长沙市20**年中考英语试题 - 范文中心





第一节 语法填空 从A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空(共10小题,计10分)


21.---__________ I use your dictionary?

--- Of course. But please return it to me before you leave.

A. Must B. Need C. May

22. There is ________ wrong with my back and it hurts seriously.

A. anything B. something C. Nothing

23. It’s necessary for us _________ to our parents when we have problems.

A. to talk B. talking C. Talk

24. – Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?

-- No, I _________it last week.

A. see B. have seen C. Saw

25. –Rose, could you please water the flowers in the garden?

--Why _________? You see, my brother is listening to music.

A. me B. I C. Mine

26. –Jane Zhang is going to hold a concert here in July.

-- Really? ________ exciting news!

A. How B. What an C. What

27.-- I called you last night , but you didn’t answer.

-- Sorry, Grace. I________I am A Singer when the phone rang.

A. am watching B. was watching C. have watched

28. _______he had failed many times, he didn’t give up and succeeded in the end.

A. Unless B. Although C. If

29. There will be ___________ cars in the city because people will prefer the subway.

A. fewer B. less C. More

30. –Could you tell me ________the Dragon Boat Festival in China?

--Sure. People usually watch the dragon boat races and eat zongzi.

A. when do people celebrate

B. why people celebrate

C. how people celebrate

第二节 词语填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答

案(共10小题, 计10分)


I am not a brave girl, and even a little mouse scares(惊吓) I’ve been crazy about bungee jumping(蹦极). One day, I found a good place for this Thailand by surfing the Internet. I packed my bag and flew there. However, I had no idea how to get to the address listed on I called them and took a taxi, but the taxi driver didn’t know the way, either. He dropped me halfway.

Having bought some bread, I had to wait for the car that was supposed to pick me up. Just then a young man jumped out of a car and asked if I was Jenny. Then we to the bungee jumping place. I was amazed by the sights along the road through the window of the car.

I quickly signed an agreement which said I I might die, a harness(安全带). The guide led me through a gate, asked me to sit in a special seat and tied my andankles(踝) well。

I was nervous but not scared. As soon as I stood up and felt my ankles together, I got scared, I walked slowly to the edge(边) of the bridge and looked back. The workers looked at me and couldn’t help laughing. At last it was time to go. So I jumped as forward as I could.

At that moment my memory seemed to stop. I felt going up, like riding a fast lift, and them another drop and… Finally, I stopped in the air. I spread my arms wide, laughing loudly and The workers pulled me up, smiling at me.

31. A. But B. Or C. So

32. A. task B. sport C. subject

33. A. magazine B. newspaper C. website

34. A. walked B. ran C. drove

35. A. put out B. put on C. put off

36. A. legs B. ears C. eyes

37. A. tied B. divided C. spread

38. A. close B. far C. short

39. A. themselves B. himself C. myself

40. A. sadly B. angrily C. proudly


第一节 阅读理解阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答或完成句




41. How can you get more information about the advertisement?

A. By visiting the website of Wenhua school.

B. By calling Mike at 845---6789.

C. By sending your resume to the school.

42. Which of the following is not required according to the advertisement?

A. Good computer skills.

B. Good communication skills.

C. At least three-year teaching experience.


43.What is Poodle like?

A. It’s brave B. It’s lovely C. It’s shy

44.From the chart(图表)above , we know that_________.

A. Poodle was lost two years ago

B. we can call Sarah or email her if we find Poodle

C. parents are not allowed to look at the display on June 15,2015

45. How long will the display last?

A. Half an hour B. An hour C. Two hours

第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共15小题,计30分)



China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪). Chinese people are among the mostin the world. If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests.

When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Then he will serve you snacks(小吃) like biscuits or candy. Someone in the family will also chat with you, never letting you feel lonely.

At the same time, other family members will prepare a meal for you. Chinese people treat (款待) their guests with a big meal. They always present more food than the guest can eat. On the table, the guests must be the first to eat. Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors, which won’t happen at western tables. The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home. As you are done eating, the host usually says,”It seems that you didn’t eat much. Please have more.” Although you tell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl.

Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius (孔子) said thousands of years ago:

To meet friends from after

How happy we are!

46. What does the underline word “hospitable” mean in this passage.

A.好客的 B. 勤劳的 C.朴实的

47. As a guest in a Chinese family, you are usually offered_____ by the host.

A. coffee and snacks B. juice and snacks C. tea and snacks

48. Why does a western visitor feel surprised when the host picks food for him?

A. Because he thinks it’s not polite.

B. Because he thinks it’s not necessary.

C. Because it won’t happen in western countries.

49. What the Chinese family do for the guests is to_____.

A. make them feel at home

B. show their wealth

C. make them feel uncomfortable.

50. What’s the meaning of the words by Confucius at the end of the passage?






Li Ting,15,from Shanghai, was preparing a talk on some western festivals. She searched online for certain information and made PowerPoint presentations(展示).

Wu Qiong,her classmate, was doing his chemistry homework carefully. But he couldn’t work out the last problem even he tried his best. So he took out his mobile phone, opened a special app(应用软件),and searched the problem. Answers soon appeared on the screen in several seconds.

Nowadays,many students do homework online with the help of the Internet like Li and Wu.They search information online, use apps or discuss through QQ and Wechat.

“It’s convenient.You don’t have to wait for your teacher to explainit to you face to face.”According to Wu.” You can also learn by seeing how others work them out. What’s more, it improves students’ abilities. And it’s especially true for new kinds of homework. I am quite skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office.”

However, this trend(趋势) also causes problems. Some lazy students just copy the answers online without thinking. Even some ask their classmates to do homework for them. And their teachers don’t know the fact.

Anyhow, knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control. When you come across(遇到) a difficult problem, think about it by yourself first. Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers after you have turned to the Internet, or you won’t make progress. If you are not sure about your self-control, ask your parents for help.

51. Both Li Ting and Wu Qiong used the Internet to _____

A. play games B. search information C. take exams

52. Paragraph 4 is mainly about_____ of doing homework with the help of the Internet.

A. the advantages B. the disadvantages C. the problems

53. Which problem is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 5?

A. some students only copy the answers online.

B. some cheat their teachers by asking their classmates to do homework for them.

C. Nobody is able to finish their homework now without the Internet.

54. ____ is the key to using the Internet to study.

A. Self-respect B. Self-control C. Self-development

55. In this passage the writer wants to tell us that _____.

A. the Internet can be a good helper if we use it properly.

B. the Internet has made all the students lazy.

C. it’s not necessary to learn to use the Internet.



Have you ever heard of e-waste(electric waste,电子垃圾), which can be produced every day? How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when they’re broken or you want a new one?

Most people just throw them away. With the development of electric industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.

It’s important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful(有害的), depending on how we deal with it. E-waste is a valuable urban mine(城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can be reused. But if people throw them away, the toxic chemicals(有毒化学物质) can get into the earth or air, the environment and people’s health.

Apple, for example, now recycle people’s used products in China when they are buying new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower prices. To help reduce(减少)e-waste, we can also take computers and phones to see if companies offer recycling programs.

56. The following can become e-waste EXCEPT_____.

A. computers B. mobile phones C. plastic bags

57. Which country produced most e-waste last year according to the United Nations?

A. America. B. China. C. Japan.

58. What does the underline word “affecting” mean in this passage?

A. 保护 B. 影响 C. 改善

59. From Paragraph 4, we learn that_____.

A. the recycle Apple products will be sold at higher prices.

B. buying longer lasting electronic products is a good way to reduce e-waste.

C. it’s better to keep the unwanted electronics in your bedroom.

60. The main purpose of this passage is to_____.

A. prove that e-waste is useless.

B. encourage people to buy more electronic products.

C. advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce pollution.

第三节 阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。


My father used to work in the city and seldom stayed at home. But he would come back help to harvest(收割) rice every year.

One autumn, he promised to help our neighbor, who lost his arms in a traffic accident in 1999, to harvest his rice. After Father harvested our town, his little rice picker broke. What’s worse, he had to return to work the next day because his partner was ill in hospital. It meant that Father wouldn’t be back in a few days. It now seemed impossible to help out the neighbor.

Father told us that be wouldn’t let the neighbor’s rice rot( 糜烂) in the field. He decided to harvest it by hand without a machine. “If tonight’s weather is clear, I think I can do it.” added my father. In fact, he was rather tired after a day’s harvest work.

After dinner, Father had a short rest and made his way to the field. A full moon was glowing (发光) in the sky and the weather was cold but clear. He spent the whole night keeping his word.

I would never forget the image(画面):Father was cutting rice in the light of the harvest moon. Behind him, row after row of rice stocks(秸秆) stood at attention, showing respect for a man who kept his word.

61. Did Father always stay with the family?

62. What happened to the neighbor in 1999?

63. Why was Father required to return to work?

64. How did Father help the neighbor harvest rice in the field?

65. How long did Father spend in harvesting the neighbor’s rice?


第一节 语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分)


What are magic words? Words like ‘thank you’, ‘please’ and ‘sorry’ can work wonders in our daily life. These polite expressions are used every day in American – among strangers, between friends or with family.

What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? 67. 信。68. The words ‘thank you’ are very important and used very often. We say them when someone hands us a letter, passes us a book, offers us a drinks, or lends us an umbrella.

‘Please’ is another important word, but many people forget to use it. It is not polite to ask someone for help without saying ‘please’.may be a book, a pen, or more milk. It may be in the classroom, at home, or at the bus stop. We can use ‘please’ to make a request(请求)pleasant.

If we have hurt someone’s feeling, we will have to say ‘sorry’. When we have told a lie and regret it, the same word should be used. Sometimes we have forgotten something or broken a promise, so we need to explain with the word as a beginning. ‘sorry’ is such a word that can make people forget wrongs.

‘Thank you! Please! Sorry!’ – these words are simple but useful. Man said them long ago. We use them now. So will our kids.






第二节 情景交际阅读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。


A: Hey , Frank,71.________________________?

B: Pretty good.

A: Did you have fun last weekend?

B: 72. _______________. I went to the old people’s house with my friends and have a good time

A: Wow, What did you do there?

B: We helped the old clean their houses and chatted with them. How about you?

A: I just read a science magazine.

B: Oh, really ? 73. _____________________?

A: Hum… it is about the main cause of smog (雾霭) and ways to beat it.

B:Great! But 74 . ______________________?

A: We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem, I think.

B: You do?

A: Yes, natural gas is a good choice. By the way,75. _________________________?

B: It’s 7:45 now.

A: Oh, God. Hurry up or we’ll be late.

B: OK.

第三节 书面表达(计10分)


76. 假设你是李华,现就读于某寄宿制中学。你的室友王明经常违反寝室(dormitory)规定,如不整理床铺,休息时间大声拨打电话,未经许可(permission)动用他人物品,离开寝室不关灯等。为了提醒他改正不良习惯,做个文明室友,你决定写一封电子邮件给他。





To: wangming63@sohu.com

Subject: To be a great roommate

Dear Wang Ming,

I’m writing to kindly remind you of the dormitory rules.

Best wishes,






1. respect each other 互相尊重

2. therefore 因此

3. obey the rules 遵守规定

4. without permission 未经允许


Dear Wang Ming,

I’m writing to kindly remind you of the dormitory rules.

Best wishes,


第 11 页 共 11 页


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