双语阅读:立马吓跑男友的十宗罪(组图) - 范文中心



http://www.sina.com.cn2010年01月05日 10:23   沪江英语



No.10 - She knows things about you that you haven't told her。


Especially in the early stages of arelationship, men keep secrets:ex-girlfriends, yearly income and theamount of hair that is real (andfake) on their thinning domes. It willall be revealed in due time, butfor now this is personal information。



No.9 - She introduces herself to your family & friends behind your back。



You've hesitated to introduce her to yourfriends and family becausethe relationship is new or you just mightnot be sure it's somethingthat is going to the next level. Suddenly,your mom is asking questionsabout her and your friends want to knowwhen she is coming out fordrinks. She has found a way to skip your introductions and connect withthe people in your life behind your back。

两人刚开始交往、男生会犹豫要不要把女友介绍给自己的亲友。“因为我确实还不太确定我们的关系是否会有进展。” 而突然,全世界似乎都认识了我的女友。原来她背着我、先把自己介绍给了我的亲朋好友!


No.8 - She responds to messages on your behalf。


The obligations never end. If it’s not anout-of-town wedding thisweekend, it’s a birthday party for a friend you haven’t said a word toin months. You’ll RSVP on your own time andon your own terms -- unlessshe has already made the calls and penciledin everything on your socialcalendar. She has become your social secretary, making sure to respondto every invitation with a “plus-one。”



No.7 - She has all your passwords without you having given them to her。


There is something odd going on: You havee-mails in your deleteditems folder that you don’t remember reading,phone messages from friendsthat aren't making it onto your voicemail and text messages aredisappearing off your cell phone. The only explanation is that yourgirlfriend has figured out your passwords。



No.6 - She shows up in places unexpectedly。


There are times when you just want to hangwith friends or even justbe alone. She doesn’t care about either. Sheshows up at the bar as ifshe were the guest of honor and knocks on your door before calling tosee if you're home. She appears at work, at the gym and at thebookstore!



No.5 - She made a key to your house without asking


A brutal week at work has you dreaming ofa night full of cold beersand hours of Xbox until your fingers cramp.You get home to find yourpartner

sitting on the couch, waiting to go out. Not only is your weekendshot,but you can't figure out how the hell she got into your place. Shemadeher own key. How she did it isn’t important right now becauseyoushould be much more concerned with why she did it and what you’regoingto have to say to get it back。



No.4 - She stops taking birth control without telling you。


You ditched the love glove weeks ago because she is on the pill.Atleast you think she is on the pill. You haven’t see her take it,shehasn’t had to stop at the pharmacy for a refill and, now that youthinkabout it, you can’t recall the last time she had a monthly visitfrom“Aunt Flo。”



No.3 - She gets physical when arguing。


Couples fight. The minor disagreement has turned into a majorshouting match. If you don't walk away, punchescould be thrown. Whileyou'd never hit a woman, your partner has cockedback and let one looseon you on more than one occasion。



No.2 - She threatens to hurt/kill herself。


She is on to the fact that you aren’thappy and might be looking fora way out. She realizes that onlydrastic measures will keep you around.She starts making crazy statements in the middle of arguments, like,“Ifyou leave, I’d probably kill myself” and other threats of bodily harm.Is she serious? You don’t really want to test her but you can’t keep uplike this。

当她意识到我已经不再爱她、要和她分手的时候,她就会像疯了一样威胁我:“如果你离开,我就自杀!” 或是做其他伤害自己的行为。我当然不能看着她这样,但我也不能因此就不和她分手……


No.1 - She won't let you break up with her。


It's not going well. The relationship is anightmare. It's time topull the plug. Only problem: She won't let you.You've tried countlesstimes, but she doesn't get the hint. She won'tlet you break up with herand every time you think she has understoodthe hint, she is back in yourhouse, hanging with your mom and showingup at your work to go to lunch。




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