大学生面膜市场调查报告 - 范文中心



Mask Market Research Report

Executive summary

As people's living standards improve more and more people begin to pay attention to the maintenance, and the survey shows that college students accounted for a large part of the mask of consumer groups, through our survey of consumers, understand the mast and consumer mentality, the future development of the market. We conducted a questionnaire survey on the college students facial mask consumer market, from which we can have a preliminary understanding of the general situation and the characteristics of the students' facial mask market.


This report will look at:

● A questionnaire survey was conducted among College Students.

● Statistical analysis of the collected data, and make a summary of the specific

situation, analysis and evaluation.

● Recommendation for action.


1. In the investigation of "skin" view, most people choose the skin is almost no allergy, indicating that most people for their skin condition is only a superficial understanding, so we should publicize the importance of skin care products and skin health knowledge.

2. In the survey of "what kind of skin would you like to improve", the most option is whitening, and the second option is moisturizing. On the one hand, this shows that the main force of consumer skin care products is women, on the other hand, it shows that the skin care products for sale must focus on the functions of whitening and moisturizing.

3. The price of 70 yuan to 100 yuan is the most acceptable price relative to other prices in a survey of the highest budget for the purchase of a box of facial skin care products.

4. In the survey of "favorite promotions", the most option is price discount, which is in line with Chinese shopping habits. We should offer discounts when we sell.

5. In the survey of "favorite brands", most people are willing to try the hottest mask on the market. Therefore, our products should be the most popular mask on the market.


1. Most people do not know enough about their skin problems, and lack of understanding of the importance of skin care products. Therefore, it is necessary to publicize the importance of skin care products and the knowledge of skin health.

2. The effect of skin care should focus on whitening and moisturizing.

3. Mask prices should be between 70 and 100 yuan.

4. Brands should focus on the hottest masks on the market and the main promotion methods are discounts.


First of all, to increase publicity on skin care, and then in the early days to give consumers preferential discounts, and consumers can get some free facial mask, if they buy two boxes of mask.



1、请问您的性别是? (单选题 *必答)

○ 男

○ 女

2、以下成分系列中,您最喜欢的一种面膜是? (多选题 *必答)


□ 纯天然原生态面膜

□ 植物面膜

□ 其他

3、您希望自己的肌肤在哪方面得到改善? (多选题 *必答)

□ 美白

□ 没有痘痘

□ 紧肤

□ 保湿补水

□ 深层洁面

□ 控油

4、在您使用面膜过程当中,您更偏爱哪种面膜? (多选题 *必答) □ 贴式面膜

□ 水洗型面膜

□ 免洗型面膜

□ 睡眠型面膜

□ 膏泥型面膜

5、您喜欢下面的哪些方式? (多选题 *必答)

□ 价格打折

□ 买面膜赠少量面膜

□ 送实物礼品

□ 会员优惠

□ 返优惠卷

6、你喜欢的面膜品牌有哪一些? 为什么喜欢? (填空题 *必答) ________________________

7、您购买一袋盒面膜的最高预算是多少元? (单选题 *必答) ○ 0---70

○ 71---90

○ 91---100

○ 100以上

8、如果您要买护肤品,您常去下面哪里看看呢? (单选题 *必答) ○ 淘宝

○ 大型商场专柜

○ 化妆品专卖店


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