高二英语重点词汇短语总结大全 - 范文中心



Unit1 Making a difference

1. 热衷于be on fire for

2. 与…相似,近似be similar to

3. 有…共同点have …in common

4. 因…而闻名be famous for

5. 从事于…work on

6. 与…订婚be engaged to

7. 事实上in fact

8. 继续干go on with

9. 梦想, 梦到dream of

10做讲座give lectures

11. 在二十世纪七十年代早期in the early1970’s

12. 问题的答案answers to questions

13. 另一方面on the other hand

14. 结果是, 证明是, 原来是turn out (to be)…

15. 对…感到满意be satisfied with

16. 与众不同make a difference

17. 相信 ,坚信believe in

18. 颠倒, 相反, 反过来the other way around

19.(时间) 消逝,过去go by

20. 畅销货best seller

Unit 2 News media

1. 与……有联系或关系relate to

2. 就这一次for once

3. 在各方面,到处on all sides

4. 使报纸保持均衡keep the newspaper balanced

5. 条理地;有组织地in an organized way

6. 适应新生活adapt to a new life

7. 对…表示注意……draw ( one’s) attention to

8. 尊敬, 钦佩…look up to

9. 时事,当前发生的大事current affairs

10. 烧成平地,烧毁burn down

13. 倘使…将会怎样what if

17. 面对困难face difficulties

18. 对…有隐be addicted to

19. 给…带来麻烦cause trouble for

20. 让他们的心声被听到 make their voices heard

21. 用…武装be armed with

22. 爱上fall in love with

23. 感到失望feel disappointed

Unit 3 Art and architecture

1. 一些家具some furniture

2. 现代的公寓房a modern flat

3. 一幢公寓楼a block of apartments

4. 同样的, 一样的all the same

5. 个人的风格personal style

6. 借鉴了自然界的例take examples from nature

7. 人造的生存环境 man-made living environment

8. 根据不同的风格建造in different styles

9. 违背了人们的审美标准go against the people’s feeling of beauty

10. 看起来很现代的建筑物modern-looking buildings

11. 可以当作镜子act as mirrors

12. 在材料的选择上in the choice of materials

13. 更接近自然stand much closer to nature

14. 用鱼皮覆盖…be covered with the skin of fish

15. 尽管…事实存在…Despite the fact that…

16. 用树枝做成的鸟巢a bird’s nest made of tree branches

17. 用…装满…fill … with…

18. 属于…belong to…

19. 鸟巢对于鸟就象房子对于人A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man

20. 不再…no longer

21. 推倒pull down

22. 20世纪50年代早期in the early 1950s.

23. 那个时代遗留下来的left from that time

24. 用…做装饰…decorate … with…

25. 20英尺高的玻璃墙twenty-foot high walls of glass

26. 闲置, 放在一边set … aside

27. 不同尺寸的车间workshops of different sizes

28. 刚刚起步的艺术家beginning artists

Unit 4 A garden of poems

1. 把…结合成一整体,汇总bring together

2. 玩耍,灵活地运用play with…

3. 召唤,使想起,使回忆起call up

4. 突出,超出…stand out

5. 因为…而非常出名be famous for

6. 缺少押韵的词…absence of rhyme

7. 英年早逝die at an early age

8. 活到80岁live to 80

9. 导致,通向lead to

10. 和…对比in comparison with

11. 形成come into being

12. 召唤;派人…去请send for

13. 渡过,通过(考试)get through

14. 查找单词的含义look up the meaning of…

15. 从…开始start with

16. 借着蜡烛的光 … by the light of a candle

17. 分辨,区别tell apart

18. 发疯,发狂go insane

19. 投稿,奉献给,对…有帮助contribute to

Unit 5 The British Isles

1. 组成,构成consist of

2. 由…组成,构成be made up of

3. 为人所不知…be unknown to…

4. 充分展示, 利用make the most of

5. 联合起来,组织起来hold together

6. 位于欧洲西海岸沿岸lie off the west coast of Europe

7. 英吉利海峡the English channel

8. 在某一处at one point

9. 一般来讲,大体地in general

10. 全年,整年throughout the year

11. 多达9度as much as nine degrees

12. 一个欧洲国家a European country

13. 上流社会, 上层阶级the upper class

14. 认为…consider … to

15. 凭借第一印象来判断judge a person on the basis of first impression

16. 科学依据scientific proof

17. 离地404英尺 being from the ground 404 feet.

18. 生长着水果和谷物的肥沃的田地 rich fields bearing fruit and grain.

Unit 6 Life in the future

1. 对… 作出预测make forecasts about

2. 瞥见catch a glimpse of

3. 确保安全ensure safety

4. 先进的电脑系统an advanced system

5. 与…保持联系keep in touch with

6. 智能卡smart cards

7. 注意pay attention to

8. 处理;对付deal with

9. 导致;引起lead to

10. (梦想)变成现实 (Dreams) come true

11. 为…作好充分的准备be well prepared for

12. 储备着;就要到来in store

13. 时尚潮流the trend of fashion

14. 在当代社会in contemporary society

15. 陪伴某人keep sb. company

16. 远程教育distance education

17. 终生学习者lifelong learners

18. 不只是more than just

19. 以 …惊人的速度at an amazing speed

20. 编制程序去做be programmed to do…

Unit 7 Living with disease

1. 感染上…become/ be / get infected with

2. 接受HIV 病毒检测get tested for HIV

3. 与…一起生活;忍受;忍耐live with

4. 通过下列途径via the following routes

5. 疾病防疫控制中心the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

6. 破坏,瓦解,分解break down

7. 疾病监测员a disease detective

8. 出生即面临死亡be born dying

9. 破坏人体免疫系统break down the body’s immune system

10让某人活下去keep sb alive

11. 通过血液传播spread through blood

12. 没有采取保护措施的性行为have unprotected sex

13. 缺少适当的医疗保a lack of proper health care

14. 尽情地, 充分地to the fullest

15. 冒险一试,碰运气take a/ every chance take chances

16. 不受…的影响;没有…的be free from

17. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do

18. 使某人振奋cheer sb up

19. 拥抱某人give sb a hug

20. 碰到困难meet with difficulty

21. 与疾病作斗争struggle with the disease

22在贫困地区in poor areas

23. 可怕的场景the terrible scene

24. 采集血样take samples of my blood

25. 相反地on the contrary

26. 患了重病suffer from a serious disease

27. 癌症患者people with cancer

28. 使某人不感到悲伤 keep sb from feeling sad

Unit 8 First aid

1. 进行急救give first aid

2. 紧急时分分秒秒都很重要Seconds counts in an emergency

3. 记住keep in mind

4. 保持镇静stay / keep calm

5. 在路上;即将到来on the way

6. 在五分钟之内within five minutes

7. 着火;开始燃烧catch fire

8. 翻转;倒转roll over

9. 为向…表示敬意;为…纪念in honor of

10. 假使;以防in case of

11. 一张…的清单a list of

12. 止血stop the bleeding

13. 阻止…干某事 prevent… from doing sth.

14. 吐出spit out

15. 为…作证 witness to sth. / doing sth.

16. 上下颠倒upside down

17. 对…有很大益处do a lot of good to

18. 陷入恐慌get in / into a panic

19. 察觉;意识到be conscious of sth.

Unit 9 Saving the earth

1. 参加会议attend a meeting

2. 处理; 专心于; 注意attend to…

3. 对…感到满意的be content with

4. 愿意去做…be content to do…

5…的指南/介绍an introduction to…

6. 接近的方法; 到达的权利或机会gain/have access to…

7. 强调…的重要性stress the importance of

8. 与…协调; 与…一致in harmony with…

9. 结束; 制止put an end to…

10. 擦洗…的内部; 去除; 消灭wipe out

11. 保护某人免遭…defend sb from…

12. 保卫某人抵御... defend sb against

13. 建议(某人) 去做某事 advise doing/sb to do/that sb do…

14. 清洁的饮用水clean drinking water

15. 在农村地区in rural areas

16. 保暖; 取暖stay warm

17. 对…的需求the need for…

18. 采取行动take action/steps/measures (to do…)

19. 对…有害be bad for/do harm to…

20. 有很大影响make a big difference

21. 传遍世界spread across the world

22. 做记录take notes of

Unit 10 Frightening nature

1. 令人害怕的terrifying

2. 对…感到害怕的be terrified by/at/of/into…

3. 发现一个错误spot a mistake

4. 近在手边; 在附近; 即将到来的at hand

5. 从…逃出来flee from

6. 逃到…去flee to

7. 催促/力求/强烈要求某人做某事urge sb to do

8. 与…的同时in the meanwhile

9. 接连打击; 冲击; 漫游; 闲逛 knock about/around

10. 突然地; 冷不防all of a sudden/at once

11. 使他毛骨悚然make her hair stand on end

12. 一连几个小时for hours on end

13. 完蛋了; 不行了; 累死了be done for

14. 越多…越好…The more, the better

15. 低声地; 悄声地in whisper

16. 需要勇气call for courage

17. 另一个方向; 相反the other way

18. 注意到draw one’s attention to

19. 平静下来calm down

20. …被吓得要死be scared to death

21. 惊慌地in a panic

22. 在船上on board

U nit12

1.om …on 从什么时候起

2. used for被用;来

3.walk around到处走动

4.defend …against 保护、、以免、、侵害

5.turn out to be结果是

6.throw light upon阐明某事;是某事清楚come to light 暴露

7.remind sb of …是某人想起

8.in the end最后at the end of---在、、、末尾(at the beginning of)

9.instead of代替。。。而不是

10.dream of doing梦想做某事

11.slow down使慢下来

12.cut up切碎cut off 切断cut down 削减、砍倒cut away剪掉

13.believe in =have trust in信赖(believe sb)相信说的话

14.it is believed that..\people believe…\sb\sth believed to be…相信

15.how\what about ?(你认为)怎么样?

16.make a sketch of 概述..

17.come true实现

18.make a living =earn one’s living谋生

19.lay the foundation for\of

20.all over the world全世界

21.set out 动身(set off for sp) ;着手set out to do = set about doing sth

22.in collision 相撞

23.neither … nor既不、、也不

24.begin with以…开始

25.make money挣钱

26.have ….in common有。。。共同之处

27.at the bottom of在什么的底部

28.in public当众、公开地

29.be interested in 对…. 感兴趣

30.at the age of在…岁时

31.come from出生在、产至、来源于

32.at first最初

33.look at看、注视、查看

34.burn out 烧光;烧坏

35.even if\even though 即使、尽管

36.make a choice of 选定

37.hesitate about doing sth犹豫做、hesitate to do不愿,感到不情愿

38.hunt for=search for搜索、、

39.on board =go aboard (the ship)上船

40.keep sb as prisoner 囚禁某人

41.on the shore 在海滨上

42.apply( to sb )for sth 向某人申请某物

43.throw overboard仍向船外; 摆脱

44.find themselves surrounded by发现他们被。。。包围了

45.go on adventure 去冒险

46.on earth 在世界上、究竟到底、in the earth 在泥土中

47.on the earth 在地球上

48.on the surface of 在。。。的表面

49.at /from a distance从远处

50.in the distance 在远处、远方的

Unit 13

1、 Cover … with用…覆盖…\be covered with 被... 覆盖

2、 upside down倒置、上下颠倒

3、 take away拿走

4、 fill with充满

5、 come up with赶上、提出、想出

6、 make\take notes of作笔记

7、 marine life 海洋生物

8、 all the way从头至尾、自始自终by the way顺便说一下 in no way绝不in a way在某种程度上in the way阻碍

9、 be made up of\consist of由…组成

10、 break down 分解、出故障、(会议、谈判的)失败

11、 mix with与…相混合

12、 even though\even if即使;纵然

13、 break up关系的破裂\驱散人群

14、 be measured in 以…计算\测量

15、 take advantage of对……加以利用

16、 be sensitive to对……敏感

17、 give off 散发,放出(a liquid,gas,smoke or smell)

18、 give away 泄露,分发\give up 放弃,屈服 give out 1. 发出声、光、热、信号2. 分发报纸、书本等3. 筋疲力尽

19、 do the work起作用

20、 relationship between …and …\在…与…有联系、关系

21、 range from…to … (在…内)变化

22、 contribute to有助于……,捐给,提供给, 向…投稿

23、 a variety of\varieties of种类繁多的

24、 the masses/the mass of大部分, 大多数

25、 A mass of/masses of 许多,大量

26、 be absorbed in集中注意做某事

27、 be of benefit to 对……有益

28、 benefit ….from 从……获益

29、 provide sth for sb \provide sb with sth 为 …提供…

30、 protect … from … 保护… … 免受

Unit 14

1、 put\cast\throw into prison把…投入监狱

2、 join hands联手

3、 be active in 积极参与…活动

4、 march on前进;行进

5、 set an example to sb\set sb an example 为…树立榜样

follow\copy one’s example 学…榜样take …for example以.. 为例

6、 from then on从那时起

7、 at frist sight乍一看;初见之下\catch sight of\at the sight of


lose one’s sight 失去视力

8、 dream of\about doing sth梦想做某事

9、 as a result of作为…的结果

10、 lead to导致

11、 so that为的是;使得;结果是;以致

12、 set free释放

13、 take a bus乘公车

14、 give a speech作报告;发表演说

15、 thousands of数以千记的

16、 all over the world全世界

17、 all one’s life一生

18、 in the end最后

19、 separate …from …把…与…分隔开

20、 give one’s life for为…献出生命

21、 in part部分地; 在一定程度上

22、 be well known for因…而有名

23、 start with\begin with以.. 开始\end (up)with 以…结束

fight for为.. 斗争\fight against反对.. 斗争fight with和…一起斗争

24、 at the same time同时

25、 think of\look upon\take\regard …as 、consider …to be\as把…看

26、 be arrested by 被逮捕

27、 have a\the\no right to do sth有(无) 权利做 …

28、 be forbidden by 被禁止

29、 the reason to do sth

30、 the reason for doing\sth

31、 the reason why…is that

32、 have great fun\have a lot of fun\have a wonderful time\enjoy

oneself 玩得开心\in fun 开玩笑地\make fun of 嘲笑,取笑


Unit 15

1.bring up把…. 培养大

2.every now and then\again 不时的

3.get the itch for sth\ have an itch for( doing) sth 渴望…

4.next to 靠近

5.be located in=lie in 坐落于

6.take a dip 游泳

7.try one’s daring 尝试胆量

8.be well-known\famous for 以…非常著名

9.work out: 算出(总数); 来好结果;训练、锻炼

10.bring up把…培养大

11.place of interest 名胜

12.Cool off \ down ,变凉,平静下来,冷淡下来

13.be / get tired of :对…受够了;对…厌烦

14. be/get tired from/with …. 因…而疲倦

15.offer to do 愿意(主动提出)做…

16.offer sb. sth.=offer sth to sb 愿意或有意给某人某物

17.provide \supply sb with sth

provide sth for sb \supply sth to sb向某人提供某物

18. provided / providing that = on condition that =only if倘使、假如

19.work out: 计算出;带来好结果;训炼、训练

20.consider doing sth 考虑做某事

21.sth be considered to be \as 把…认为是

22.Take a dip =have a dip/ go for a dip 游泳

23.at any rate 无论如何

24.Complain (to sb)(about/ of sth)向某人抱怨某事

25.need \want \require \worth doing sth= need \want \require\worth+to be done

26.be upset about 对…感到心烦

27.get separated分开

28.get lost 迷路

29.guarantee sth./ sb.sth.担保….

30. guarantee to do sth. 保证做…

31. celebrate sth 庆祝某事

congratulate sb (on sth) 祝贺某人

32. a four-day festival 四天的节日

be located in 坐落于

there is no need to do sth没有必要做…

it is no use\no good doing sth 做某事没用,没好处

33. avoid sth\ doing sth 避免…

Unit 16

1.in vain 徒劳;白辛苦

2.make sacrifices for…. 为…作出牺牲

3.at the sacrifice of…以牺牲…为代价

4.there are signs that …. 种种迹象表明

5.be determined to do sth 决心做…

6.a. 坚持要求;坚持认为 insist on sth\(one’s) doing sth

insist that sb (should) do sth

b. 坚持说;固执地声称(尤指别人反对或不信时)

insist 后的从句不用虚拟语气

7.on sale 出售;上市;for sale 待售

8.leave\let sb\sth alone 不打扰;不理会

9.as a result 结果 as the \a result of…由于…、作为…的结果result from …. 起因于… result in…=lead to…导致

10.resist sth\ doing sth 抵制,抵抗;耐…

11.in turn依次地, 轮流地; 转而, 反过来 by turns 轮流

12.drive off 赶走

13.burn down 烧毁,烧为平地;(蜡烛等)渐渐烧完,火力减弱

14.recover from从…中恢复过来

15.take away: 在餐馆(买回家);带走;使离去; 剥夺

16.lead sb to do sth.使某人做某事

17.a series of+(复数名词) 整体用作单数,一系列一连串

18.in honor of sb / sth: 出自对某人或者某物的敬意

19.replace =take the place of代替 取代

20.deal with处理, 对付, 论及, 涉及;与……有来往, 与……有交易

21.in spite of sth /doingsth尽管;不管;不顾

22.be far behind 远远落后

23.in huge \big\ large \great numbers大量地

24.have an effect on\upon sth对…有影响

25.on \upon one’s arrival 某人一到达就…..

26.be proud of sth 为…而骄傲

27.be proud to do sth 很荣幸地做某事

Unit 17

1. make a contribution to … = contribute to …+ n. / doing

2. assist (sb) in doing =assist sb with sth=assist(sb) to do sth

3. fail to do sth. = not perform or not do无法做到;不做

4. participate in … 参加

5. win an award for young scientists 获小科学家奖

6. be over 结束

7. get around四处走动;(消息等) 传播出去; 避开, 逃避; 绕过某困难

8. get dressed穿衣服

9. live a rich life过着多彩的生活

10. make a contribution to society为社会作贡献

11. a matter of . …的问题

12. launch a special education college 创办一所特殊教育学院

13. play a valuable role 起到有价值的作用

14. realize one’s dreams实现梦想

15. in the year 2000/in 2000在2000年

16. live with接受 容忍

17. get the itch for sth\ have an itch for( doing) sth 渴望…

18. wish (sb.) to do/that (虚拟语气)/表祝愿

19. it ’s time to do\it’s time for sth\it’s time that(虚拟) 是做、、的时间了

20. every four years =every fourth year 每四年

21. the( mentally )disabled 智障人

22. the(visually )mpaired弱视人

23. receive (reatment \education)接受(治疗、教育)

24. adjust (oneself )to 使适应、、

25. be motivated by 被、、鼓励\激发

26. win a game\war\prize\victory( over ) 战胜、、

27. defeat\beat +sb\a team 打败、、

28. (let\make\have )sb do sth 使、让某人做、、、(被动要还原to)

29. it takes sb sometime to do 花某人时间做、、

30. develop one’s potential 发挥某人的潜能

31. overcome difficulty 克服困难

32. a sense of、、的感觉\意识

33. make sense有意义、讲得通

34. be gifted in \at方面有天赋

35. consider doing 考虑做、、

36. be considered to be \as 被认为、、、

37. offer guidance 提供指导、引导

38. be accessible to 容易得到\了解\亲近、、、

39. get used to doing 习惯于、、、、

Unit 18

1、 be tired of 对…感到厌倦

2、 be tired with \from 因…而劳累

3、 allow for 顾及;考虑到

4、 get\be stuck(in) 陷进去

5、 break away from 摆脱;脱离

6、 be aware of \that (句子) 意识到;知道

7、 trial and error反复实验;不断摸索

8、 on trial 在测试中;受审

9、 throw away 仍掉;抛弃

10、throw sth to sb 把.. 扔向…

11、 throw sth at sb 把…砸去

12、throughout history 遍及历史

13、come up with sth 找到或提出(答案、办法)

14、in common 共同;共有

15、do well in 在…成功、做的好

16、have a good knowledge of 对…很熟悉

17、describe …as 把…描绘成,把…说成

18、as many+n(复) as possible 尽可能多的…

19、as + adj + a +(名单) as possible(sb can\could) = a + (名单) as +adj

+as possible

20、a series of 一系列;一连串

21、make connections 进行联系

22、be connected to\with被与…相连

23、have a deep \great respect for 对…很尊敬

24、think of 想到;想起

25、think about 考虑;想起

26、a great many +(名复) 许多;大量

27、at least 至少

28、after all 终归;毕竟;终究

29、keep track of 保持与.. 联系;记录;

30、attempt to do (具体事)attempt doing (长期的、一贯事)

31、make an attempt to do sth= make an attempt at doing sth 试图做…

32、remain(+adj) 意为“保持…… 状态/行为”,remain invisible\hidden\seated仍然看不见\隐藏\坐着

33、as with (=like) +V-ing \n 正如…一样

34、be similar to 与…相似

35、at a such high pace 如此高速地

Unit 19

1、 offer up献上, 献出

2、 go down on knees跪下

3、 have mercy on sb

=show mercy to sb对……表示怜悯

4、 at the mercy of任由…. 摆布,在…掌握之中

5、 in the eyes of在……看来

6、 as far as I know就我所知

7、 pay back偿还, 报答、pay off还清

8、 turn around转身

9、 tear up撕毁

10、tear down弄倒, 拆除

11、 offer up 奉献

12、bleed to death流血而死

13、argue with sb同某人争执

14、swear to heaven对天发誓

15、promise (sb )to do sth 答应(某人)做某事

16、do the deed 做事;付诸行动

17、sign the agreement 签署协议

18、in one’s power 在某人的掌握之中

19、by law 依据法律

20、beg sb for sth 向某人乞求某物

21、envy sb sth嫉妒或羡慕某人某物

22、despite(in spite of )+n\v-ing=though\although虽然、尽管

23、take one’s seat 入座,占好位置,取得地位

24、be seated \ be sitting \sit down坐着

25、may \might as well do sth 还是做某事的好


1)order that sb(should)+do

order sb to do 命令某人做某事

order sth to be done 命令某事被做

2)order sth预定某物

27、sth be precious to sb 某物对某人来说珍贵


29、1)require that sb(should)+do。要求某人做某事

2 )sth + require + doing = sth + require + to be done 某物需要……

30、worth doing (to be done)可用主动表被动

31、be worthy of being done 值得做某事be worthy to be done

The house is worthy of being bought. = The house is worth buying.

32、go about doing sth set about doing开始着手做set out to do

33、in\as a consequence of 由于…的结果

34、be in love with fall in love with与……相爱

35、turn around 反过来, 转过来, 以不同的方法

36、in one’s power 在某人的掌握之中

37、argue with sb/ about/ over sth (与某人) 争论(某事)

38、cut off割掉;切断;剪掉

39、sign the agreement 签署协议

38、pay for sth. 为、、付款;为某事吃苦头或受惩罚

pay back “还钱给某人”

pay sb. back (sth.)

pay sth. back

pay sth. off 全部偿还

pay sb. off 付清工资予以解雇;贿赂某人

39、accuse sb of (doing) sth指责, 控告某人某事

Unit 20


1.date back to \date from追溯到

2.on one’s left side 左侧

3.give sb an idea of sth使某人大致了解

4.a piece of clothing 一件衣饰

5.next to 紧结着

6.a variety of 许多,种类繁多的

7.for these reasons 由于这些原因

8.come from a place not very far 来自一个不太远的地方

9.weigh four tons on average 平均重达4吨

10.It ’s a mystery how sb did sth 某人如何完成某事是个谜

11.be linked to\with与…联系

12.have a hand in doing sth 参与做某事

13.since then 自从那以后

14.a large quantity of\quantities of大量的

15.remind sb of 提醒某人某事

16.have a history of 有…长的历史

17.in the spring of 1929 在1929年的春天

18.warmly receive sb 热情接待某人

19.cover a vast area of 12 square kilometers 覆盖了12平方千米的广大面积

20.a danger to 对…是个危害

21.get damaged or lost 遭到损坏或丢失

22.a matter of education 一个关于教育的问题

23. tell what is to be done 告知将要做什么

24.consist of 组成

25.further damage 更进一步的毁坏

26. make sb come for nothing 使某人来却一无所获

27.develop/take a real interest in 对…产生真正的兴趣

28.result in导致,造成的结果

29.weigh one’s own interest against… 拿某人自己的利益与…相衡量

30. cause the loss of 导致…的损失

31.look very much like 看起来非常象

32.make sb a man of distinction 使某人成为一个卓越的人

34.tend to 趋向于,有…的习惯

35.a man of distinction显耀的人物


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