土木工程毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 - 范文中心





专 业: 土 木 工 程

姓 名: 韦 伟

学 号: 09L1401122

外文出处:English in Architecture and Construction 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。







就这种材料的特性而言,钢筋混凝土最佳的 结构用途实在那些要求连贯性的和刚性的建筑结构中。钢筋混凝土具有整体性,可自动实现固定连接或连续连接。这些抗弯节点使得许多低层混凝土建筑物在横向荷载作用下不需要辅助斜支撑系统。实质上混凝土梁与混凝土柱的连接与钢和木结构的连接大不一样,聪明的设计人员是不会护士这些差异的。(这些药店不适合于预制结构件,这些预制结构件通常不以连续方式连接。)







Properties of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete

Concrete is a man-made conglomerate stone composed of essentially four ingredients: portland cement, water, sand, and coarse aggregate. The cement and water combine to make a paste that binds the sand stones together .Ideally, the aggregates are graded so that the volume of paste is at a minimum , merely surrounding every piece with a thin layer. Most structural concrete is stone concrete ,but structural lightweight concrete (roughly two-thirds the density of stone concrete)is becoming increasingly popular.

Concrete is essentially a compressive material having almost no tensile strength ,so concrete`s weakness in tension also causes it to be weak in shear. These deficiencies are overcome by using steel bars for reinforcement at the places where tensile and shearing stresses are generated. Under load , reinforced

concrete beams actually have numerous minute cracks which run at right angles to the direction of major tensile stresses. The tensile forces at such locations are being taken completely by the steel “re-bars.”

The compressive strength of a given concrete is a function of the quality and proportions of its constituents and the manner in which the fresh concrete is cured. (Curing is the process of hardening during which time the concrete must be prevented form “drying out” ,as the presence of water is necessary for the chemical action to progress.) Coarse aggregate that is hard and well graded is particularly essential for quality concrete .The most important factor governing the strength , however ,is the percentage of water used in the mix .A minimum amount of water is needed for proper hydration of water used in the mix .A minimum amount of water is needed for proper hydration of the cement .Additional water is needed for handling and placing the concrete ,but excess amounts cause the strength to drop markedly .

These and other topics are fully covered in the booklet, “Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, ” published by the Portland Cement Association. This is an excellent reference ,treating both concrete mix design and proper construction practices. The American Concrete Institute publishes a widely adopted code specifying the structural requirements for reinforced concrete.

Concrete is known as the “formable” or “moldable” structural material. Compared to other materials ,it is easy to make curvilinear members and surfaces with concrete. It has no inherent texture but adopts the texture of the forming material, so it can range widely in surface appearance. It is relatively inexpensive to make, both in terms of raw materials and labor ,and the basic ingredients of Portland cement are available the world over. (It should be noted, however, that the necessary reinforcing bars for concrete may not be readily available in less-developed countries.)

The best structural use of reinforced concrete ,in terms of the characteristics of the material, is in those structures requiring continuity and or rigidity. It has a monolithic quality which automatically makes fixed or continuous connections. These moment-resistant joints are such that many low-rise concrete buildings do not require a secondary bracing system for lateral loads. In essence, a concrete beam joins a concrete column very differently from the way steel and wood pieces join, and the sensitive designer will not ignore this difference. (These remarks do not apply to precast structural elements,

which are usually not joined in a continuous manner.)

Concrete is naturally fireproof and needs no separate protection system. Because of its mass, it can also serve as an effective barrier to sound transmission.

In viewing the negative aspects, concrete is unfortunately quite heavy and it is often noted that a concrete structure expends a large portion of its capacity merely carrying itself. Attempts to make concrete less dense, while maintaining high quality levels, have generally resulted in increased costs. Nevertheless, use of lightweight concrete can sometimes result in overall economies.

Concrete requires more quality control than most other building materials. Modern transit-mixed concrete suppliers are available to all U.S. urban areas and the mix is usually of a uniformly high quality. Field-or-job-mixed concrete requires knowledgeable supervision, however. In any type of concrete work, missing or mislocated reinforcing bars can result in elements with reduced load capacities. Poor handing and/or curing conditions can seriously weaken any concrete. For these and other reasons, most building codes require independent field inspections at various stages of construction.

Proper concrete placement is also somewhat dependent upon the ambient weather condition .Extremely high temperatures and ,more important ,those below (or near) freezing can make concrete work very difficult.


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