高一英语课堂教学案例 - 范文中心




( 高中英语外研版必修3 module2 Developing and developed countries ——reading and Vocabulary)

宁夏石嘴山市第一中学 王彦娥

一、教学内容分析(Analysis of Position and content)


二、学生学习情况分析(Analysis of student learning)

高一(10)班是年级中的普通班,部分学生基础较好,学习英语有热情,但口语表达稍有困难,在教学过程中需要教师积极地引导,能收到较好的学习效果;但大部分学生英语基础较差, 限制了思维活动及口语的表达。学习热情、表现欲望和合作精神在平时的教学中表现不是很好。 根据这些特点,我采用与新课标要求相一致的任务型教学方式,调动全班学生的积极性,在师生互动、生生互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、 三维目标(Three-dimensional target)

1. 知识与技能(Knowledge and skills ) 1)Train students’reading ability.

2) Learn some useful words and expressions.

3) Learn some information about Human Development Repot 2. 过程与方法(Process and methods)

1)Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

2) Intensive reading to get a better understanding to the text. 3. 情感与价值(Emotion and value)

1)Make students have a better understanding of the developing countries. 2) Inspire their love of their own country and their determination to develop their country.

3) Encourage students to care for the people in poorer areas through their action. 四、教学难点重点 1. 教学难点:

1)Help the students to under the passage better.

2)Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.

3)Make the students know more about the present situation of some developing countries. 2. 教学难点:

1)How to help students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.

2)How to master the important language points in this passage. 五、教学方法

1.Discussion to help students understand what they have learnt better. 2.Explanation to help students master some language points. 3.Group work to learn some facts about developing countries. 六、教学过程设计 1. 设计理念

“Developing and Developed countries ”一课是尝试英语新课标理念下的合作学习、自主探究。


2. 具体教学设计


Step I warming-up引入(5 minutes)

我通过卫星拍摄的地球夜间图片来导入这节课, 引出本模块的主题发展中与发达国家。学生会觉得很好奇,因为他们从未看过地球夜间在灯光的映衬下是如此的美丽,有些地方璀璨如钻石,而有的地方却一片黑暗。此时趁热打铁,提出问题,导入主题。

T: Do you know why some region of the earth is so shining like diamond? But some region is so dark?

S: There are some developed countries in continents, such as north America and Europe; and most of the developing ones are in Africa and Asia. 借此我引出发达和发展中国家的概念.

T: Do people in the developed and developing countries live the same life? S: I don’t think so.

T: Then, in which ways are they different? 为了把这个大的问题(in which ways are developing and developed countries different ?))具体化,让学生有话可说,我展示了发达国家和非洲发展中国家(比如塞拉利昂)的图片让学生进行对比。




Show the following pictures on the screen.

Encourage students to describe the pictures in their own words by asking them questions such as” What can you see in the pictures?” “Is it an example of a developing or a developed country? “what problems do they have?”

然后,借此引导出课文中的新词汇Poverty, disease ,income ,hunger, death, water .这一活动将为课文阅读打下很好的基础。此时,教师引导发问“Is it fair for people living in different cities? We know everyone is equal. Also there are so many differences between developed and developing countries, and they also have such problems , then how can we help them? 学生回答:”offer help”这正是教师期望达到的效果。 Step2 Pre- reading (5minutes) 然后趁热打铁,我和学生有如下对话:

T:”later we will learn a passage “ the Human Development Report ”can you guess what is it about?

S :“ May be about life quality, such as life expectancy, safe water, economy , hunger , disease etc.”

T :”Have you ever read some reports?“Usually, what can you see in a report Are there some figures? S “yes ””

T “why do people use figures in reports”

S ”I think, maybe, people will use figures to show some facts”

T:”You are so clever. In the “Human Development Report”you will see many figures to show some facts. Here there are five questions about the passage”. 在此,通过对课文内容的预测,引起学生对课文的兴趣学生们的学习兴致很高。然后通过对文章的快速阅读,训练他们scanning 的能力。要求学生在5分钟内完成。通过速读,让学生掌握文章的大意。问题如下:

Read the passage. Answer these questions. 1. What did world leaders agree to do in 2000? 2. What does the HDR index measures? 3. What are the first Development goals?

4. What progress have we made towards these goals? 5. What do developed countries need to do? 五分钟后,我叫学生回答问题。

S1: In the year 2000,147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by2015 or earlier.

S2: The HDI measures a country’s achievement in three ways: life expectancy, education and income.

S3. The first two goals are to reduce poverty and hunger and to make sure that all children have education up to11 years old.

S4: Although we have made some progress, we need to make greater efforts. S5: Although they have given some financial help, they need to give more. Step3 While- Reading(共15minutes)

Avtivity1. Fast reading to get the main idea of each paragraph.(5minutes ) 注:双击观看


Activity2. Read the passage again to answer these questions.(5minutes ) 注:双击观看

此题训练了高考阅读题型,能锻炼学生的实际阅读能力,训练了Skimming 能力。

Activity3. Read the passage again and fill proper information on the blanks.(5minutes)双击观看:

参考答案: leaders, poverty, goals, expectancy, income, challenges ,efforts (学法指导:做这道题目时我让学生诸葛起来朗读句子,帮他们纠正发音。然后在全班齐读之一段落,使学生对文章内容更加熟悉,并对课文中的重点词汇加以巩固 .)

此环节主要是训练学生们的阅读技巧。在经过了快速阅读和细节阅读后,学生已经对课文较为熟悉, 且通过第三道题目对文章中的词汇有了基本的掌握。

Step4 Listening (5minutes)

After fast reading and detailed reading, I may play the tape for students to follow, asking them to pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation, especially those of new words.

Have students listen to the tape one more tome and fill in the chart. If they have difficulty, I may play the tape once more. (Show the following on the screen.) 注:双击观看

此环节在了解课文的基础上,又训练了学生听取数字的听力技巧 Step5. Discussion by group work (10minutes)


Imagine you are volunteers just came back from some poor places in China .Now your organization is having a discussion about the problems in these poor places and how to solve them.

Choose one topic to discuss(4 students a group)

education pollution, hunger, disease, fresh water, population,

此环节是在学习了”Human Development Repot” 之后的升华部分。利用他们在课本中学习过的知识来讨论现实生活中的问题。学以致用,学生们的正义感和责任感以及主人翁的意识被激发了起来,讨论热烈。 Step6. Homework

Choose one of the most important goals you set for the poorer places in China and write down your ideas about it..



明确任务目标,站在学生角度,精心设计教学任务,提高学生英语学习的积极性,为学生创设英语交际环境。学生显得乐学,善学,提高了他们自主探究的兴趣,积极开展英语思维活动。在这堂课中,注重“以人为本”,发挥学生的主动性, 充分体现以学生为中心的教学理念。

整堂课师生,生生互动性强,在自主、互动、探究的方式中展开课堂教学。以任务型为教学原则,本案例的每一个任务都是围绕学习者“学”的角度设计的。通过小 组活动,培养合作探究能力。注重学生学习策略的培养,如:预测、读图、如何归纳段意等。教授本课时,注重联系实际生活中的贫困问题 ,体现了英语学习中的“学中用、做中学”的原则。在阅读后回答讨论这一环节,设计的问题有2是半开放的,培养学生的创新能力和发散思维。 不足之处回答问题设计的有些难,基础差的学生有些吃力,应把这几道题留做作业,作为复习巩固。 八、板书设计


life expectancy

Words: human, development, index, measure, goal, life expectancy Position, education, figure

Phrases: agree to, reduce/ increase by, at the top of, at the bottom of,

make sure, move out of, make progress, make progress, make efforts, fight for/ against/ with


Developing and Developed Countries


living condition


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