英语短篇故事 - 范文中心



‘It must be broken.’The girl thought that and tried to get her coins back. But she failed. ‘All right, just three coins. ’She left the vending machine and waited for the bus. Soon the bus came near the station, the girl was about to leave when she suddenly saw a man standing in front the vending machine.

‘Sir, the machine is broken. ’The girl came to him and said.

‘Well, thanks.’The man seemed a little unnatural. The bus had already gone, so the girl was still waiting. ‘I thought Iwas the only person here.’She turned her head but there was no one. ‘Where is the man? He was just over there! ’ She looked around and found nobody. ‘How strange it is!’ Thinking of this, she came to the vending machine again. Surprisingly, she found that the slot of the machine was empty, which a coin of hers should have been stuck in. The machine looked like nothing bad. She put another three coins in, and again, nothing in return. ’Oh! Again! ’the girl left the machine and went to wait for her bus.

Casually, she glimpsed at the vending machine. There stood the man she had met before.

‘How could that happen?’ She turned back, walked towards the man and said: ‘Ididn ’t see anyone before. How could you be so silent without a sound?’

The man seemed a little startled by the sudden voice.

‘And the slot is empty again! Are you a repairman? If so, you don’t do a good job’

‘Well, I’m not. To tell you the truth, and you may not believe, I’m a time traveller. I don’t know why, but it seems that every time you put three coins in this machine, I’ll appear. However, I can’t stay there for a long time.’ The man looked straightly at the girl’s eyes and tried to make his words trustworthy.

‘A time traveller! Inconceivable! It ’s just exists in movies or novels.’The girl didn’t believe him at all.

‘But you did see me appear and vanish, didn’t you?’ Looking at the man ’s shabby clothes and dirty worn-out shoes, the girl said yes with a hesitation in her voice. ‘Can you tell me something about future?’

‘No, ’ the man replied decisively, ‘I can’t change the history. ’

‘Right …’

‘Here comes your bus. You’re about to leave.

‘You know which bus I’m waiting for? ’ The girl seemed to believe him.

‘Or course.’ The man said with a smile on his face. The girl got on the bus, and when she looked through the bus window, the man vanished again. ‘What a magic!’ the girl thought, ‘I’d tell my friends about this thing. ’

In the blind angle behind the vending machine where lacks sunlight, the man looked at the six coins and smiled more sincerely. ‘Just a little trick maneuver on the machine makes six coins. A time traveller? I won ’t believe such stupid lies. Look, those school kids know nothing except study.’

Footsteps were heard and another schoolgirl came near the vending machine.


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