肝胆外科出科考试题 - 范文中心





1.Budd-Chiari syndrome:











Surgical excision of biliary tract tumors is the treatment of choice in cholangiocarcinoma as it is the only therapeutic option that offers the potential

for cure. Surgical approaches have become increasingly aggressive over the last decade since it has become apparent that curative treatment is dependent upon aggressive excision. This often involves a major liver resection. The objective is complete removal of the tumor and biliary drainage. Operative mortality in the hands of an experienced surgeon is extremely low (close to 0% for local resections and less than 10% for procedures with hepatic resection). Surgical management provides improved survival rates and quality of life. Surgical treatment is dependent upon the localization of the mass. Treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma requires resection of the bifurcation of common hepatic duct. The procedure starts with exploration of the peritoneal cavity to detect possible dissemination and resectability of the tumor. If the cholangiocarcinoma appears resectable, the gallbladder should be mobilized and the distal common bile duct divided. Careful dissection continues proximally until right and left hepatic ducts are separated above the tumor. Biliary reconstruction is achieved through bilateral hepatojejunostomy on a Roux-en-Y intestinal loop above the transhepatic silicone biliary stents. If cholangiocarcinoma extensively involves one lobe of the liver and relatively spares the other lobe, resection of the affected lobe or caudate lobe may be warranted with subsequent unilateral (in case of resection of right or left hepatic lobectomy) or bilateral (in case of caudate lobe resection) hepatojejunostomy.

Surgical treatment of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma is similar to hepatocellular carcinoma and requires hepatic lobectomy or segmentectomy depending upon the size of the tumor. Dissection of the hepatic ducts confluence and reconstructive hepatojejunostomy is not necessary after resection of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma.



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