英语综述论文 - 范文中心



1. 萧伯伦“英美是被英语分割的两个国家和民族”如何理解?

As the famous Irish writer George Bernard saying, “England and America are two countries separated to the same language”, English is the official and common language of Britain and America; English spread around the world by the British colonial activities; while English also appeared differences in the evolution, resulting in two branches: American English and English English. While they are standard English, there are some differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.

In terms of pronunciation, firstly, American English is more conservative in the phonology, secondly, pronunciation differences are also reflected by some words where there is no certain rules. thirdly, for some two-syllable words ending with -ary and -ory, the accent in American English is the first syllable, while British English puts the accent on the second one.

As for vocabulary, because of the influence in the development, the differences between American English and English English are showed on the spelling. First of all, some same words show different meaning, such as billion (十亿/万亿) 、biscuit(软饼/苏打饼干) and so on. Secondly, the American English and British English are represented the same concept with different words respectively, for instance, baggage/luggage(行李) and can/tin(罐头);The third one is he spelling,such as analyze/analyse(分析) 、center/centre(中心) 、defense/defence(保卫) 、

dialog/dialogue(对话) 、inflection/inflexion(弯曲) 、instal/install(安装) 、

kilogram/kilogramme(公斤) 、labor/ labour(劳动) and so on。

For grammar,when using the same grammar system, in some cases, especially in the expression providing news, American English generally uses the preterite, while British English uses the perfective. For some words, American English generally uses plural form, but British English uses the singular, such as sports/sport(运动).When represent some place noun with the abstract concepts, American English uses the definite article, but British English not.

For English learners, it is important understand and grasp the characteristics and laws of their differences, helping us correctly use English to communicate

effectively in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding or misinterpretation. *萧伯伦“英美是被英语分割的两个国家和民族”如何理解

英语是英美两国的官方语言和通用语言;正如爱尔兰著名作家萧伯纳曾经说过的那样:英国和美国是被同一种语言分开来的两个国家。英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地;而英语本身在进化当中也出现了分化, 从而产生了美式英语(又称美国英语)与英式英语(又称英国英语) 这两大分支。虽然美式英语同英式英语一样,都是标准英语,但是其在语音、词汇和语法等方面却存在着一些差异。 语音方面 美式英语在音韵上是趋于保守的,美式英语和英式英语的读音差异还表现在某些单词的发音上,没有一定的规律可循, 在许多以-ary,-ory 结尾的单词和以-ate 结尾的双音节词中,美式英语把重音放在第一音节上,而英式英语则把重音放在第二个音. 词汇方面 。其次,美式英语和英式英语分别用不同的词来表示同一概念(即同义异词) ,例如:

baggage/luggage(行李) 、can/tin(罐头). 再次,美式英语和英式英语虽属于同一体系,但其在拼写体系仍略有不同(即拼写差异,但读音不变) ,例如:analyze/analyse(分析) 、center/centre(中心) 、defense/defence(保卫) 、dialog/dialogue(对话) 、

inflection/inflexion(弯曲) 、instal/install(安装) 、kilogram/kilogramme(公斤) 、labor/ labour(劳动) 等。语法方面 美式英语和英式英语使用的是同一语法体系, 但在某些情况下, 尤其是在表达提供消息的时候, 美式英语用一般过去时, 而英式英语用现在完成时, 对于某些名词美式英语用复数形式, 而英式英语用单数形式,例如sports/sport(运动) 、 stands/stand(看台) 等。 在某些表示抽象概念的地点名词前, 美式英语用定冠词, 而英式英语不用。对于我们英语学习者来说,都是重要的。了解和掌握它们的差异特点及规律,有助于我们的英语学习,也有助于我们正确地使用英语进行有效的交际,从而在利用英语进行具体的言语交流时避免不必要的误解或曲解。

2. 英语学习为什么在中国很流行

With the development of society, English learning is increasingly popular. The reasons can be classified into 3 aspects respectively listed as follows.

First of all, due to the rapid economic development, i n China, English is as a kind of necessary skills in our life, leading more and more Chinese from the young to the old to contact with foreigners, whit English language as the most widely used

language inevitably. Secondly, as the globalization of economic, people with different cultural background from different ethnic groups constantly gather together, making it necessary to learn English learning. Only by understanding the other language can we understand their cultures. Thirdly, nowadays, English countries, especially the United States, possess the dominant position in the world economy. In order to communicate and cooperate with them to learn their advanced technology, it is the basic premise to learning English, leading to the popularity of English. Last but not least, China's education system plays a key role in the English learning. The students have to learn English for higher marks or for study abroad.

Overall, it is quite significant for us to learn English.



3. 英美剧为何在中国很流行?

In the age of increasingly advanced network technology, attractive and colorful cultural products, the rapid development of information technology, beyond the limitations of time and space, spread rapidly throughout the world. American and Britain, as the world’s power, in addition to its impact on the world economy, politics

and military, have influences on the world in the culture, especially on television, The reasons why the TV series coming from England and American become popular in china can be classified into 3 aspects.

First of all, it is novel and unique theme from American TV series that is attractive, which is strange, unusual and professional. Secondly, the suspense series is the key factor to determine whether a story is fascinating. In American TV , suspense has become an invaluable asset, attracting a lot of viewers. Thirdly, more and more people, especially the young generation, are curious about the new things from every corner of the world, making them spread easily. Finally, the high cost of shooting and sophisticated post-production ensure the quality of the episodes, making the series of other countries difficult to compete with them. As result, watching the US play renders us surprise in fashion finery, detail, visual effects, scenery and top-class special effects.

礼仪文化属于礼文化的范畴,而礼文化又属于中层文化的范畴,是历史发展中逐步积淀下来的一种文化,始终以某种精神约束力支配着个体行为。下面说的礼文化就主要指礼仪文化。一方面礼仪文化具有共通性,不管形式如何差异,他 们的基本属性都是固定或特定的言谈举止和社交形式的共通准则;另一方面,礼仪在不同的文化背景中又体现不同的内涵。

4. 中西礼仪文化的解读

Etiquette culture is the rules of communication between people, which is also a language and tool. On the one hand, for Chinese etiquette and Western etiquette, regardless of differences of the form, etiquette culture is the same to some extent; on the other hand, etiquette in different cultural backgrounds reflects different concepts.

As for the same, there are some principles of etiquette both in Chinese etiquette and Western etiquette, which means that there are a lot of rules which should be complied with in the communication.

In terms of difference, it can be showed in the three aspects. The first is the differences in communication languages. For example, Chinese suggest that the more enthusiastic greeting is, the more good-mannered he is. The second is the differences in dining etiquette. As has been acknowledged, Chinese are custom to drink a toast to each other to show the respect to others in the banquet, on the contrary, although drink is same important in feast in west, western persons regard drink as the way to communicate with each other. The third is the difference in costume. For example, Due to keep some traditions, Chinese people are more willing to wear the Zhongshan suits in the formal situation, while western persons prefer suit with a tie when attending a formal party or feast.

In a word, only by protecting the traditional Chinese etiquette, at the same time, mixing together with west reasonably and effectively can Chinese be in harmony.

5. 中英教育体制的不同及你的看法?

Differences on Education System between UK and China Inrecent years, more and more Chinese people have sent their children to other countries for further study,especially for university. The reasons why it could happen can be classified into

3 aspects.

First of all, although both are compulsory education, the school system of

education is difference. In UK, its school system is two-track system which includes course teaching and individual counseling, China has a nationwide system of public education, which includes primary schools, middle schools and universities. Secondly, it is innovation and creativity that are the most different point between the education systems.As we know, sometimes,instead of limiting students sense of innovation, teachers in UK pay more attention to cultivate students’ innovation and make students’ minds filled with questions,encouraging students to put forward their

questions by their own and letting them find out the answer, resulting students in UK to become more dependent.Thirdly, although UK has a shorter period of education hanChina, it has quickly realized more in education than China.In UK, children need to be taught to become active members of society, and also be socialized. In Britain, one’s courses decided his future. In contrast, China has a long history in education. Education system has been evolved from generation to generation. Chinese people put more emphasis on the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation.

In my opinion, the advantage of Britain education system makes a difference, making students live independently, think creatively and innovatively, and well-prepared to go into the society. As a consequence, China education system should better to learn from the advantage of UK so as to benefit the young generation.

6. 中西餐文化解读对比

As we know, different social backgrounds, history culture, social development result in a different cuisine culture between China and west. The main differences, such as tableware, conception, way and so on, are be listed as follows.

As for tableware, Chinese, in generally, mainly use chopsticks as well as spoon, bowl and so on to pay more attention to artistic beauty. However, comparing with China, western tableware contains knife, fork and dishes; in terms of the conception for cuisine, stead of stressing the color, smell and taste of foods, western people emphasize the foods’ nutrition; for the food, rather than deli, western persons favor cold food, deeming by this it can reserve more nutrition. For the way to cuisine, as has been acknowledged, Chinese are custom to drink a toast to each other to show the respect to others in the banquet, on the contrary, although drink is same important in feast in west, western persons regard drink as the way to communicate with each other.

By comparing cuisine culture between China and west, it is favor of helping us better communicate with Western persons.

7. 如何理解委婉语

Euphemism is an important part in English expressing in social communication, widely used to avoid some language taboo, playing a more important role in our daily life to achieve acceptable purposes. The main applications for Euphemism can be

classified into 3 aspects listed as follows.

First of all, due to the most taboo for death, there are so much euphemisms regarding death, such as pass away,be no more,depart ,be gone and so on. Next, for Illness, there are some Euphemism to dilute the expression by using the alternative forms. For example, people often use physically handicapped or disabled /the inconvenienced to express the crippled. Then, for pregnant, people are too proud to say, resulting in the appearance of some euphemisms. For example, she is in trouble; she has been unwise; she has been too friendly.

In my opinion, when communicated with others, the more we use euphemisms, the more harmonious we are, avoiding unnecessary awkwardness.


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