商务英语专业职业技能测试题(2) - 范文中心




READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 minutes



Question 1-5

Look at questions 1-5.

In each question, which sentence is correct?

For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

What is the problem whit the order?

A The goods are delayed.

B The goods are lost.


A They will close the factory on 3 November.

B They will move to a new factory on 3 November.

C They will open the factory again on 3 November.

A He used to work for Townley Vehicles.

B He is applying for a job as a sales manager.

C He was employed by Weston Motors in the past.


Telephone our new office if you want to order anything.

B Visit our new office and talk to us about what you need.

A lower than expected.

B the same as expected.

C higher than expected.


Questions 6-10

● Look at the list below. It shows pages from a company’s website on the internet. ● For questions 6-10, decide which page (A-H) is the most suitable for each person below to select.

● For each question, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

●Do not use any letter more than once.

7 Rachel Cains wants to find out when the company started trading.

8 Hazel Thomas needs to know the name of the Personnel Officer.

9 Dominic Noble has to find out how the company performed last year.

10 Benjamin Tidswell wants the address of his nearest Sky Systems dealer.




● Look at the charts below. They show movements in the share prices of eight companies in relation to their sectors, at the close of trading on five days.

● Which chart does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?

● For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

● Do not use any letter more than once.

11 The sector average rose in the early part of the week, then sank back, although

this company’s shares remained firm after an early sharp rise.

12 This company’s share price mostly kept in step with the sector average, though



15 holding slightly firmer at the end of the week. In spite of performing better than the sector average for most of the week, this company’s shares lost this advantage on Friday. While the sector gradually fell back, with a slight recovery at the end of the week, this company generally performed much better than the average. Although there was little movement in the sector as a whole, this company’s

shares followed an upward trend, peaking at the end of the week..



 Read the article below about a new product.

 Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not

enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.

 For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

17 Before he set up Genera, Dr. Parton used towork for a British water company.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

18 The new product has been a commercial success in the USA.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

19 Each of the tests costs £42,500 .

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

20 Genera Technologies has orders for 25 more tests.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

21 The British government is helping Dr Parton to sell the test abroad.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

22 The number of employees at Genera Technologies has recently increased.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say


Questions 23-28

 Read the article below about job interviews and the questions on the opposite


 For each question 23-28, on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.


A. they prove the candidate will act appropriately in different circumstances.

B. They show the candidate can remember details of the situation.

C. They demonstrate how the candidate might act in the future.

24 Why is asking candidates to imagine their reactions to a situation unhelpful?

A. Candidates may have no experience of this situation.

B. Candidates may act differently in the real-life situation.

C. Candidates may never meet such a situation.

25 According to the article.

A. candidates should ask questions at the end of the interview.

B. Interviewers should ask all the candidates the same question.

C. Interviews should all last for roughly the same length of time.

26 What does Jan Godley say about the managers in her company?

A. They must spend some time with customers in the store.

B. They must know the first names of all their staff.

C. They must spend most of their time in their offices.

27 Management applicants at Aspley Supermarkets are

A. asked a number of questions about their personal qualities.

B. Assessed on their ability to work within a group.

C. Asked to say what leadership skills the job will require.

28 According to Jan Godley, how do candidates often behave at interviews?

A. They show a lack of confidence at first.

B. They are skilled at hiding their nervousness.

C. They suddenly lose confidence when asked difficult questions.


Questions 29-40

 Read the magazine article below about a company which checks on the service

provided by shops.

 Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B or C on the opposite page.

30. A our B his C their

31. A whether B how C if

32. A while B when C as

33. A still B yet C already

34. A has B is C was

35. A until B after C later

36. A From B During C since

37. A increase B increasing C increased

38. A this B that C the

39. A of B at C too

40. A sign B signed C signing


Questions 41-45

 Read the memo and letter below.

 Complete the form at the bottom of the page.

 Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on



Question 46

 You have ordered some new office equipment, However, some of this equipment

will arrive a week later than planned.

 Write a memo to all staff:

●saying which equipment will be delayed

●explaining when it will arrive

●apologising for the delay.

PART TWO (10%)

Question 47

 Read this part of a letter from the conference organizer at Greenwood Conference

● informing him which dates you would like to book

● telling him how many participants there will be

● giving details of the type of accommodation required

● asking him to confirm the cast of the weekend

●Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.

●Do not include postal addresses.


Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes’ transfer time)


Questions 1-8

● For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.

After you have listened once, replay each recording.

1 In which month will auditors come?

A September B November

C December

2 Which products have



Questions 9-15

● Look at the notes below.

● Some information is missing.

● You will hear an interview between Anna Marsh, who works for a business magazine, and Jim Davenport, who works in the publicity department of a company, Gold Express.

● For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers, or letters.

● After you have listened once, replay the recording.


Questions 16-22

● Look at the notes below.

● Some information is missing.

● You will hear part of a business news programme.

● For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words.


Questions 23-30

● You will hear an interview with a woman who publishes magazines.

● For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. ● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

23 Sally wanted to borrow one billion pounds to

A. start a new company.

B. Purchase a large company.

C. Expand a small company.

24 Sally got the money for her company, Close Communications, from

A. a bank.

B. social contacts.

C. her business partner.

25 Sally recruited her staff by

A. inviting candidates for a meal.

B. Contacting former colleagues.

C. Advertising in newspapers.

26 Close Communications encourages its employees to travel by

A. car

B. train

C. bicycle

27 If Close Communications is successful, the staff will receive

A. a bonus payment.

B. A pay rise.

C. A share in the profits.

28 For their offices, all staff were given

A. a budget to spend on furniture.

B. The same kind of furniture.

C. A limited choice of furniture.

29 Sally thinks that people are usually unhappy at work because

A. Their salaries are too low.

B. There are too many forms to complete.

C. There is too much management control.

30 In their first year, Close Communications will produce

A. 2 magazines.

B. 9 magazines.

C. 16 magazines.

《国际贸易实务》知识测试 (10%)


1、在《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》中,就卖方承担的风险而言( )


B、 D组贸易术语最小,F组和C组其次,E组术语最大




舱同时施救,A舱共有两批货物,甲批货物全部焚毁,乙批货物为棉织被单,全部遭受水浸,B舱货物也都遭受水湿( )





3、信用证规定到期日为2001年5月31日,而未规定最迟装运期,则可理解为( )





4、在交易磋商中,( )






而仅有受损方承担损失,这种损失( )

A、属部分损失 B、属全部损失

C、属推定全损 D、有时是全部损失,有时是部分损失

6、就卖方风险而言( )



7、信用证未规定“限制转运”条款,则( )

A、视为允许转运 B、视为不允许转运

C、除贵重物品外,允许转运 D、除繁忙航线外,不允许转运

8、速谴费是指( )





9、如付款方式为L/C和D/P即期各半,为收汇安全起见,一般应在合同中规定( )







立跟单汇票,寄单邮程共10天,向付款人作承兑提示的日期应是( )

A、1月2日 B、1月12日 C、2月11日 D、2月2日


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