小学二年级英语教案 - 范文中心



Unit 4 Ann’s family

V ocabulary:

family, mother, father, sister, brother, me, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, join us, poor, ouch, orange, queen, panda, rat, rooster, octopus, peacock, rabbit, puppet, quilt.


Who’s that?

That’s my father.

That is my father.

Period 1


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Chant it together.

三、Presentation and practice

step1, talk to Ss about their families. Make sure they understand that a family can include a mother, a father, brothers, sisters. Then talk about the extender family, especially grandmother and grandfather.

Give each child a large piece of paper. Tell Ss they are going to draw a picture of their family.

Ask Ss to hold up their completed pictures and say, “This is my family.”

Step 2, hold up your masks of Ann and Ken.

Using Ann’s mask say, “That’s my sister.” Have Ss say the sentence after you.

Using Ken’s mask say, “That’s my brother.” Have Ss repeat this.

Choose two Ss to hold the masks. Have one holding Ann’s mask say, “That’s my sister.” Then

have the other say, “That’s my brother.”

Repeat the procedure a few more times with other Ss.

Step3, say to Ss, “Open your books.” Hold up your book. Ask these questions about the pictures:

Picture 1: What is Mocky doing?

Picture 2: What is Ann showing Uncle Booky?

Picture 3: Who is Uncle Booky looking at?

Picture 4: Who is Uncle Booky looking at now?

Picture 5: Who is the girl in the picture?

Picture 6: Who is the boy in the picture?

Picture 7: Who is this?

Picture 8: Who are in Uncle Booky’s picture?

Step4, T: Now we’re going to hear what the characters said.

Play the tape. Have Ss look at the pictures as the tape is played.

Play the tape again, pausing at each new picture. Have Ss repeat the words before you move on to the next picture.

Divide Ss into two groups. One group will be Uncle Booky and the other group will be Ann. The leader of each group holds up the character’s mask.

Play the tape again. Pause after each statement. Each group repeat the dialog for their character. Then the groups switch roles.

Explain the meaning of the dialog for Picture 6. Tell Ss that Ann is agreeing with Uncle Booky. She says, “Yes.”

Remind Ss about no, which was introduced in Unit 3. Ask questions that elicit the answer no.

Ask other Ss questions so that they can answer yes or no.

Step5, Homework

Ask Ss to tell their families about the English words for family members.

教学后记:学生对故事的内容很感兴趣,学的较好,但是对句子That ’s …掌握还不熟练,须课后加强训练。

Period 2


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


This activity reviews the structures: This is (Ken). Who’s that? And That’s / That is (Ann).

Have one student take your place and invite another student to join the first student. Make sure they stand close together.

三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Have Ss hold up their drawing of their own families. Ask the class to repeat, “This is my family.”

Then ask Ss to work in pairs. One student points to a family member in the other student’s picture and ask, “Who’s that?” The second student replies, “That’s my …”.

Then Ss change the roles.

T: now draw your own family and hold up the picture. Point to one figure in the drawing. Ask, “Is this my father?” Ss answer yes or no. repeat for your other relatives in the picture.

Step2, have Ss look at the pictures at the top of the page.

As you play the tape, have Ss point to the correct picture as Ann talks about the members of her family.

Play the tape again while displaying your copy of the page. As the tape is played point to the words one at a time.

Without the tape, read the words together. Have Ss touch each word as they say it.

Step3, point to the family pictures at the bottom of page 40. Play the first statement on the tape and touch the picture of Ann’s sister.

Stop the tape. Have Ss open their books. Tell them that you want them to touch the correct picture each time Ann speaks as you continue to play the tape.

Now play the tape again. This time ask Ss to circle the word they hear, for example brother, mother, etc.

Step4, play a game.

Say to Ss, “Open your books.” Hold up your copy of page 41. Say, “We’re going to play about families.”

Show Ss the picture at the top of the page. Point to Ann, father, mother, sister and brother and ask Ss to name each one.

Point to the picture of Mocky. Say, “This is___.” Allow Ss to answer, “Mocky.”

Still work on the top of the page. Have Ss match the names on the right with the correct characters.

Have Ss match the faces in the top picture with the silhouettes in the lower picture. Have them say the names in the right order. There is one extra silhouette. Ss must guess who it is. First, ask the whole class who the extra figure is. It is, of course, Uncle Booky.

Step5, homework.

教学后记:学生对this is与that is还会有混淆的现象,但是对that ’s my都能熟练地说出是谁的称呼。对aunt 的发音还有待巩固。

Period 3


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


三、Presentation and practice

Step1, divide the class into two groups.

Hold up one character mask. Have Ss in one group ask, “Who’s that?” encourage the other group to answer. “That’s (Tommy).”

Repeat with the other five masks.

Step2, Use the same two groups. Give one student the Ann mask and have him or her stand at the front of one group. And do the same with a student from the other group and the Ken mask.

Have the first group speak Ann’s part to ask. Have the second group speak Ken’s part and answer.

Now have Ss turn to the top of page 42. Say, “Now we can read what we said.”

Step3, have Ss open their books. Explain that you will play a tape and they will hear something about Ann’s family.

Play the tape one sentence at a time. Stop after each sentence. Have Ss touch the correct character in the picture.

Play the tape again. This time have Ss number the pictures in the correct order.

Step4, ask the class to recall the letters they have learnt.

Now ask them to look at Uncle Booky’s ABC. Say, “Find the letters you know. Now look at the next letter. This is letter O.”

Wr ite the letter Oo on the board. Then say, “This is letter O. can you find the word that begins with the letter O?” Check that Ss have found it.

Step5, have Ss return to page 43. Display your copy of the page. Draw Ss’ attention to the row of pictures of words beginning with Oo.

Play the tape, pointing to the matching picture of each word.

Now replay the tape, and have Ss point to the matching picture in their books.

Replay the tape, and have Ss say the words aloud.

Step6, Repeat the procedure that was used to introduce the letter Oo.

Step7, Homework

Color the letter Oo in one color and the others are in different colors.


Period 4


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


三、Presentation and practice

step1, review the letters that we have learnt.

Display your page. Point to each picture in turn, for example Octopus, O, O, octopus.

Now play the tape. As Ss listen to each word, they should point to its beginning letter.

Without the tape, have Ss point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.

Have Ss trace the letters beside each picture.

Step2, Have Ss find “Touch and say” on page 45. Display page 45 of your book and read the words in the speech bubble, pointing to each word.

Have Ss repeat the words as you point to each one.

Tell Ss that you will point to the character in the picture, and they will say the words for that character.

Ss could also repeat the activity in pairs or small groups.

Step3, Using picture or real object to review the following words: rat, rabbit, panda. Make sure Ss

can say these things when given a picture or a real object.

Use flashcards and have Ss practise reading these words.

Read the rhyme to Ss, pointing to each word.

Play the tape for the whole rhyme and have Ss listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.

Play the tape again and have Ss join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with rhythm.

Have Ss point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also actions and act the rhyme out.

Step4, Homework

Tell Ss they can color the pictures for “Match Ann’s family.”

教学后记:学生对剩下的单词掌握的较好了,但对于拼写还是须多下工夫,很多学生会与拼音混淆。把chant 配上动作,学生较感兴趣,所以学的也较好,课后须巩固一下学生对复数s 的发音,效果会更好。

Period 5


1 Sing a song.

2 Greetings.


Chant it together.

三、Presentation and practice

Step1, Uncle Booky’s storytime.

T: we are going to listen to a story.

Play the tape, ask Ss to listen to the story with their books closed.

Have Ss to look for familiar words in the story.

Have Ss read the story silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Give them more time to listen and say.

Step2, another family game.

This game reviews the family vocabulary presented in this Unit and the structure “That’s my __.”

Divide the class into small groups. Have Ss take out their family drawings from lessen 1.

Have each student in turn show their drawing and name each family member, “That’s my aunt” etc.

Step3, Bingo

Use this game to review the character names, vocabulary, and letters introduced in Unit 4.

Step4, Snap.

This game reviews new vocabulary and letters introduced in Unit 1 through 4. it is best played in pairs.

Ask Ss to take out their small flashcards for the words.

Step5 Homework

Have Ss do “Self-assessment” this part in pairs or in groups by themselves.

教学后记:学生在找出相同句子的时候开始自己把认识的句子读出来了,对于这种学生给于奖励,鼓励其他学生也迅速找出学过的句子。这样学生对Uncle Booky’s storytime就学的较好,本节课着重训练了单词的拼写,效果比前几节课好。


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