国际商务英语 - 范文中心







Unit 1

1. comparative advantage 比较优势

2. mass-produce 大规模生产

3. tariff 关税

4. balance of payments 国际收支

5. raw material 原材料

6. finished products/goods 制成品

7. semi-finished products 半成品

8. futures 期货

9. primary commodity 初级产品

Unit 2

10. offer 报盘

11. counter-offer 还盘

12. FOB: free on board 装运港船上交货

13. FAS: free alongside ship 装运港船边交货

14. CIF: cost insurance and freight 成本、保险费加运费

15. customs clearance 海关清关

16. insurance policy 保险单

17. documentary collection 跟单托收

18. transportation claim 向承运人索赔

19. arbitration 仲裁

20. beneficiary 受益人

Unit 5

21. nontariff barrier 非关税壁垒

22. quotas 配额

23. MNEs: Multinational Enterprises 跨国公司

24. subsidiary 子公司

25. antidumping duty 反倾销税

26. countervailing duty 反补贴税

27. free trade 自由贸易

Unit 7

28. joint venture 合资企业

29. patent 专利

30. trademark 商标

31. capital 资产

32. coalition management 联合管理

33. parent company 母公司/总公司

34. autonomous management 自治管理

商务英语阅读 单词(5个中—英,5个英—中)10分 翻译(句子5个,英—中)30分 判断(10个) 20分 阅读理解(3篇) 30分

Unit 8

35. intellectual property 知识产权

36. tangible assets 有形资产

37. copyright 版权

38. performance appraisal 业绩评估

39. promotion 晋升/升职、推销

40. demotion 降职

41. recruitment 招聘

42. application form 申请书/申请表

43. employment agency 职业介绍所

44. merger 兼并

45. lay off 解雇

46. domestic market 国内市场

47. production line 产品线

48. intangible assets 无形资产

五、 句子翻译

1. Japan, a closed society for many centuries, was opened up for trade at the end of the 19th century.


2. As long as there are minor, relative differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity, even a poor country can have a comparative advantage in producing it.


3. On the other hand, they are reluctant to assume the financial or political obligations that this collaboration may bring.


4. After shipment is made, if L/C is used, the exporter should present to the negotiating bank the documents within the time specified by L/C.


5. If the loss or damage is due to the negligence of the carrier, the claim should be made against the carrier.


6. letter of credit(L/C) 信用证,信用状。 信用证主要有以下几种:

documentary credit 跟单信用证

clean credit 光票信用证

revocable L/C 可撤销信用证

irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证

confirmed L/C 保兑信用证

unconfirmed L/C 不保兑信用证

sight payment L/C 及其付款信用证

deferred payment L/C 延期或迟期付款信用证;无承兑远期信用证

acceptance L/C 承兑信用证

negotiation L/C 议付信用证

sight L/C 即期信用证

time(usance) L/C 远期信用证

transferable L/C 可转让信用证

untransferable L/C 不可转让信用证

revolving L/C 循环信用证

reciprocal L/C 对开信用证

anticipatory L/C 预支信用证

7. The new code on technical barriers to trade requires consultation between trading partners before a standard that impedes trade is put in place. The code also requires that testing and certification procedures treat imports and domestic goods equally and that the importing country accept certification to standard in the exporting country.


8. The GATT allows importing countries to protect domestic producers from unfair competition by imposing additional duties on products that have received export subsidies or are “dumped ” at low price.


9. Historically, the GATT has prohibited import quotas except on agricultural products, as emergency measures, or when a country has short-run balance of payments problems.


10. During the Tokyo round natural resource-producing were largely unsuccessful in their attempts to harmonize tariffs on a sectoral basis to increase their ability to upgrade prior to export.


11. Interpersonal friction in the multinational management group must, therefore be regarded as a basic but normal problem of managing a joint venture enterprise. 因此,跨国公司管理层的人际摩擦应视为合资企业管理上基本正常的问题。

12. Each partner is faced with the problem of explaining and justifying to the other or others , as the case may be, its headquarters’ decisions and actions in respect to the operations of the joint venture.


13. A registered trademark remains valid for a period of ten years and may be renewed for one or more additional ten-year terms, as long as it is in continuous use.


14. Although an employee’s immediate supervisor performs the appraisal, the HRM department is responsible for working with upper management to establish the policies that guide all performance appraisals.


15. Planning for human resources is a challenging task today, given an increasingly competitive environment, projected labor shortages, changing demographics, and pressures from government to protect both employees and the environment.


16. Candidates are usually located through newspaper and professional journal advertisements, employment agencies, word of mouth, and visits to college and university.


17. Newcomers are introduced to their colleagues, acquainted with their responsibilities, and informed about the organization’s culture, policies, and expectations regarding employee behavior.


18. Performance appraisal, which includes both informal performance appraisal and formal systematic appraisal, compares an individual’s job performance to standards or objectives developed for the individual’s position.


19. A booming economy might encourage expansion, which would increase the demand for employees.



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