牛津译林版英语必修一+Unit3导学案 - 范文中心



Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

Learning Aims:

1.To review some important words

2.To learn some language points

Important and difficult points:

1.How to master these words

2.How to use these phrases freely



Ⅰ. 单词盘点


1. ______ (n. ) 体形;数字;人物 2. ________ (adj. ) 惭愧的,羞愧的

3. _______ (vi.﹠ vt. ) 复原,恢复健康,重新获得, 恢复 4. _______ (vt. ) 包含;容纳

5. _______ (vt. &n. )损害,伤害 6. ________ (n. ) 压力

7. ______ (vt. &vi. ) 受苦;遭受(磨难) 8. _____ (vt. )影响;(病毒)感染

9. _____ (vi﹠ vt.. ) 认为,算作;重要,数数 10. _______ (n. ) 数量

11. ____ (vt. ) 增加;获得,赢得

12. ________(adj. )精力充沛的,充满活力的→______ (n. )精力

13. ______ (n. )衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵→___ (v. )失败

14. _________ (adj. )有吸引力的, 有魅力的→______ (v. )吸引→_________ (n. )吸引

15. ___________ (adj. )尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的→_________ (vt. )使尴尬→____________ (adj. )令人尴尬的; 为难的

16. ______ (vt. )更喜欢→__________ (n. )偏好

17. _____ (n. )效果, 作用;影响→________ (adj. )有效的

18. ___________ (n. )成就→_______ (v. )取得

19. _______ (n. )安慰;舒适→___________(adj. )舒适的→___________ (adv. )舒适地

20. ________(adj. )平静的;和平的→_____ (n. )平静;和平

21. ___________ (vt. &vi. )集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注→_________ (n. )专心,专注

Ⅱ. 短语互译

1. 从……中恢复 ____________ 2. 锻炼________

3. 减肥__________ 4. 因……而尴尬___________________

5. 节食__________ 6. 副作用_________

7. 冒险_____________ 8. (头发等)脱落_______

9. 立刻,马上_________ 10. 分发;用完,消耗尽;发出(光、声音等) _______

11. be ashamed of _______________ 12. be dying to do sth. ___________

13. follow one’s advice _______________14. end in_____________

15. in truth _____________ 16. stay in shape _________

17. get into shape _________ 18. make the most of _________

19. in the long term _____________ 20. as a matter of fact _____________

Ⅲ. 句型透视

1. no matter what引导让步状语从句

However, __________________(不管我做什么), my efforts to lose weight always end in failure.

2. while连接并列句

Some sports are usually done indoors, ___________________


3. keep+宾语+宾语补足语

Water helps ____________________(使你身体内部系统清洁).

4. so用于倒装句

Walking and riding your bike count, and ________________


5. make+宾语+宾语补足语

As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can __________________(使你看起来疲劳), and even cause you to gain weight.

Ⅳ. 语篇完形

Zhou Ling has a friend called Amy, who is a Canadian actress. In her e-mails, Amy told Zhou her 1. _______ experience. She said she took weight-loss pills, and became much 2. ________. However, the pills 3. _________ a harmful

4. ________ that couldcause much 5. _______ to people’s liver. As a result she was sentto hospital and received medical 6. _________.

Now she has 7. _________ from her liver 8. ______ and realized that she should not be 9. ________ of the way she looks.After all, nothing is more important than health. Zhou Ling was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hoped that she as well as all the others who’d like to 10. ____ weight could value the importance of health.


1. 选用下列词汇完成句子

affect,gain,give out,recover from,be dying to

(1)Nowadays many young people ___________ go abroad.

(2)It will take years before the city ____________ the effects of the earthquake.

(3)He has refused to _______ any information on the matter.

(4)The war and the suffering it caused greatly _______ the economic development of the country.

(5)The candidate has ______ a lot of support in the south of the country.

2. 选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子












1. figure n. 体形;数字;人物vt. 计算出;认为,认定

figure out 计算出;理解,明白

figure on/upon sth. 计划;指望

figure that 认为……

keep one’s figure 保持体态苗条

①(2011·安徽高考)As the story develops, the truth about the strange is slowly discovered.


②I never that this would happen.


③We will ______ ___ your support.


2. recover vi. 复原,恢复健康vt. 重新获得,恢复

recover one’s sight/hearing/senses 恢复视力/听力/知觉

recover from. . . 恢复(健康、常态等)

recover. . . from. . . 重新获得或者找回

①Luckily, they recovered stolen property.

幸运的是, 他们找回了被窃取的财产。

②She is slowly __________ _____ an operation.

手术之后, 她正在慢慢恢复。

③They sought to _______ damages _____ the firm.


3. failure n. 衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵

failure to do sth. 未做,未能履行(应做之事)

fail vt. & vi. 失败;忘记、忽视或未能(做某事)

fail (in) +n. 失败,没有通过

fail to do 不能做,忘记做

fail sb. 使某人失望

①The heavy snow caused a power failure, which affected our daily life.


②His efforts ended in ______.


③He never ____ __ write to his mother every week.


【点津】a failure表示“一个(件)失败的人(事)”,类似的“抽象名词具体化”的单词还有:

a success 一个(件)成功的人(事)

an honor 一个(件)引以为荣的人(事)

a comfort 给予安慰的人或事物

a surprise 一件令人吃惊的事情

a pleasure 一件令人愉快的事情


(2011·全国卷Ⅰ)William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to _________ .

A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage

4. contain vt. 包含,含有,容纳

①Try to avoid foods which a lot of fat.


②The doctor suggests I should eat more fruit Vitamin C and drink green tea.


③The bottle two litres.



5. damage vt. & n. 损害,伤害

①He won’t do anything that may _____ _______ __ her reputation.


②Pollution is doing damage to the environment.


③Smoking can damage your health.


6. prefer vt. 更喜欢

①There’s coffee or tea. Which would you ?


②I wear clothes made of natural fibers.


③I walking cycling.



prefer sb. /sth. ___________

prefer to do ___________

_________________ 宁愿某人做某事

____________________________ 宁愿做……

_____________________________ 而不做……

7. suffer vt. & vi. 受苦,遭受(磨难)

suffer sth. 经历或遭受(不愉快之事)

suffer from sth. 遭受……之苦;患……病

suffering n. (肉体或内心的)痛苦

①They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.


②Simon ______ _____ headache. 西蒙患有头痛。

③His business suffered greatly during the war.


8. effect n. 效果,作用;影响

have an effect on 对……有影响 come into effect 生效

take effect 生效,开始起作用 be of no effect 无效,没有作用

side effect 副作用 cause and effect 因果

①(2011·湖北高考)An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person’s character. 一个不愉快的童年可能会对一个人的性格有一些负面的影响。

②Soon after I took the medicine, it began to ____ _____.


③The medicine __ __ ___ _____ to cold.



(2010·浙江高考)It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.

A. that B. what C. how D. whether

9. affect vt. 影响;(病毒)感染

①The climate _______ his health.


②Their opinion will not affect my decision.


10. comfort n. 安慰;舒适

(1)in comfort 舒适地

be a comfort to sb. 对某人来说是个安慰

comfort sb. 安慰某人

(2)comfortable adj. 舒适的

comfortably adv. 舒适地

make yourself comfortable 别客气

①The news brought comfort to all of us.


②Her children are a great comfort to her.


③Nowadays parents always offer their children whatever they can do to make them live __ _______.

如今父母总是尽其所能给孩子提供一切, 以便让他们生活得舒适。

④I feel very ___________ in this chair.



(2012·山东高考)Being able to afford ________ drink would be _________ comfort in those tough times.

A. the; the B. a; a

C. a; 不填 D. 不填; a

11. count vi. 认为,算作;重要 vt. 数数

count for little/nothing/much 不重要/无意义/很重要

count sb. as +sth.把某人视为 count on/upon依靠;指望;期待

count sb. in把某人算在内

①I count myself lucky to get the job.


②It is not how much you read, but what you read that counts.


③Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.


④I _____ you __ my best friend.


⑤Can I _____ ________ your help?


12. concentrate vt. &vi. 集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注

(1)concentrate on/upon sth. /doing sth. 专心致志于(做)某事

concentrate one’s attention/energy/efforts on. 致力于,专心于

(2)concentrated adj. 强烈的;专心的;浓缩的 concentration n. 集中注意力;专心;集中


②We must ___________ our efforts ___ finding ways to reduce costs. 我们要致力于找出降低成本的办法。

13. amount n. 数量 vi. 总计;共达

an amount of/amounts of 一定量的,些许的

in large/small amount(s) 大/少量地

amount to 等于,相当于

①A large amount of energy has been devoted to the project.


②Small amounts of land were used for keeping animals.


③Food was provided __ _____ ________.


④His debts _______ __ five thousand dollars.


【点津】在正式英语中,an amount of/amounts of后面只接不可数名词,作主语时,谓语取决于amount的数。

14. work out锻炼;计算;解决问题;制订出;理解;成功地发展


② Can you work out how much money it will cost? ( )

②We didn’t plan our art exhibition, but it worked out well. ( ) ③I work out regularly to keep fit. ( )

④(2011·江苏高考)We’d better discuss everything in detail before we work out the plan. ( )

⑤I can’t work out this maths problem. ( )

⑥Can you work out what these signs mean? ( )

15. fall out (头发等)脱落

①His hair fell out due to the weight-loss pills he had taken.


②One of his teeth fell out in an accident.



The two sides began to fall out with each other over the terms of the contract.

( )

【拓展】补全下列“fall+prep. /adv. ”短语

fall _____ 破裂; 破碎; 散开 fall ______ 落后 fall _____ (计划等)失败;倒下

fall ___ 上……的当,受……的骗;迷恋,爱慕 fall __ love with 爱上,喜欢

fall ____ the habit of 沾染……习惯 fall ___ 从……上摔下来

fall __ pieces 崩溃, 倒塌, 破碎, 解体

16. in the long term 从长远角度看




in the long ____ 从长远角度看 in the short ________ 从短期角度看

in _____ of 就……而言,从……方面 on good/bad _____ with sb. 与某人关系友好/不好

17. in no time立刻,马上

①Simply wave your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.


②She finished the assignment in no time.



_________ 决不 _________ 提前 _________一直

_______ 有时 ______及时;最终,终于

at the/that time _______ on time _____ at one time ________

at a time _____ for the first time _______




a. “在……期间,当……时候”,引导时间状语从句,谓语动词要用延续性动词。

b. “虽然,尽管”,表示部分同意或接受某事物,相当于although或though。

①I like tea _____ ___ _______ ______.


②The old man fell asleep while he was reading the newspaper.


③While I admit I like him, I won’t work with him.

虽然我承认我喜欢他, 但是我不愿和他一起工作。


(2012·四川高考)At school, some students are active ______ some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another.

A. while B. although C. so D. as


“keep+宾语+宾语补足语” 意为“使……处于某种状态”,后面的宾语补足语可以是形容词、副词、介词短语和分词。



①Put on the gloves and they will keep your hands warm. 戴上手套,它们能使你的手保暖。

②I’m sorry to _____ ____ ____ _______ for such a long time. 对不起让你久等了。

③You’d better _____ _____ ______ ____ while your father is angry.



(2011·重庆高考)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself __________ of his own dreams.

A. reminding B. to remind

C. reminded D. remind


Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. Some supermodels are far too skinny to be _________(有吸引力的) enough.

2. He is ________(受苦) from a bad cold. It is likely that it will take him a long time to _______(恢复) from the illness.

3. It was the engine ______(故障) that caused the accident.

4. The change in the weather ______(影响) your health, so you should take good care of yourselves.

5. My cousin is so noisy that I have difficulty ____________(全神贯注) on my study.

6. A lot of money was spent on the __________(设备) of the new hospital.

7. Most girls hope to have attractive ______(身材) by going on diets.

8. You can never make any ____________(成就) without any great efforts.

9. He was ___________(不好意思的)to admit making a mistake.

10. After a good sleep I felt quite ________(精力充沛的).

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. The medicine he had taken ______________________.


2. You like sports, __________________.

你喜欢体育, 而我更喜欢音乐。

3. —David has made great progress recently.




4. __________________in an emergency.

紧急情况下, 每一秒都很重要。

5. Some weight-loss pills ______________, which _______



6. _________________________________is very important for us __________________.


7. Computers are used to __________________smoothly.


8. I ______________________________________________

because of the heavy traffic.




Figure ashamed recover contain damage pressure suffer affect count amount

Gain energetic energy failure fail attractive attract attraction embarrassed embarrass

Embarrassing prefer preference effect effective achievement achieve comfort comfortable comfortably peaceful peace concentrate concentration

Ⅱ. 短语互译

recover from work out lose weight be embarrassed about go on a diet side effect

take the/a risk fall out in no time give out 对……感到羞愧 非常想做某事,渴望做某事 听从某人的建议 以……为结果 事实上,的确 保持体形 强身健体 充分利用

从长远角度看 事实上,其实

Ⅲ. 句型透视

no matter what I do while others are done outdoors

keep your system clean so do school sports

make you look tired

Ⅳ. 语篇完形

Painful slimmer contained chemical damage treatment recovered failure ashamed


1. 选用框中词汇完成句子

are dying to recovers from

give out affected gained

2. 选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子

No matter what you do, I’ll support you.

Some old buildings have disappeared, while others remain today.

The noise from their party kept me awake for a long time.

It was fine yesterday, and so is it today.

The photo makes her look much older than she really is.


1.figure figured that figure on 弄清楚,弄懂 计算

2recovered recovering from recover from

3.failure failure fails to C

4. contain containing contains

Including contains included

5. cause damage to, doing damage to, damage

Destroyed damage ruins

6. prefer prefer to prefers prefer to prefer to prefer that

更喜欢…… 宁愿做…… prefer sb. to do sth. prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.

prefer to do. . . rather than do. . . 宁愿……

7.suffered suffers from suffered他的生意在战争中遭受了重大损失

8. have effects on take effect is of no effect B

9.affected affect 感动

10.comfort are a great comfort in comfort comfortable B

11. count counts count count as count on/upon

12 concentrate on concentrate on

13A large amount of Small amounts of in large amounts amount to

14计算出, 结果, 锻炼, 制订,设计, 找到答案,解决, 辨认,理解

15fell out fell out与某人)争吵,吵架apart behind down for in into

Off to

16. in the long term in the long term run term/run terms terms

17.in no time in no time at no time ahead of time all the time at times in time

在那时 准时 曾经,一度 一次 第一次

18. while he prefers coffee while while A

19. they will keep your hands warm have kept you waiting keep you mouth shut C 城南高级中学高一英语导学案 模块1 Unit3 班级 姓名

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

Attractive suffering recover failure affects concentrating equipment figures

Achievements embarrassed energetic

Ⅱ. 完成句子

had a bad effect on blood

while I prefer music

So he has and so have you

Every second counts

have side effects damagepeople’s health

Regular exercise/Exercising regularly in the long term/run

keep traffic running

prefer to ride my bike to work rather than drive a car



Figure ashamed recover contain damage pressure suffer affect count amount

Gain energetic energy failure fail attractive attract attraction embarrassed embarrass

Embarrassing prefer preference effect effective achievement achieve comfort comfortable comfortably peaceful peace concentrate concentration

Ⅱ. 短语互译

recover from work out lose weight be embarrassed about go on a diet side effect

take the/a risk fall out in no time give out 对……感到羞愧 非常想做某事,渴望做某事 听从某人的建议 以……为结果 事实上,的确 保持体形 强身健体 充分利用

从长远角度看 事实上,其实

Ⅲ. 句型透视

no matter what I do while others are done outdoors

keep your system clean so do school sports

make you look tired

Ⅳ. 语篇完形

Painful slimmer contained chemical damage treatment recovered failure ashamed


1. 选用框中词汇完成句子

are dying to recovers from

give out affected gained

2. 选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子

No matter what you do, I’ll support you.

Some old buildings have disappeared, while others remain today.

The noise from their party kept me awake for a long time.

It was fine yesterday, and so is it today.

The photo makes her look much older than she really is.

1.figure figured that figure on 弄清楚,弄懂 计算

2recovered recovering from recover from

3.failure failure fails to C

4. contain containing contains

Including contains included

5. cause damage to, doing damage to, damage

Destroyed damage ruins

6. prefer prefer to prefers prefer to prefer to prefer that

更喜欢…… 宁愿做…… prefer sb. to do sth. prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. prefer to do. . . rather than do. . . 宁愿……

7.suffered suffers from suffered他的生意在战争中遭受了重大损失

8. have effects on take effect is of no effect B

9.affected affect 感动

10.comfort are a great comfort in comfort comfortable B

11. count counts count count as count on/upon

12 concentrate on concentrate on

13A large amount of Small amounts of in large amounts amount to

14计算出, 结果, 锻炼, 制订,设计, 找到答案,解决, 辨认,理解

15fell out fell out与某人)争吵,吵架apart behind down for in into Off to

16. in the long term in the long term run term/run terms terms

17.in no time in no time at no time ahead of time all the time at times in time 在那时 准时 曾经,一度 一次 第一次

18. while he prefers coffee while while A

19. they will keep your hands warm have kept you waiting keep you mouth shut C

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

Attractive suffering recover failure affects concentrating equipment


Achievements embarrassed energetic

Ⅱ. 完成句子

had a bad effect on blood

while I prefer music

So he has and so have you

Every second counts

have side effects damagepeople’s health

Regular exercise/Exercising regularly in the long term/run

keep traffic running

prefer to ride my bike to work rather than drive a car


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    译林英语四上基础知识(答案) 小小翻译家.(32分) 1. 喜欢葡萄 2. 制作蛋糕 a 3. 我们的娃娃 4. 一些芒果 5. 打乒乓 tennis 6. 许多球 7. 在小吃店 8. 他的短发 hair 9. 我的大眼睛 10. 一位高 ...