器、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施、场(厂)内专用机动车辆的作业人员及其相关管理人员(以下统称特种设备作业人员),应当按照国家有关规定经特种设备安全监督管理部门考核合格,取得国家统一格式的特种作业人员证书,方可从事相应的作业或者管理工作。

Article 38: Operators and related management personnel of boilers, pressure containers, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways, major amusement facilities, and motor vehicles operating in plant/factory (hereinafter collectively referred to as the special equipment operators ) should pass the evaluation by t h e s p e c i a l e q u i p m e n t s u p e r v i s i o n a n d m a n a g e m e n t a g e n c y a c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o u n t r y ' s r e l a t e d r e q u i r e m e n t s and obtain the S p e c i a l O p e r a t o r C e r t i f i c a t e w i t h a u n i f i e d f o r m a t t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y b e f o r e b e i n g a l l o w e d t o d o t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g o p e r a t i o n o r m a n a g e m e n t w o r k .

第三十九条 特种设备使用单位应当对特种设备作业人员进行特种设备安全、节能教育和培训,保证特种设备作业人员具备必要的特种设备安全、节能知识。特种设备作业人员在作业中应当严格执行特种设备的操作规程和有关的安全规章制度。

Article 39: Organizations using the special equipment should provide education and training on the safety and energy efficiency of the special equipment for the special equipment operators, to ensure that the special equipment operators have the necessary knowledge on the safety and

energy efficiency of the special equipment. During operation, the special equipment operators should strictly follow the operation procedures and related safety rules and regulations of the special equipment.

二、 特种作业及人员管理

II. Management of Special Operations and Personnel


Special operations refer to operations that are easy to cause personal injury or death accidents, and may cause major threat to the safety of the operators themselves, others, and the surrounding facilities. People who are directly involved in special operations are called special operators.


Scope of special operations:

1. 电工作业。含发电、送电、变电、配电工等

Electrician operation: Including power generation, power transmission, power transformation, and power distribution

2. 焊接与热切割作业。含焊接工,切割工;

Metal welding and cutting operation: Including welding work and cutting work

3. 高处作业。含2米以上登高、拆除、维修工等;

Working at height: Including climbing, dismantling, and repairing at a height more than two meters above ground

4. 制冷与空调作业。含制冷设备安装、操作、维修工;

Refrigeration operation: Including the installation, operation, and repair of refrigeration equipment

5. 煤矿安全作业 safe operation in mines.

6. 金属非金属矿山安全作业Safety operations in metal and nonmetal mine

7. 石油天然气安全作业 Safe operation of oil and gas

8. 冶金(有色)生产安全作业 Safe operation of Metallurgical production

9. 危险化学品安全作业: 指从事危险化工工艺过程操作及化工自动化控制仪表安装、维修、维护


Safety Operation with hazardous chemical: Engaged in dangerous chemical process operation and chemical automation control instrumentation installation, repair and maintenance jobs.

10. 经国家安全生产监督管理局批准的其他作业。

Other operations approved by the State Administration of Work Safety.

以上特种作业,未包括特种设备操作人员;特种设备操作人员,如:起重机械(含电梯) 作业、锅炉作业(含水质化验) 、压力容器作业、企业内机动车辆驾驶等,应取得特种设备操作资格,方可操作。

The above special operation doesn’t include special equipment operators. The special equipment operators, such as: Operation of hoisting machinery (including elevators),Drivers of motor vehicles within company,Boiler operation (including water quality testing),Operation of pressurized containers and so on, must obtain the S p e c i a l O p e r a t o r C e r t i f i c a t e .


Regulations on the Safety of Special Operators


Training evaluation and certification


1. People involved in special operations must be applied by their organizations, and receive the training and evaluation on safety technologies administered by relation departments.


2. After being trained, special operators must receive the examination on theories of safety

technologies and practical operating skills. If qualified, they will be issued with the Special Operator Certificate or Driver License, and will be allowed to operate independently.


3. The training on safety technologies for special operators follow the principle of combining

theoretical teaching and practical operating skills training, focusing on improving their safety skills and practical ability to prevent accidents.

复 审



1. People who have obtained the Special Operator Certificate will be regularly reviewed as

required. For those who have not received the regular review or who have not passed the review, their operator certificate will become invalid automatically.


2. Contents of review:

· 复试本工种作业的安全技术理论和实际操作。

· Re-examine the theories and practical operations related to the safety technologies of

operation in their respective work.

· 检查违章作业记录和事故责任。

· Check the record of illegal operations and responsibilities for the accidents.

· 健康体检的结果。(特种作业人员都应定期进行职业健康体检)

· Results of health examination. (All the special operators should receive the regular

occupational health examination)

3. ·特种作业人员复审由所在单位提出申请,由发证部门负责审验。

3. The review of the special operators should be requested by their organizations, and be implemented by the department issuing the certificates.


Management of special operators


1. Special operators must take their positions with the corresponding certificates, and operation without certificate is strictly prohibited.


2. Different organizations should enhance the management of special operators, organize the

application, training, evaluation, and review, implement the routine inspection properly, and create archives for the management of special operators.


3. Special operators should be relatively stable, to ensure fixed personnel and fixed positions with the required certificates. When they have to be transferred to other positions, the consent from related departments must be obtained.


4. Various necessary conditions to ensure safe operations must be provided for the special operators, and they should not be forcefully ordered to do risky operations for any excuse.


5. If people without the proper certificates are arranged to do special operations, leaders and related people will be held responsible.


6. Special operators who have left their special operation positions for over one year should attend the evaluation on safety technologies again and only those who have been evaluated as qualified can engage in their original operations.


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