大学英语第二次作业 - 范文中心





一. 阅读:

( 1 )

The angry woman stood by the station. “ The railway owes me £12,”she said to Harry Jenks, the booking clerk (订票员). “My ticket was for May 22nd, and there was no ship from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me £12.”

Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “ Come into the office, madam,” he said, “ I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd .”

The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How ever had he made such a big mistake? Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look healthy,” he said to her. “ Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?” “ Yes,” she answered. “ The beach was beautiful. And I can swim too!”

“ That’s fine,” said Harry. “ My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three-----”

“ I’m four,” the child said proudly. “ I’ll soon be four and a half.”

Harry turned to the mother. “ I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “ But you didn’t get one for your daughter, did you?”

“ Er, well-----” The woman looked at the child. “ I mean-----she hasn’t started school yet. She’s only four.” “ A four year old child must have a ticket, madam. A child’s

return to Jersey costs----let me see----£13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe £1.50.The law is the law, but since we have made a mistake-----”

The woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.

1. The angry woman went to the station ____a______.

a. to ask the railway to pay her hotel bill

b. to buy a ticket for her daughter

c. to have a friendly talk with the booking clerk

d. to buy the Jersey timetable

2. Harry had a talk with the girl in order to ___a______.

a. find out how old the girl was and whether the girl had been to Jersey

b. please the girl and her mother

c. get some information about Jersey

d. find out how many days they spent in Jersey

3. The hotel bill is _____c_____.

a. more than the cost of a child’s ticket

b. exactly the same as the cost of a child’s ticket c. less than the cost a child’s ticket

d. more than the cost of a woman’s ticket

4. The child is ____b_______ years old.

a. two b. four c. three d. five

5. A girl of ____b_____ should buy a ticket according to the law of the railway.

a. three b. four c. five d. six

( 2 )

In the eighteen century young ladies in Italy were taught reading, writing, music and arithmetic(算术). But their knowledge of history and geography(地理) was very poor.

Once the French ambassador (大使) in Rome was giving a ball

(舞会) to which many important people were invited. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs(外交部长) came very late. A young lady, who was well acquainted with him, saw him enter the ball-room(舞厅) and asked why he was so late.

“You see,” said the Minister, “there has been a little accident at the King’s palace.”

The curious young lady asked the Minister to tell her what had happened at the King’s palace.

“Oh, nothing important,” answered the Minister. “The ambassador of Brail (巴西), who was to be presented to the King, forgot to take his credentials(外交使节所递的国书) with him and was obliged to go back to his hotel to bring them. If he had left them in Brail we should have had to wait at least six months for them.”

“Is Brail so far from Rome?” asked the lady, who knew very little geography.

“It is in the New World,” said the Minister.

“In the New World?” repeated the lady in great astonishment.

“Yes, in the New World,” answered the Minister in a sarcastic(讽刺的) tone, “which was discovered by Christopher Columbus(哥伦布).”

When the young lady heard this, she rushed into the middle of the ball-room and shouted as loud as she could:

“Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard the latest news? A new world has just been discovered by a certain Christopher Columbus.”

6. The Italian foreign minister came to the hall very late

because _____d___.

a. someone was hurt in the King’s palace

b. he had had something to do at home

c. he was reluctant to come to the hall

d. he was delayed by a little accident

7. What happened at the King’s palace? d

a. The ambassador left his credentials in Brail.

b. The King was late; the Brazilian ambassador had to wait for him.

c. For some reason the ambassador had to go back to Brail. d. The Brazilian ambassador forgot to take his credentials with him.

8. Where did the ambassador leave his credentials? c

a. In his office

b. In Rome

c. In the hotel

d. In Brail

9. The reason why the young lady shouted her announcement was

that ____d____.

a. she was the hostess of the ball

b. she was well acquainted with the Minister

c. she had never heard about Columbus

d. she wanted to broadcast the surprising news

10. Her announcement showed she was ________d________.

a. clever

b. thoughtless

c. knowledgeable

d. ignorant

二.介词填空: (按课本课文内容填入适当的介词)

11.If you don’t, you could end __by__ spending hundreds of

dollars more than you should have.

12. As activities are usually carried __out___ during one’s

spare time, leisure has the following functions: relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development.

13. You should start packing _at___least a week in advance.

14. Because you don’t want to stay _up____ all night packing

and wear yourself out before you even leave for the trip.

15. Moreover, you should also find __out__ the best time of

year to go.



姓名:黄若航 学号:121D3F1005

专业:工商管理 所在教学中心:福师大直属学习中心


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