劳动合同管理程序 - 范文中心



1.0 Purpose


These Procedures are formulated to regulate the Company’s procedures on the administration of

employment contracts, to specify the general proceedings regarding employment contracts

execution, modification, renewal, extension, termination, etc., to improve the performance of

employment contracts in accordance with the laws and regulations, to protect the Company’s and

the employees’ legal rights and interests, and to scientifically systemize and standardize the

management of employment contracts.




2.0 Scope


These Procedures shall apply to all regular employees of SDSS&SDIT. 本程序适用于SDSS&SDIT全体正式员工

3.0 Responsibilities

责 任

Primary Owner, Department: HR


Reviewers and Approvers: All departments


4.0 Reference Documents and Source Locations


All documents referenced below are located in Agile.

Table 4.1: Referenced Documents

5.0 Materials, Equipment, Tools and Safety



6.0 Definitions and Acronyms


Table 6.1: Definitions and Acronyms

7.0 Requirements


7.1 Execution of Employment Contracts and Probation


7.1.1 In compliance with the principles of equality, willingness, and agreement by

negotiation, the Company shall conclude a written employment contract with an

employee within one (1) month of his official employment, provided that the employee

has provided to the Company his employment separation certificate from the

previous employer. If the employee refuses to conclude the employment contract with

the Company one (1) month after his official employment , the Company shall

terminate his employment in writing.




7.1.2 The terms and conditions in employment contract that are agreed upon by the

Company and the employee. The employee shall carefully review the employment

contract, sign, and submit it to the Company’s Department of Human Resources

within three (3) days for the Company’s seal. The employment contract shall be

executed in two counterparts, one of which will be kept by the Company and one by

the employee.




7.1.3 In accordance with the term of the employment contract as agreed by the Company

and the employee and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, a probationary

period will apply to all first-time employees with the Company



7.1.4 The Company shall, by an automatic reminder sent by its internal system, inform an

employee’s direct manager of the specific expiry date of the employee’s probationary

period fifteen (15) days before the expiry of the probationary period. After the

employee’s direct manager receives such automatic reminder and within ten (10)

days prior to the expiry of the employee’s probationary period, the direct manag er

shall communicate and discuss with the employee his performance during the

probationary period, confirm whether the employee can pass the probationary period,

and conduct the examination and approval formalities in the system





7.1.5 The employee whose performance in the probationary period satisfies the conditions

of employment shall pass the probationary period. If the employee’s performance in

the probationary period does not satisfy the conditions of employment, the

employee’s direct manager shall provide relevant certificate of proof. After the

Company’s management personnel and the Department of Human Resources review

the certificate of proof and approve the decision, the Department of Human

Resources shall notify the employee of his employment contract’s termination and

execute relevant departure formalities before the expiry date of the employee’s

probationary period. The employee who refuses to sign the Employee Contract with rd the company shall notify the company on the third (3) day prior to the end date of

the probationary period and execute relevant departure formalities.




通知员工解除劳动合同并办理相应的离职手续. 若员工无意与公司订立合同, 则应在试用


Modification of Employment Contracts


7.2.1 After the employment contract takes effect, if the Company or the employee

proposes to modify any clause of the original employment contract, with the

exception of clauses regarding the Company’s name, legal representative, main

management personnel, or investor, the proposing party shall inform the other party

of the reasons, contents and conditions for such modification. The employment

contract shall be modified in writing upon agreement by both parties through

negotiation. The Modification Letter of the Employment Contract shall become

effective only after the Company and the employee either signed or sealed it. The

Modification Letter of the Employment Contract shall be executed in two

counterparts, one of which shall be kept by the Company and one by the employee. 7.2





7.3 Renewal and Expiry


7.3.1 The Company shall, by an automatic reminder sent by its internal system, inform an

employee’s direct manager of the specific expiry date of the employee’s employment

contract sixty (60) days before the expiry of the employment contract. After the

employee’s direct manager receives such automatic reminder, he shall, within forty-

five (45) days before the expiry of the employment contract, decide whether to renew

the employee’s employment contract and conduct the examination and approval

formalities in the system based on the employee’s performance and the Company’s

professional requirements.





7.3.2 If the employee’s direct manager, the lower level manager, and the Department of

Human Resources all approve the renewal of the employee’s employment contract, a

Renewal Notification of the Employment Contract to the employee shall be emailed

through the Department of Human Resources to the employee on the thirtieth (30th)

day prior to the expiry of the employment contract. The employee shall accept or

refuse such renewal. The Department of Human Resources shall prepare the

Renewal Agreement of the Employment Contract on the seventh (7th) day prior to

the expiry of the employment contract and complete the consummation formalities

after obtaining the receipt of the Renewal Notification of the Employment Contract. If

the employee refuses to the Renewal Agreement, the Department of Human

Resources shall notify the employee to sign the Non-Renewal o f the Employment

Contract, and send the notification to his manager by mail; if the employee does not

reply to the Renewal Notification of the Employment Contract within seven (7) days

from the expiry of the employment contract, he shall be deemed to have refused the




合同期届满前七天回复接受或拒绝续签,. 人力资源部在收到员工回复同意续签通知

后, 在其合同到期前7天, 准备《劳动合同续延协议》并完成双方的签署盖章手续。如果

员工拒绝续签, 人力资源部将通知员工签署《劳动合同不续签通知》, 并邮件通知其部



7.3.3 If an employee’s direct manager declines to renew the employee’s employment

contract, the direct manager shall provide relevant certificate of proof. After the

Company’s management personnel and the Department of Human Resources review

the certificate of proof and approve the direct manager’s decision, the Department of

Human Resources shall notify the employee that the Company shall not renew his

employment contract, and conduct the relevant departure formalities at least thirty

(30) days before the expiry of the employment contract




7.3.1 If the Company or the employee intends to terminate the employment contract, the

terminating party shall notify the other party in writing thirty (30) days in advance. The

Company’s Department of Human Resources shall conduct the formalities relating to

termination of the employment contract



Extension of Employment Contracts


7.4.1 According to the provisions of the laws and regulations, upon the employment

contract’s expiry date, if the conditions for extension of employment contract are

satisfied, the Company shall extend the employment contract term until such

conditions are no longer satisfied, unless the employee himself requests not to

extend the employment contract term and notifies the Company of such request in




7.4.2 Open-ended Employment Contract

According to the Labor Law, if the employee has signed the fixed-term employment

contract with the same company twice consecutively, the third Renewal of

Employment Contract shall be deemed as Open-ended Employment Contract. If the

employee in SDSS transfers to SDIT or the employee in SDIT transfers to SDSS, his

term of the employment contract shall be defined in accordance with the term and

times of the previous employment contract.


根据国家劳动合同法规定, 连续签订固定期限合同两次, 第三次续签则视定为无固定期

限合同. 若有SDSS 转SDIT 或SDIT 转SDSS, 其劳动合同期限将跟随前劳动合同期限及次数


Termination of Labor Contract


7.4 7.5

7.5.1 Termination by Company. The Company may terminate an employee’s labor contract

on the grounds not attributable to the employee’s fault, if the employee (1) could not

resume the duties of his or her original position or other duties assigned by the

Company after the completion of treatment and recovery period for illnesses or non-

job-related injuries; (2) is incompetent to perform the duties of his or her position and

remains incompetent after training or adjustment of position; or (3) the objective

circumstances on which the labor contract relied when it was consummated have

undergone significant change, provided that the Company serves the employee a

thirty (30) days’ advanced notice or pays the employee one month’s salary; the

Company may also terminate an employee’s labor contract at any time on the

grounds attributable to the employee’s fault, if the employee (1) proved to be

unqualified for the position during the probationary period; or (2) has severely

violated the Company’s rules and other statutory matters




化) ,可提前30天通知或额外支付员工一个月工资后解除劳动合同;也可以因员工过失



Termination by Employee. If an employee intends to terminate his or her labor

contract, he shall notice the Company thirty (30) days in advance; during the

probationary period, an employee shall notice the Company three (3) days in

advance; an employee may request for termination of labor contract at any time if the

Company is found to have violated labor protection condition, labor condition or other

statutory conditions pursuant to relevant laws and regulations or agreements under

the labor contract





8.0 BMS Records

9.0 Process Flow and Diagram


10.0 Document Revision History



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